(超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 下载本文

Integrated Exercises

2. (1) critical (2) abandon (3) reject (4) justify (5) potential (6) foresee (7) lessen (8) eliminate (9) distinction (10) awareness (11) valid (12) assess 3. The members of a word family admire admirable admiring admiringly deceive deceivable deceptive deception foresee forseeable eliminate elimination eliminating potent potently potential verify verifiable verification presume presumable presumably prepare prepared preparedness precede precedent unprecedented critic criticize critical critically utilize utility utilitarian utilitarianism oblige obligate obligation obligatory virtue virtuous virtuousness evaluate evaluation evaluative fertile fertility fertilize fertilizer argue argument argumentative argumentation condemn condemnable condemnation moral morally morality judge judgement judgmental distinct distinctive distinction Chinese equivalent v.敬佩adj.令人敬佩的adj.可敬佩的adv.可敬佩地 v.欺骗adj.欺骗性的adj.导致误解的n.骗术 v.预见 adj.可预见的 v.消除 n.排除 adj.排除的 adj.强大的 adv.效力大地 n.潜在的;潜力 v.证实 adj.可证实的 n.证明 v.假定 adj.可推测的 adv.可能 v.准备 adj.事先准备好的 n.有准备 v.先于 n.范例 adj.前所未有的 n.批评家 v.评论 adj.批判的 adv.批判性地 v.利用 n.效用 adj.功利主义的 n.功利主义 v.迫使 v.使某人负有责任 n.义务 adj.必要的 n.美德 adj.善良的 n.高洁 v.评估 n.评价 adj.可估价的 adj.富饶的 n.丰富 v.施肥 n.化肥 v.争辩 n.论点 adj.好辩的 n.争论 v.谴责 adj.应受责备的 n.责备 adj.有道德的 adv.有道德地 n.道德 v.审判 n.判断 adj.审判的 adj.清晰的 adj.与众不同的 n.区别 (1) critic (2) unprecedented (3) condemnation (4) foreseeable (5) verif ied (6) judgmental (7) evaluative (8) admirable (9) virtuous (10) obligatory

4. (1) B (2) B (3) A (4) D (5) A (6) B (7) C (8) A (9) D (10) B

5. (1) Elimination of poverty and injustice is a cardinal objective of the organization. (2) The new system is programmed to safeguard your computer against viruses. (3) The unprecedented earthquake devastated the local economy.

(4) He always tried to minimize his own faults, while rejecting any advice from others. (5) The traditional viewpoint on education still prevails today.

(6) We had no choice but to abandon the plan because we had discovered a fatal f law in the original design.

(7) The bus driver withstood the acute pain in his broken leg and pulled over after the collision. (8) A highly prestigious job may well indicate one’s prominent social status.

(9) Customers are often reminded to make a distinction between reliable information and misleading advertisements about the product.

(10) It is very thoughtful of you to have provisionally attended to the case which otherwise

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would have been left neglected.

7. (1) The classical theory, which was proposed in the early 17th century, still remains valid in modern chemical thought.

(2) The recent report on air quality is alarming, which has presented to us a severe problem of air pollution.

(3) His idea on the structure of the universe, as contained in his best-known book, has had great influence on various fields of study.

(4) There is no solution to the pollution problem except ensuring global attention on the issue. (5) Global warming is reported to have posed a great threat to many species.

(6) This chemical reaction, made possible by the catalyst and high temperature, is very violent. (7) A better design is to be expected as experts are working hard on the remaining problems. (8) The opportunity to start his own business is more attractive to him than entering a college, as seen from the practical viewpoint.

(9) Einstein’s discovery of the relationship between mass and energy gave the original insight into this theory.

(10) This conclusion makes us return to the questions that we started the essay with — how to

define scientific inventions, and how to give a valid evaluation as to the role they play in modern society.

8. A. (1) D (2) C (3) D (4) C (5) A

B. The speech proposes and expounds on the duties of a scientist in the modern age. Advancing science and technology have brought about drastic changes to our everyday life, but have

also given rise to serious worldwide problems. As a result, modern scientists are burdened with increasingly heavy responsibilities in addressing such big issues as population control, nuclear weapon checks and imbalance between plenty and poverty. In order to undertake research, scientists need a proper environment in which they are guaranteed the freedom to work for public welfare. Therefore, scientists can be of great service to mankind in achieving peace and freedom.

