高考英语一轮复习语法精讲系列讲座十特殊句式(倒装、省略和强调)对点训练 下载本文

讲座十 特殊句式(倒装、省略和强调)


1.(2014·湖南卷)________(make) what you're doing today important,because you're training a day of your life for it.

2.(2014·湖南卷)It's not doing the things we like,but liking the things we have to do ________ makes life happy.

3.(2014·四川卷)Was it because Jack came late for school ________ Mr.Smith got angry?

4.(2014·全国大纲卷)Not only________the nurses want a pay increase,they want reduced hours as well.

5.(2014·全国大纲卷)________(call) me tomorrow and I'll let you know the lab result.

6.(2014·福建卷)It was the culture,rather than the language,________made it hard for him to adapt to the new environment abroad.

7.(2015·石家庄模拟)Not until one of his works was published______________to gain his confidence in writing.(able)

直到他的一部作品出版,他才对写作有了自信。 8.(2015·邯郸模拟)—How terrible it is today!

—______________.A very bad day for swimming,isn't it?(be) ——今天天气多糟糕啊!


9.(2015·贵州师大附中模拟)The girl spent as much time surfing the Internet as she ________ shopping.(do)


10.(2015·安徽江南十校联考)To such a degree__________________________his boring performance that some of the audience began to feel sleepy.(go on)


答案:1.Make 解析:句意:让你今天所做的事情有价值,因为你是在用生命中的一天进行交换。分析句子结构可知,主句没有主语,由此判断这是一个祈使句,所以用动词原形。

2.that 解析:句意:不是做我们喜欢的事情而是喜欢我们要做的事情才使得人生幸福快乐。此处为“It's...that...”强调句,强调的是句子的主语,故填that。

3.that 解析:句意:史密斯先生生气是因为杰克上学迟到了吗?分析句子结构可知,

这是强调句型的一般疑问句。句型为“Was/Is it+被强调部分+that+其他部分?”,故用that引导。

4.do 解析:句意:护士们不仅想要增加报酬,她们也想要减少工作时间。“Not only...but also...”连接两个并列的分句时,若not only位于句首,则其后的从句要用部分倒装结构。

5.Call 解析:考查“祈使句+连词+陈述句”句式。句意:明天给我打电话,我会让你知道实验结果。由连词and可知“________me tomorrow”一定是句子,故填Call。

6.that 解析:句意:是文化而不是语言使他很难适应国外的新环境。It was...that构成强调句型,强调句子的主语。

7.was he able 8.So it is 9.did 10.did he go on with 二、根据汉语意思完成句子

1.Only by increasing the number of doctors by 50 percent_______________________ ____in this hospital.


2.Not until we went through real hardship______________the love we have for our families is important.


3.At no time________________________________.It was unfair to punish them. 实际上他们从未违反比赛规定,惩罚他们不公平。

4.Not once____________________________he could one day become a top student in his class.


5.Only when he apologizes for his rudeness______________________________. 只有在他为自己的无礼道歉时我才会再理他。

6.________________________________________Mr.Gross realized the task before him was extremely difficult to complete.

直到阅读了这些文件之后,Gross先生才意识到摆在他面前的任务是极难完成的。 7.______________________________________she mentioned her own plan. 直到在书信快结束的时候她才提到她自己的计划。

8.It was________________________________the mountain climber was rescued. 正是在当地导游的帮助下这个登山者才被营救了。

9.(2015·合肥二检)______________his own safety,though he was in great danger himself.


10.(2015·安徽师大附中模拟)The police were seeking more information to find out__________________________.


11.(2015·厦门质检)—______________bargaining is so interesting? —Sometimes it is a test to see who stand their ground for the longest. ——讨价还价究竟为什么如此有趣呢?


12.(2015·长沙市一中、湖南师大附中等六校联考)The interviewee has no inner shame to show his edge over others.________________________.


13.(2015·咸阳二模)We should keep in mind that the earth is our only home and only by saving the environment______________.

我们需要铭记的是,地球是我们唯一的家园,只有拯救环境才能拯救我们自己。 14.(2015·温州二模)______________________among the tourists before you leave,will you?


15.(2015·长沙四县一市联考)“Well done,John!Not a single mistake______________in your paper this time!” said the teacher.

老师说:“约翰,你做得太棒了!在这套试卷中你一个错误都没有犯!” 答案:1.can the patients be treated properly 2.did we realize

3.did they actually break the rules of the game 4.did it occur to Michael that 5.will I speak to him again 6.It was only after he had read the papers that 7.It was not until near the end of the letter that 8.with the help of the local guide that 9.Little did be care about 10.who it was that killed the rich merchant 11.Why is it that 12.Neither does he have the outer fear 13.can we save ourselves 14.Distribute these brochures 15.did you make