2013年职称英语等级考试(理工类A级)真题 下载本文


一、词汇选择(本大题15小题.每题1.0分,共15.0分。 下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与画线部分意义最相近的词或短语。请将答案涂在答题卡相应的位置上。) 第1题

The rules are too rigid to allow for human error.

A. inflexible B.general C.complex D.direct 【正确答案】:A



题意:规则太严格,不允许人为误差。 划线词为形容词,意为“严格的,刚性的”。

A项inflexible“不可改变的”,例:Workerslnsisted that the new system was too inflexible.工人们坚持认为新制度过于僵化。

B项意为“一般的,总体的”,例:The figures represent a general decline in employment.这些数字表明了就业率的总体下降。

C项意为“复杂的”,例:This project involves a lot of complex technical problems.这个方案牵涉到许多复杂的技术问题。

D项意为“直接的”,例:All genuine knowledge originates in direct experience. 一切真知都源于直接的经验。故选A项。 第2题

This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed. A. turned dead B.passed by C.carried away D.become extinct






A项意为“沉寂,死亡”,例:Certain stocks lead the market at times and turn dead at other times.某些股票有时引领市场而有时又沉寂下来。 B项意为“经过”,例:She passed by without deigning to look at him.她走了过去,看都不看他一眼。

C项意为“运走”,例:The wounded were carried away immediately.受伤的人立刻被运走了。

D项意为“绝种”,例:An animal species will become extinct if it fails to produce enough young in each generation. -个动物物种如果不能在每一代生育足够数量的后代,那么它就会灭绝。故选D项。 第3题

The contract between the two companies will expire soon. A. shorten B.end C.start D.resume 【正确答案】:B



题意:这两家公司的合同即将期满。 划线词为动词,意为“期满,结束”。

A项意为“缩短”,例:Minor accidents can shorten the life of a car.小事故会缩短汽车的寿命。

B项意为“结束,终止”,例:They ended the discussion on a note of optimism.他们在乐观的调子中结束了讨论。

C项意为“开始”,例:How can I start in such confusion?情况这么混乱,让我怎么开始呀?

D项意为“继续,恢复”,例:I tried to persuade her to resume her job as secretary.我试图劝她重新做她的秘书工作。故选B项。 第4题

Three world-class tennis players came to contend for this title. A. argue B.claim C.wish D.compete 【正确答案】:D





A项意为“争论”,例:Her temperament disposed her to argue readily with people.她急躁的脾气使她动不动就与人争吵。

B项意为“要求,声称”,例:Every citizen may claim the protection of the law.每个公民都可以要求受到法律的保护。

C项意为“渴望,愿望”,例:I wish to have a job.我渴望有份工作。 D项意为“竞争”,例:About 800 athletes competed in fifteen events.大约有800名运动员参加了15个项目的竞赛。故选D项。 第5题

The methods of communication used during the war were primitive. A. simple B.Reliable C. effective D.alternative 【正确答案】:A




A项意为“简单的”,例:In his case a simple surgical operation islndicated.他的病情表明需要做一次简单的外科手术。

B项意为“可靠的”,例:It is difficult to obtain reliable evidence.获得可靠的证据是很难的。

C项意为“有效的”,例:The government should take effective measures to live through this economical crisis.政府应采取有效的措施度过这场经济危机。

D项意为“另外的,供选择的”,例:There were alternative methods of travel available.有另外的旅行方式可采用。故选A项。 第6题

Respect for life is a cardinal principle of the law.