C. (1) The goal for the twenty-f irst century is to create a world of informed and engaged citizens committed to creative public service. (2) Experimentation is the best test.

(3) The strength of science lies in its provisional nature, its open-mindedness, and its capacity for doubt and uncertainty.

(4) Science’s experience with doubt and uncertainty might be its great lesson for humanity. (5) Both are constructs of reason; both are engaged in a struggle against forces of unreason that have used scientists and their research for destructive purposes; both share the experimental method, and both strive to give expression to universal truths. D. (1) experiment (2) open mind (3) received truth (4) marketability (5) clinical researchers (6) research reports (7) puts at risk (8) public confidence (9) makes products (10) seek truths

(11) educated circles (12) purposeful ignorance (13) challenge the assumption (14) indifferent to (15) making common cause with

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Unit 5 Scientific Discoveries

Keys to the Exercises

Approaching the Topic

1. 1) He slipped into a public bath.

2) By measuring the volume of the water it displaces.

3) They would stop and ponder about the puzzles they stumble upon, recognize their significances, and make effort to pursue the leads to significant discoveries.

4) Most accidents that led to discoveries occurred in laboratories, which were themselves designed for explorations.

2. 1) c 2) a 3) h 4) d 5) b 6) e 7) g 8) f 9) j 10) i 4. (1) interview (2) chemistry (3) evidence (4) foster (5) somewhat

(6) squeezes (7) half-heartedly (8) absorbing (9) danger (10) fascinates 6. 1) The philosophy of scientific research.

2) Scientific discoveries should be motivated by curiosity and persistent efforts.

3) Be prepared to think hard and long about the problems, and look deeply into the way things work. 4) Open. 5) Open.

Reading about the Topic

3. 1) The article mainly tells us that the discovery of penicillin needs a prepared and open mind, and also relevant knowledge is essential for scientific investigation. 2) Only when bacterial colonies are quite young. 3) At least four.

4) Among Chain, Fleming, and Florey.

5) Because he did not think it was worth while trying. 4. Set 1: 1) f 2) d 3) h 4) g 5) a 6) e 7) c 8) b Set 2: 1) h 2) a 3) b 4) e 5) d 6) g 7) f 8) c 5. (f) Para. A (g) Para. B (d) Para. C (a) Para. D (h) Para. E (e) Para. F (b) Para. G (c) Para. H

6. 1) It requires much more knowledge, insight, and effort than the initial description of event-s. 2) Because the recycled chickens were injected with a culture and had been vaccinated. 3) Cowpox vaccine and smallpox prevention.

4) His discovery turned vaccination from a peculiar procedure for a particular disease to a theory connecting germs, vaccines, and disease prevention in general.

5) Experiments are not passive observations; they are actively planned according to some conception to look for something.

7. Set 1: 1) d 2) c 3) a 4) e 5) h 6) b 7) f 8) g Set 2: 1) g 2) f 3) h 4) e 5) b 6) a 7) c 8) d

8. 1) Both the authors cite similar examples, and employ them for contrast so as to illustrate their points.

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2) Keeping an open mind ready to exploit new possibilities and connect the dots.

3) An open mind would enable one to see something in a new light, therefore connecting it to other phenomena to explain the causes and fully reveal significances.

4) Yes. They may share the same background as the themes of the two articles both revolve around medical research.

9. 1) Accidental connection of dots led to the discovery that vaccination is a general method for preventing infectious diseases. (Para. B)

2) However, the dispute changes neither the significance of the discovery nor its accidental nature. (Para. C)

3) Smallpox vaccination was accepted strictly based on empirical success and as such it did not point to the possibility of vaccines for other diseases. (Para. D)

4) One no longer needs to wait for a lucky observation to suggest a vaccine for a specif ic disease. (Para. E)

5) Experiments are not passive observations; they are actively planned according to some conception to look for something. (Para. F)

10. Connecting the dots or making connections between different phenomena, though entailing more knowledge and insight, will lead to a more significant discovery. Exploring the Topic

4. 1) However, discovering the room that hides more doors leading to even greater treasures involves an open mind ready for new possibilities and connecting the dots.

