广东省湛江市第一中学2019-2020学年高一英语上学期第一次大考试题 下载本文


高一级 英语科试卷

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The Very Best of Travel--- Chosen by Millions of Travelers

Most travelers to Vietnam are attracted by the country’s wonderful natural beauty. However, Vietnam is also a country with a long history and old traditions. Now let’s have an overview of the TOP 3 popular cities in Vietnam. TOP1 Hoi An

This city on the central Vietnamese coast is a typical example of the important Southeast Asian trading port from the 15th-19th centuries. As a common stop for backpackers, it is becoming better known to tourists.

On the 14th day of each lunar month, the town trades its electric lights for traditional colored lanterns. Sights include the Japanese Covered Bridge and the Quan Cong Temple. TOP2 Hanoi

The capital of Vietnam has aged well, keeping the old buildings and monuments while making room for modern developments at the same time.

Hanoi may have thrown away several former names, including Thang Long, or \Chi Minh's Mausoleum and Hoa Lo Prison remain. Lakes, parks, shady streets and more than 600 temples and pagodas add to the beauty of this city, which is easily explored by taxi.

TOP3 Ho Chi Minh City

Vietnam's busiest and largest city sets the cultural and economic pace for the country. The former Saigon boasts, charming French architecture and wide streets, are usually crowded with traffic. Taxis are a good choice for seeing the big city.

The War Remnants Museum(战争遗迹博物馆) shows the Vietnam War through Vietnamese eyes. Don't miss the impressive Jade Emperor Pagoda. Go to the crazy Ben Thanh Market for food, flowers or frogs. Tour through the Mekong Delta, past rice paddies(稻谷) and houseboats.

1.Where can you enjoy the beautiful and colorful lanterns every month? A. Hanoi B. Hoi An

C. Thang Long D. Ho Chi Minh City

2.Which is an easy means of transportation for tourists in Hanoi? A. Bus B. Taxi C. Ferry D. On foot 3.What type of writing is this text?

都哦哦哦来了看看A. A tour guide C. A science fiction.

B. A book review D. An official report


Chinese documentary film, \memory of the Fifth International Memorial Day for \

The documentary was named after the number of \women\alive at the time of its filming in 2014. It is said that at least 200,000 Chinese women were forced into sex slavery(奴隶) by the Japanese invaders during World War II.

The film details the present situation and lives of these elderly women in different parts of China in a gentle and comforting way, different from that of a typical film narrative. \Two\follows the women and records their daily lives, offering their personal views on life and the world.

This documentary film comes right after the death of Huang Youliang, one of the women who unsuccessfully sued(起诉) the Japanese government in July of 2001 for their terrible suffering. She died at the age of 90 in her home in the southern province of Hainan on August 13.

Directed by Guo Ke, \Two\is his second documentary on \women\It was inspired by \2012. \and her half-Japanese son. Wei also appeared in \

The short film received favorable critical reviews both home and abroad, including the Best Cinematography Award at the 2013 Chinese Academy Awards of Documentary Film and nominations at the 2014 American Documentary Film Festival.

Back in 2012, there were 32 Chinese \women\left in the country, by 2014 there were only 22. The numbers are dwindling. Only nine of the 22 women filmed in the documentary were alive before its public release. \watch the film before the number becomes zero,\

Famous director Feng Xiaogang has since taken Weibo to promote the film, calling cinemas to increase the ratio. In less than 20 hours, the Weibo post by Feng Xiaogang has received more than 141,000 likes and 68,000 retweets including those from A-list stars.

4.Why the documentary film was named “Twenty Two”?

A. Because these comfort women lived in the second world war.

B. Because there are twenty two comfort women filmed in this documentary. C. Because twenty two comfort women tried to sue the Japanese government.

D. Because there are only twenty two \filming.

5.Where did Guo Ke get the inspiration of filming the documentary “Twenty Two”? A. World War II B. “Thirty Two”

C. The comforts women D. The Fifth International Memorial Day 6.What does the underlined word “dwindling” in the seventh paragraph probably means?

A. varying B. changing

都哦哦哦来了看看C. decreasing D. increasing

7.From the underlined sentence in the last paragraph, we can learn that A. most people watch this documentary from Weibo.

B. this documentary is known to everyone in the society. C. most of the people are in support of this documentary. D. people love to make use of Weibo to promote new films.


Putonghua is the official language on the mainland, but if history had played out differently most of the people could have been speaking Cantonese.

In 1912, shortly after the end of the Qing dynasty, the founding fathers of the republic met to decide which language should be spoken in the new China.

Mandarin - now known as Putonghua the common language] - was just a northern dialect spoken by the hated Manchurian officials at that time. While it had served as China's lingua franca(混合语) for centuries, many saw it as an “impure form” of Chinese.

Many of the leaders, including Sun Yat-sen, were from Guangdong – where people are open to new ideas. A great debate started and eventually led to a formal vote. Cantonese lost out by a small margin to Putonghua and the rest is history.

While historians today still argue about whether this story is real, it is something Guangdong people love to tell. Many Cantonese speakers feel proud of their native language, saying it has more in common with the classical Chinese than Putonghua - which is a mix of northern dialects heavily influenced by Manchurian and Mongolian.

Linguists agree to some degree. “Cantonese is closer to classical Chinese in its pronunciation and some grammar,” Jiang Wenxian, a Chinese language scholar, said. “Using Cantonese to read classical poetry is a real pleasure,” he said. “Many ancient poems don't rhyme(押韵) when you read them in Putonghua, but they do in Cantonese.”

“Cantonese keeps a flavor of ancient Chinese. Nowadays few people understand classical Chinese, so Cantonese should be protected as a type of language fossil helping us study ancient Chinese culture.”

Cantonese is spoken by about 70 million people in Guangdong, Hong Kong, Macau and communities abroad.

In the 17th and 18th centuries, Guangdong was the only Chinese province allowed to trade directly with foreigners. Many Westerners at the time learned Cantonese. Up till very recently, there were more Cantonese speakers in overseas Chinese communities than Putonghua speakers. In Canada, for example, Cantonese is the third most commonly spoken language after English and French. 8.What’s the function of the first paragraph?

A. To introduce the topic. B. To attraction people’s attention.

C. To summarize the whole passage. D. To show the importance of Putonghua.