2015-2016年外研版高中英语选修六Module-5作业题及答案解析6套Module 5 第3课时 下载本文

Period Three Integrating Skills


1.All the characters in the book are i________.They are not real. 2.By a________ the parts of the sentence,we learn more about English grammar. 3.He can’t r________ the temptation and often plays computer games. 4.He’s a prime ____________ (嫌疑人) in the murder case. 5.What ________ (品种) is your dog?

6.The wood has ________ (腐烂) away completely. Ⅱ.选词填空

by mistake,treat... as,a sequence of,rely on,as follows,as far as we know

1.He __________ his parents for food and clothes. 2.He __________ the orphan ________ his own child. 3.I’m sorry I took your umbrella __________. 4.My suggestions are ______________.

5.____________________,Tom is an honest boy. 6.We will hold ________________ activities. Ⅲ.同义词辨析


(1)He ________ his voice to make himself heard. (2)The sun ________ in the east and sets in the west. (3)Accidents ________ from carelessness.

(4)Many questions also ________ in the cloning of sheep. 2.用cure,treat的适当形式填空

(1)Which doctor will ________ you for your disease? (2)The doctor ________ him of his cancer.

(3)The fresh air on the farm ________ him of his illness. Ⅳ.单项填空

1.The way the guests ________ in the hotel influenced their evaluation of the service. A.treated B.were treated C.would treat D.would be treated 2.—How about your journey to Mount Emei?

—Everything was wonderful except that our car ________ twice on the way. A.slowed down B.broke down C.got down D.put down

3.Misunderstanding ________ from lack of social communication,unless ________ properly,may lead to serious problems.

A.arisen;handling B.arising;handled C.rising;handled D.risen;handling

4.The two students ________ in chatting in the classroom without noticing their teacher coming in.

A.absorbed B.were absorbed C.were absorbing D.had absorbed

5.The tourist is prevented for entering a country if he does not have ________ passport. A.an operative B.an efficient C.a valid D.an effective

6.Whether an operation should be performed in this case ________ very much on the patient’s general condition.

A.relies B.counts C.concentrates D.depends

7.I could hardly imagine so pretty a girl like you ________ taekwondo.

A.like B.to like

C.liking D.to have liked 8.—You seem to show interest in shopping. —What?________,I’m getting tired of it.

A.On the contrary B.To the contrary C.On the other hand D.To the other hand

9.One of the best ways for people to keep fit is to ________ healthy eating habits. A.grow B.develop C.increase D.raise 10.—Did you see the pop star last night?

—________,we were left waiting in the rain for two hours. A.What’s more B.That is to say C.In other words D.Believe it or not Ⅴ.完形填空

My family went out to McDonald’s one winter morning.It was just our way of __1__ special playtime with our son.

We were standing in __2__,waiting to be served,__3__ all of a sudden everyone around us began to __4__ away and then even my husband __5__.As I wanted to see what happened I __6__ a horrible “dirty body” smell,and there __7__ behind me were two poor homeless men. As I looked at the short gentleman,who was __8__ me,he smiled and said “Good day”. His beautiful skyblue eyes were full of __9__ as he searched for acceptance. The second man __10__ with his hands as he stood behind his friend. Then I __11__ the second man had mental sickness and that the blue-eyed gentleman was his salvation (救星).

The young lady behind the __12__ asked him what they wanted. He said, “Coffee is __13__,Miss.” In fact,that was all they could __14__.(If they wanted to sit in the restaurant and kept __15__,they had to buy something.)

Then I asked the young lady behind the counter to give me two __16__ breakfast meals on a separate tray(托盘). I then put the tray on their table. The blue-eyed gentleman __17__ at me with tears in his eyes and said,“Thank you.” I patted his hand and said,“I didn’t do this for you. God is here working through me to give you __18__!”

I started to cry as I walked away to __19__ my husband and son. When I sat down,my husband smiled at me and said,“That is __20__ God gave you to me, honey,to give me hope.” 1.A.sharing B.contacting C.mixing D.taking 2.A.surprise B.patience C.line D.time 3.A.then B.when C.though D.while 4.A.run B.back C.go D.turn 5.A.would B.could C.had D.did 6.A.tasted B.got C.smelt D.felt 7.A.standing B.living C.sitting from B.different from C.friendly to D.close to 9.A.fear B.pity C.kindness D.sadness 10.A.begged B.greeted C.waved D.played

11.A.saw C.thought 12.A.counter C.crowd 13.A.cheap C.all

14.A.afford C.supply 15.A.cool C.calm

16.A.delicious C.better

17.A.picked up C.showed up 18.A.food C.hope 19.A.join C.follow 20.A.how C.whether B.realized D.recognized B.door

D.gentlemen B.right D.anything B.offer D.order B.warm D.fit B.hot D.more

B.turned up D.looked up B.help D.warmth B.find D.catch B.why D.because

what is clear is that...……是明白的(清晰的)

What is clear is that Li Hua will win the first prize. 大家都清楚,李华将获得一等奖。

What is clear is that buying a house in big cities is difficult for young people. 大家都清楚,对年轻人来说在大城市里买房很难。


Ⅰ.1.imaginary 2.analysing 3.resist 4.suspect 5.breed 6.rotted

Ⅱ.1.relies on 2.treated;as 3.by mistake 4.as follows 5.As far as we know 6.a sequence of

Ⅲ.1.(1)raised (2)rises (3)arise (4)arise

解析 (1)arise 不及物动词,意为“出现,产生,造成”,多与problem,difficulty,matter等词连用。arise from/out of 由……引起。


(3)raise及物动词,意为“提高,举起,提出,筹款,抚养,饲养”。 2.(1)treat (2)cured (3)cured

解析 (1)cure v.治愈,消除(弊病等)。强调结果。主语可以是医生,也可以是某种药。常用搭配cure sb. of sth.。

(2)treat v.治疗,对待,款待。强调过程。常用搭配treat sb. for sth.。

Ⅳ.1.B [句意为:客人在旅馆中受待遇的方式影响他们对服务的评价。the guests与treat