2) Fleming was totally capable of conducting many animal experiments which required little chemical background. 3) Normally one’s own resources can be supplemented with seeking collaborators or employing assistants.

4) Neither the significance of the discovery nor its accidental nature can be altered by the dispute.

5) Often it is not until someone examines a previous phenomenon from a new perspective and sees its significance that chance discoveries are made. Integrated Exercises

2. (1) pursue (2) ignore (3) consume (4) sensational (5) investigation (6) infectious (7) promote (8) injection (9) explore (10) encounter (11) exploit (12) foster 3. The members of a word family regular regularly irregular irregularly inspire inspiring inspiration inject injectable injection different differently differentiate difference effective ineffective effectiveness count countless countable sensational sensation sensationally lead leading mislead misleading glory glorious glorify gloriously identify identification identifiable

Chinese equivalent adj.有规律的 adv.有规律地 adj.无规律的 adv.无规律地 v.激励 adj.鼓舞人心的 n.灵感 v.注射 adj.可注射的 n.注射 adj.不同的 adv.不同地 v.区别 n.不同 adj.有效的 adj.不起作用的 n.有效 v.计算 adj.无数的 adj.可数的 adj.轰动的 n.感受 adv.轰动地 v.领导 adj.主要的 v.误导 adj.误导性的 n.光荣 adj.光荣的 v.赞美 adv.光荣地 v.辨认 n.鉴别 adj.可辨认的 19 / 26

ignore ignorant ignorance external internal externally cooperate cooperation cooperator repute reputable reputation disrepute justify justification justifiable beneficent beneficence beneficently evitable inevitable inevitably responsible irresponsible responsibility inform information misinform informer v.不理睬 adj.无知的 n.无知 adj.外面的 adj.内部的 adv.外面地 v.合作 n.合作 n.合作者 v.认为 adj.声誉好的 n.声望 n.坏名声 v.为??辩护 n.辩解 adj.有理由的 adj.仁慈的 n.仁慈 adv.仁慈地 adj.可避免的 adj.不可避免的 adv.不可避免地 adj.有责任的 adj.不负责任的 n.责任 v.通知 n.信息 v.误导 n.通知者

(1) inspiration (2) mislead (3) responsibility (4) injection (5) reputable (6) internal (7) countless (8) differentiate (9) adventurous (10) glorious

4. (1) C (2) A (3) C (4) D (5) D (6) C (7) D (8) A (9) B (10) B 5. (1) There is no evidence for the effectiveness of the new design. (2) Language teachers often extract examples from grammar books.

(3) It was revealed that the frequent contact led to our intimate relationship. (4) High school dropouts constitute a fundamental problem in large city slums. (5) Four years elapsed before he returned.

(6) You can purify the contaminated air with a filtration system.

(7) The lecturer enlightened us about the latest astronomical discoveries. (8) The attack was anticipated but its intensity came as a shock.

(9) It took a lot of hard work and dedication, but we persisted in finishing the project on time. (10) A child may not differentiate between his imagination and the real world.

7. (1) They really made significant progress if they are viewed from the scientific point of view. (2) As is so often pointed out, science is to explore various possibilities.

(3) In contrast, in space there is an absence of weather and therefore no such interference. (4) It is not unusual for an infected person to contact other members of their family under such situations.

(5) One reason for the increase in computer crimes is that the crime often goes unreported. (6) When it involves military technology, space programs go beyond simple aeronautics and computer simulation.

(7) He lacked competence for solving the problems which involve factors in widely different domains.

(8) We can recognize its significance only when it is seen in a new light. (9) His expertise in this field complements his insight into human character.

(10) It occurred to me that he lacked the necessary expertise to perform this experiment. 8. A. (1) D (2) D (3) C (4) B (5) A

B. David Ellyard believes that discoveries in science originated in Italy in the early 16th

century. From there and then, we can trace a steady and ever-growing stream of discoveries about the workings of the natural world. Certainly there were sources further back, but many remained unknown. Both in China and Arabia, the spirit of free inquiry, the essential nutrient of science, had been crushed by centralized governments. And he thinks the most important discovery of all, the one that supports all the rest, was how to do science.

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