2020人教版八年级英语下册-unit 3单元检测卷 下载本文


Unit 3 Could you please clean your room?单元检测卷



( )1. A. How lazy you are! B. It is clean and tidy. C. OK. I'll do it soon. ( )2. A. Sorry. I'm using it now. B. It is 500 dollars. C. That sounds boring. ( )3. A. In the washing room. B. On weekends. C. For one hour. ( )4. A. I swept it already. B. It is very dirty now. C. Not at all. ( )5. A. The soup is too salty. B. It's on the table. C. Here you are,Mom. (二)听五组对话和问题,选择符合每个问题的正确答案。每组对话和问题读两 遍。

( )1. A. The living room. B.The bedroom. C.The schoolroom. ( )2. A. Yes,he can. B. We don't know. C. No,he can't. ( )3. A. He washed the dishes. B. He washed his clothes. C. He made his bed.

( )4. A. She cut her legs. B. She cut her fingers. C. She cut up tomatoes.

( )5. A. In the sitting room. B. In the bedroom. C. In the kitchen. (三)听一段长对话,根据对话内容选择每个问题的正确答案。对话读三遍。 ( )1. How is Ben going shopping?

A. By car. B. By bus. C. On foot. ( )2. Ben should buy ? A. rice and mutton

B. beef,rice and vegetables C. beef,vegetables and bread ( )3. What will Ben do after shopping?

A. He will cook lunch. B. He will feed their cat. C. He will clean his car.

( )4. Ben and Sandy haven't visited their parents for . A. three weeks B. three months C. three years ( )5. Jack is Ben and Sandy's .

A. brother B. neighbor C. friend (四)听短文,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。短文读三遍。 ( )1. The story happened in the afternoon.

( )2. Tony's mother asked him to feed the chicken and milk the cow. ( )3. Tony liked feeding the chicken. ( )4. Tony kicked the cow too.

( )5. Tony's mother didn't give him eggs and milk for breakfast. 二、单项选择。

( )1. Wu Yi will help with the housework he gets home after school. A. since B. while C. as soon as

( )2.Would you please your MP3 a little? Your baby sister is sleeping.

A. turn up B. turn down C. turn on D. turn in ( )3.--Could you please do the dishes for me,Jim'? -- .I have to make my bed. A. Yes, sure B. OK C. Sorry, Morn D. No problem ( )4.--Is Nancy these days? --Yes. She is still in hospital now.

A. ill B. strong C. happy D. tired ( )5. --May I use your computer? --Sorry. I'm it now.

A. thinking of B. deciding on C. working on D. adding up ( )6. My mom be happy if she this mess when she comes home from work.

A. doesn't;looks B. isn't;sees C. won't;sees D. can't;looks ( )7. I will tell him the news as soon as he back. A. come B. came C. will come D. comes

( )8. I some books Tony last week. And I will give them back next week.

A. lent ; from B. borrowed ; to C. lent ; to D. borrowed ; from ( )9. Tony got up early this morning catch the early bus. A. so B. in order to C. so that D. because ( )10. Do you mind my the window? It's too hot.

A. close B. open C. closing D. opening 三、完形填空。

Nancy is serious about the chores in her house. She gives her children things that they can do according to their l . She started by asking John,the 2 of her two sons,to help with the dishes. It is now an 3 chore for a 15-year-old boy. He can finished it easily. His 13-year-old brother,Dave,now 4 John,too. They take turns to wash the 5 each week. The boys also clean their study tables, 6 their beds and buy food from the market on Sunday mornings. Besides(除了) these, the boys also know 7 to cook easy meals when their parents are not at home. The family of four live in a big house but they do all the housework 8 . Nancy says,\独立地) and learn how to 9 ourselves. Now I'm doing it to my kids. \chores is 10 . You learn important life skills and responsibility(责任).\( )1. A. age B. height C. build D. weight ( )2. A. elder B. taller C. younger D. shorter ( )3. A. important B. easy C. interesting D. Exciting ( )4. A. enjoys B. finds C. hates D. helps ( )5. A. bikes B. hands C. dishes D. Clothes ( )6. A. carry B. make C. wash D. sell ( )7. A. what B. where C. when D. how ( )8. A. yourselves B. ourselves C. themselves D. herself ( )9. A. take care of B. take part in C. make use of D. work o ( )10. A. terrible B. great C. difficult D. possible



Henry worked on a ship,doing tricks(魔术). Each week he showed the same tricks over and over again,because the passengers on the ship were different. There was also a parrot on the ship. It saw the shows so many times that it understood everything. Then it started shouting during the show:

\ \ \ Henry was very angry but could do nothing.

One day the ship had an accident and broke into pieces. Henry fell into the water. When he climbed up onto a piece of wood,he found the parrot there. He looked at the parrot angrily and did not say a word. This went on for one day,then another and another. In the end,the parrot said, \shows. Please tell me where you've put the ship and I won't open my mouth again !\( )l. Henry worked on a ship,

A. doing tricks B. playing with a parrot C. selling flowers D. looking for his hat ( )2. The parrot saw the shows so many times that

A. it knew where the ship was B. it became very angry C. it didn't want to say a word D. it understood everything ( )3. After the accident, Henry was on a piece of wood with

A some passengers B. the parrot C. some cards D. the table


Research says that husbands do not do their fair share of work around the house. A study from an American university says that men seldom (很少) do the same share of housework. Researchers interviewed 182 working couples who became first-time parents. Both husbands and wives worked almost the same number of hours in full-time jobs. However, men did five hours a week less housework than women after

their baby was born.

It is a different story for mothers. Becoming a parent added 21 hours a week to a mother's work. Most of this was looking after her baby. New fathers did not do more work because they did not realize the mother was doing so much more. Another reason is that after a baby is born, fathers follow the\roles. That is, the mother looks after the baby and the father works outside. This happen: even when the mother is working the same number of hours in her job. ( )4. It is found that do less housework. A. wives B. husbands C. parents D. babies

( )5. The underlined sentence \ . A. mothers come from different families B. mothers like reading different stories.

C. mothers work more hours than fathers D. different mothers have different children ( )6. What is the \

A. Working outside. B. Looking after the baby. C. Doing housework. D. Doing part-time jobs. ( )7. Being a parent,a mother spends most of added 21 hours a week in A. cleaning the house B. working in the office

C. looking after her baby D. cooking for her baby and husband ( )8. Which part of a newspaper can this passage be taken from? A. Sports. B. Medicine. C. News. D. Society. 五、词汇运用。


1. Doing housework can help to (发展) kids' independence. 2. Grace cut one of her (手指头) when she cut the onions. 3. Could you please (递给) a bag of salt? 4. Mrs. Green became our (邻居) ten years ago.