【2018最新】北京景点英文导游词-word范文 (15页) 下载本文



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北京景点英文导游词怎么写?小面就为大家整理了十三陵英文导游词、天安门广场英文导游词、故宫英文导游词、天坛导游词英文和英文长城导游词及颐和园英文导游词,欢迎阅读! 北京景点英文导游词:十三陵 Ladies and gentlemen:

Everybody is good! With the start of the car, we today's tourism activities has officially started.

Very happy today to have the opportunity to accompany you to visit the Ming tombs.

The world famous Ming tombs, is located in changping district of Beijing yanshan piedmont.

In the range of 40 square kilometers around, buried in the 13 Ming dynasty emperor, 23 empress and numerous concubines, prince, princess, and from the buried maid-in-waiting, etc.

Here, have a friend familiar with Chinese history may question the heart: a total of 16 emperors of the Ming dynasty, why only buried 13 here? To answer this question, we must reconstruct the history of the Ming dynasty.


The Ming dynasty's founding emperor zhu yuanzhang, the urban construction in the nanjing today, died and was buried in the nanjing zhong shan \

Because prince Zhu Biao die earlier, so succession to the grandson Zhu Yun turn.

The yongle emperor zhu di is from his nephew Zhu Yun turn win the wealth in his hand.

Zhu di to treacherous court official in Beijing in addition to the name, and he sent his troops south.

His emperor Zhu Yun turn was missing in the devastation. Some people say that the house on fire burned, a monk is what possessions, this in the history of the Ming dynasty is still a unsolved, so there is no tomb.

The seventh emperor of the Ming dynasty Zhu Qiyu, because his brother British ancestors Zhu Qi town in \the captive, palace can't a day without the Lord became emperor. British ancestors was put back later, under his partisans confidant of planning have a \emperor.

Zhu Qiyu died, not admit that he is the emperor, the Zhu Qiyu tomb built in the Ming tombs area destroyed, and put him as a \was buried in a golden hill west of Beijing.

So, 16 emperors of the Ming dynasty and two buried elsewhere, a missing, the rest of the 13 were buried here, so a general designation \

The Ming tombs is one of the world's most intact, bury the emperor a tomb complex.


The Ming tombs built in a match made in heaven beautiful mountains, about 50 km from the city, the entire land area of about 40 square kilometers.

Ming tombs of the land was conducted in accordance with the principle of feng shui site selection and construction, because people in ancient China, whether in the construction of houses or build tombs, etc. , are very exquisite \

And the emperor is pretentious, was not only to live a life of luxury, also want to continue to enjoy after death, so the choice of ling to see more crucial.

When selecting a ling addresses, you must choose good there are mountain water, natural environment and the ability to \reservoir wind\

And the Ming tombs is such a nice place: the whole land of the east, west, north, surrounded by green mountains on three sides, and longshan to the south and the tiger coming around, forming a natural portal, is in line with the feng shui \ The middle like a huge garden, land and wenyu river from northwest to southeast in winding its way through the, hold water in the form the land.

Whole land with long ling is the key to great palace gate - changling line as axis, the north is for the interest mountain town. Surface water back mountain, gas reservoir wind, really is a ideal ling.

Yongle emperor chose to present day shou, also after a lot of trouble.