译林版四年级下册unit1练习 下载本文

徐庄小学四下英语提优练习1 一、翻译词组。 1、七门学科 2、我们的新课程表 3、去操场 4、什么科目 5、喜欢芒果 6、我的学校 7、到...时间了。 8、一门有趣的科目 9、今天早上 10、做一个蛋糕 二、选择题。 ( )1. Welcome back school. A. for B. at C. To ( )2. ---- do you like? ----I like Chinese and Maths. A. What subject B. What lesson C. What subjects ( )3. Look at timetable. A. me B. our C. We ( )4. It’s three o’clock. It’s time PE. A. for B. of C. To ( )5. I Science. A. not like B. can’t like C. don’t like 三、 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. This is (we) timetable. 2. Let’s (go) to the playground. 3. I (not like) PE. 4. We (have) English this morning. 5. What (subject) do you like? 四、根据Story time,完成填空。 Miss Li and her students have subjects this term(这学期). They are English, , , , , and Science. Wang Bing and Mike like and . Yang Linglikes .It’s . It’s time for now. The students go to the .