语文版中职英语(拓展模块)Unit 1《Social Communication》word教案 下载本文

Unit 1 social communication

Reading A Etiquette in Language Communication

Ⅰ. Analysis of the teaching materials

(1). Brief introduction of the teaching materials.

The title of my teaching materials is Etiquette in Language Communication. It’s Reading A of Unit1 from Book 3, which is published by Chinese Publication It’s mainly about American etiquette in language communication.

(2). Status and functions of the teaching materials.

The whole unit is about human communication. It is made up of Warm-up, Reading A, Listening, Speaking, Reading B, Writing and Grammar in turn. It can be said that Reading A is the core of this unit. It offers interesting reading materials, grammatical structures, hot words and useful expressions. Meanwhile, it broadens the students’ view of culture.

Ⅱ Teaching aims:

1. 2. 3.

The aim of knowledge : mastering the new words and useful expressions correctly.

The aim of ability : making proper language communication with Americans. The aim of moral education. : knowing some of the etiquette in language communication is

Ⅲ. Key points :

1. Hot words : pretend annoy

2. useful expressions switch to be tolerant of ask for have trouble (in)doing/with sth. Leave out now that

3. etiquette in language communication

Ⅳ: Difficult points:

mastering the hot words and useful expressions and putting the knowledge of etiquette in language communication into reality.

Ⅴ:Conditions of the students.

The students of our vocational high school are poor in fundamental English

comparatively. As a result, most of them have much less interest in learning English. But they are active in taking part in activities. Their destination of studying English is to develop necessary abilities needed in their work and lives.

Ⅵ Teaching and learning methods.

1. Teaching methods:

elicitation method, encouraging method, explaining method and situational method. 2. learning methods :

3. exploring, participating and practicing methods

Ⅶ: Teaching Design:

carry on this lesson in six steps: lead-in, fast reading, intensive reading, practice, summary and homework, which take 2 minutes, 5 minutes, 20 minutes, 15 minutes, 2 minutes and 1 minutes respectively. Before I end this part, I’d like to display my design of writing on the blackboard.

Ⅷ Teaching procedure:

Step 1 Lead in (2’)

Tell a story , showing some pictures with wrong manners→ Find mistakes



① ②



Then ask the question: “What are wrong manners?” The students needn’t answer the question

Step 2 fast reading (5)

read fast → showing the pictures again → give their answers Then ask the question: “What we should say/do here?”

① ③

Step 3 Intensive reading (20)

1. read carefully ,then ask the question: “Why should we behave so?” 2. key words and useful expressions→ long sentences→ expansion





Key words and expressions: