【人教版】七年级英语上册:Unit6单元练习(含答案) 下载本文

Unit6 Do you like bananas?单元练习


1. His cousin often has French fries, tomatoes and for dinner. A. chicken B. a chicken C. the chicken 2. --- What do you have for breakfast?

--- I usually have and . A. bread; noodles B. breads; noodles C. breads; noodle D. bread; noodle 3. Bob likes , but I don't like .

A. salad; they

B. salad; it

C. salads; it

4. --- What in the picture?

--- I can see some .

A. is; potato

B. are; potato C. is; potatoes 5. --- How many would you like?

--- Five.

A. bananaes B. tomatoes C. carrotes 6. Maria likes thrillers but she comedies. A. not like B. likes C. doesn't like 7. She bananas.

A. don't like

B. isn't like

C. doesn't like

8. --- your brother basketball?

--- Yes, he does.

A. Is; like B. Do; like C. Does; likes 9. everyone in your family meat? A. Does; like B. Does; likes C. Do; likes 10. Zhang Lan likes English, but she maths. A. isn't like B. doesn't like

C. aren't like 11. I would like some and . A. tomato; chicken B. tomatoes; chicken

C. tomatos; chickens

D. tomatoes; chickens

12. — bread would you like? — Three pieces of . A. How many; breads B. How many; bread C. How much; breads D. How much; bread 13. We all like and .

A. tomato; salad

B. tomato; salads

D. chickens

D. salads; them

D. are; potatoes

D. tomatos D. like D. not liking

D. Does; like D. Do; like D. don't like

C. tomatoes; salad A. photos; potatos C. photoes; potatos A. porridge; vegetable C. potatos; bananas

D. tomatos; salads B. photoes; potatoes D. photos; potatoes B. broccoli; tomatoes D. French fries; orange juices

14. Look at these of . 15. I'd like some and . 二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共10小题;共10分)

16. Eating more fruits and v is good for your health. 17. I got a pet parrot as a birthday present on my sixteenth b . 18. If you want to stay h , you should often move your body. 19. Do you w a big bed or a small one for your son? 20. I get up at 6:00 in the morning and have b at 6:30. 21. We can see s at night when it's fine. 22. The boy has chicken and eggs for l at 12 o'clock. 23. Good eating h (习惯) can help us to study better. 24. Our classroom is r big and beautiful. 25. David is good at singing. So he w to be a singer. 三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共10小题;共10分)

26. I meet interesting people every day and ask them (问题).

27. My cousin has a (习惯) of keeping his eyes closed when he listens to music. 28. We will become (健康) if we often eat a lot. 29. My friend Cindy often eats (汉堡包) for breakfast. 30. Mother bought a lot of things for his (生日). 31. We should eat green (蔬菜). 32. Do you want any (水果)?

33. In the evening, we watch TV and have (晚饭). 34. How much are the (西红柿)?

35. She gets up and then has milk for (早餐).


A hobby is a good thing. Children should have 36 . Children can 37 these hobbies into adulthood(成年). 38 should help their children get a hobby or two. And children should 39 the hobby. Parents can't force(强迫) a hobby onto their children, 40 it isn't a hobby then. How can parents help their children 41 hobbies? Here are some 42 . Parents should 43 to their children about hobbies. Parents should also 44 their children their own hobbies. In fact, understanding hobbies is not 45 for children. Finding a hobby for children is not difficult, either.

36. A. dreams B. bikes C. bags D. hobbies

37. A. change 38. A. Doctors 39. A. meet 40. A. because 41. A. teach 42. A. ideas 43. A. speak 44. A. make 45. A. difficult

B. come B. Teachers B. read B. but B. find B. lessons B. say B. help B. exciting

C. make C. Parents C. smile C. though C. kill C. questions C. talk C. show C. important

D. carry D. Farmers D. like D. if D. close D. plans D. tell D. need D. interesting



My name is Gina. I have three good friends. They are Kate, Tommy and Paul.

We all have new clothes. Kate has a new skirt. It is white and it's very nice. It's 10 dollars. She likes it very much. Tommy has a new blue sweater. Blue is his favorite color. How much is his sweater? Oh, it's 14 dollars. Paul's new purple T-shirt is 16 dollars. I have a pair of new red trousers. They're 14 dollars.

Kate likes eating strawberries. She thinks they are healthy. She often eats some after dinner. Does Tommy like eating fruit? No, he likes eating bread. Paul likes eating fruit. And apples are his favorite fruit. I like pears best.

