山东省临沂市兰陵县2016-2017学年八年级英语下学期第一次月考(3月)试题 下载本文




( )1. You can find ___ difficult to learn English.

A. that B. this C. it D. how

( )2.______I take some photos in the hall ?No, you _________

A.Can, needn’t B.Must, mustn”t C. Could,won’t D. May,musn’t ( )3.The woman in red ______a teacher .She works in a hospital now. A used to be B is used to be C was used to be D is

( )4. .—I saw an old man ________on the ground when I was crossing the road..

A.lie B.lay C.is lying D.lying

( )5.I have a lot of homework to do. So I won’t go to bed____I finish it.

A.after B.until C.as soon D.since

( )6.I got up too late this morning so I went to school ______breakfast A with B without C by D for ( )7.The old man _______all his money to a charity. He is really great .

A.took away B.put away C.went away D.gave away

( )8.We are all_____at the____news.

A. surprising; surprising B.surprising; surprised C.surprised; surprised D.surprised; surprising

( )9. He is a funny boy. He often makes us ________

A to laugh Blaughing C laugh D laughed

( )10. You can ______how our lives will be if there is no electric. A. imagine B. think C. tell D. talk

( )11.Tom, your room is too dirty .You must _______

A. clean up it B.clean up them C.clean them up D. clean it up

( )12.The old man lives _______,but he does not feel _______

A.alone,alone B.lonely,lonely C. lonely, alone D. alone,lonely ( )13. How long can I _______the book ? For two weeks . A. keep B. borrow C. lend D. buy ( )14. The box is too heavy .I can’t _____it

A. take B. bring C.carry D.fetch

( )15. This is a nice watch. But she ______ only one hundred dollars for it. A, spent B. cost C. bought D. paid 二.阅读理解.(30分,每空2分)


Ten years ago,I became a reporter at a TV station. The job is sometimes difficult,but most of the time,it's exciting because it let me see many moving(感人的) things. Five years ago,I went to a village in Henan Province. There were many homeless children. But a kindhearted woman opened a home for them. She looked after about one hundred children. She

let them go to school,taught them to do housework and gave them hope.

Another time,I was in Sichuan after a terrible earthquake. I met a lady. Her daughter was sleeping when the house fell down during the earthquake. Her daughter was missing and many people thought it was impossible to find her. But the lady never gave up. She kept on digging for two days alone. She didn't stop until she found her daughter. Luckily,her daughter was still alive.

Then in Beijing,I met a little girl with a serious illness in hospital. But when I met her,she was still happy and talked about her dream to me.

Now,I always remember the courage of those people when I meet difficulties in my life. ( )6.According to the passage,how many moving things did the reporter talk about? A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five. ( )17.Who was kind to the homeless children? A.The lady from Henan. B.The lady from Sichuan. C.The little girl in hospital.

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D.The writer himself.

( )18.The underlined word “digging” here means “________” in Chinese. A.铲除 B.打开 C.控制 D.挖掘( )19.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.The writer's job is always easy and exciting. B.The lady from Sichuan found her daughter at last.

C.The girl from Beijing gave up hope because of her illness. D.The lady from Henan had over two hundred homeless children. ( )20.What's the main idea of the passage? A.Children always need help from others. B.A reporter usually meets something wonderful. C.Courage and hope are both important in life. D.How to become a successful reporter. B

Mr. Lewis was a dance teacher. He was a nice man and always had a lot of students. One year he moved to a new town, and was soon teaching many students in the dance school there, but he decided to move again to a big city. He would have more work there.

When one of his students heard that he was going to leave, she said to him, “The new teacher won’t be as good as you are.” Mr. Lewis was happy when he heard this, but he said, “Oh no. I’m sure he’ll be as good as I am ---- or even better.”The student said, “No. Five teachers have come and gone while I’ve been here, and each new one was worse than the last.”

( )21. ______ came to learn dancing from Mr. Lewis.

A . No students B. Few students C. Many students ( )22. Mr. Lewis wanted to move to a big city because _______

A.he hated the small town

B.he couldn’t make a living in the small town

C.it would be easy for him to have more work in the city ( )23 The student thought that _______

A. Mr. Lewis was a good teacher

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