46. How much is the white skirt?

A. 10 dollars. A. Gina's skirt C. Gina's trousers A. Kate A. apples

B. 14 dollars. C. 16 dollars. B. Paul's T-shirt D. Paul's sweater

D. 18 dollars.

47. Tommy's sweater and are at the same price. 48. often eats some strawberries after dinner. B. Tommy B. bread

C. Paul C. rice

D. Gina D. pears

49. Tommy likes eating . 50. 下列哪项陈述是错误的?

A. Kate likes her new skirt. C. Gina's trousers are red.

B. Tommy likes blue best. D. Paul likes bananas best.


Mrs. Green is the mother of two children. She is a shop assistant(店员). She is very busy every day. Every morning, she cooks breakfast for her family. She cooks eggs for her daughter and makes bread for her son. At noon she eats hamburgers in her shop. Her children have lunch in the school dining hall.

In the evening, Mrs. Green gets home very late. When she gets home, her children get ready for dinner. Mr. Green cooks beef noodles for his daughter and cooks carrots for his son. And Mrs. Green usually buys some chicken from the supermarket. It's Mrs. Green's favourite food.

51. Mrs. Green works .

A. in a factory A. Hamburgers. C. Eggs. A. In the shop. C. In a restaurant. A. Beef noodles.

B. in a shop C. in a school B. Bread. D. Bread and eggs. B. At home. D. At school.

D. in a hospital

52. What does Mrs. Green cook for her daughter in the morning?

53. Where do her children have lunch?

54. What's Mrs. Green's favourite food?

B. Chicken. C. Carrots. D. Potatoes.

55. Which is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Mrs. Green has three children.

B. Mrs. Green gets home late in the evening. C. Mrs. Green cooks carrots for her son for dinner. D. Mrs. Green isn't very busy every day.


There are many ball games in America. Baseball is one of the favorite sports in the U.S.A. Children play baseball in sports fields or in parks. The baseball season(季节) goes from April to September. During this time baseball matches are shown on TV and members of the important(重要的) baseball teams become America's heroes(英雄). At the end of the season the two top teams play against each Other. Many baseball fans go along to watch the game. Millions of others listen to the radio or watch television. Even long after it is over, they still talk about the game and the players in the game. 56. What popular ball game do they talk about?

A. Football B. Basketball C. Volleyball B. For two months D. Six months B. radio

D. television and radio

D. Baseball

57. How long is the baseball season?

A. In April and September C. For four months A. everywhere C. television A. popular

B. rich

58. During the baseball season baseball matches are shown on . 59. The members of the important teams become C. good D. nice

60. Which is right?

A. When the matches are over,people don't want to talk about them B. A few people listen to the radio

C. At the end of the season there are only two top teams playing against each other D. Everyone is happy to see the game in the baseball season


Fruit is good for people. Many people eat some fruit every day. Mr. and Mrs. Green like fruit very much and every Monday Mrs. Green goes to buy some fruit in the supermarket near her house. The man in the supermarket knows her well and helps a lot. She can buy all kinds of fruits there, such as apples, pears, oranges and bananas. In different time of the year, the price(价格) of each kind of fruit is not the same, sometimes high, sometimes low. Mrs. Green wants to buy cheap fruit. But Mr. Green likes bananas only. She buys bananas for him every week. She only buys cheap fruit for herself. 61. When does Mrs. Green go to buy any fruit?

A. Saturday. B. Monday. C. Thursday. D. Wednesday.

62. Where does Mrs. Green buy fruit?

A. In the supermarket near her house. B. In the town.

C. Near the supermarket. D. In the school. A. pears

B. apples

C. bananas

D. strawberries

63. Mrs. Green buys for Mr. Green. 64. Which of the following is NOT right?

A. Fruit is good for people.

B. Mrs. Green buys apples for herself. C. Mrs. Green can buy all kinds of fruit. D. Mr. Green likes bananas. A. the same

B. not the same

C. high

D. low

65. In different time of the year, the price of each kind of fruit is . 六、阅读与表达(判断式)(共4小题;共8分)

Summer is a great season for all sports in the open air. Boys often play basketball or soccer on the playground. Little children like going swimming in the swimming pool. But I usually watch TV or read some newspapers at home because it's very hot outside. Sometimes I go to the beach with my father and mother. It is near my home. We often lie on the beach, swim in the sea, and play games. We often go there after lunch and stay there until it is dark (直到天黑). 根据短文内容,判断正误,正确的为T,错误的为F。 66. Little children like going swimming in the swimming pool. 67. The writer often plays computer games at home. 68. The writer doesn't like to go out because he is lazy. 69. Sometimes the writer and his parents go to the beaches.


A: Can I help you?

B: Yes, please. 70. A: 71. B: Yes, I can. But I can't dance.