中文(改革宗)神学书籍与数据精选目录(未定稿) 下载本文

David N. Steele and Curtis C. Thomas, Romans: An Interpretive Outline. Phillipsburg, NJ: Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing. David N. Steele and Curtis C. Thomas,《罗马书释要》。宋华忠译Trans. Watson Soong。 台北Taipei﹕基督教改革宗翻译社Reformation Translation Fellowship,1966, 1999。

Lieh Lin, An Outline for the Study of Romans (Chapter One to Eight). 林列,《查考罗马书纲要》。

台北Taipei﹕基督教会景美礼拜堂 Christ’s Church Chingmei Chapel, 1983。

Tan Che-Bin, A Guide to First Corinthians. CGST Everyman’s Theology Series. 陈济民,《哥林多前书研读手册》。中神大众神学丛书。 香港Hong Kong ﹕福音证主协会Christian Communications Limited,1981。

Tan Che-Bin, A Guide to Second Corinthians. CGST Everyman’s Theology Series. 陈济民,《哥林多后书研读手册》。中神大众神学丛书。 香港Hong Kong﹕福音证主协会Christian Communications Limited,1982。


台北Taipei﹕雅歌出版社,总代理Sole distributor﹕台北Taipei﹕基文社Christian Arts Press,2001。

Wing-Yui So, Growth Through Struggles (Bible Study Notes on James). 苏颖睿,《从挣扎到成长》。雅各布书小组查经资料。

香港Hong Kong﹕基督徒学生团契 Fellowship of Evangelical Students (H.K.), Ltd., 1989, 1994。

Johnny Chan, Commentary on Revelation. 陈喜恩,《启示录注释》。信徒神学教育丛书,第三部,第一册。

College Point, NY﹕纽约神学教育中心New York Theological Education Center, 代理distributor﹕香港 Hong Kong﹕基督教文艺出版社 Chinese Christian Literature Council, 1995。


Louis Berkhof, Principles of Biblical Interpretation. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans. 柏何夫,《释经学原理》。萧维元译。Trans. Wayne W.Y. Siao. 香港Hong Kong﹕浸信会出版社 Chinese Baptist Press, 1966。

Tan Che-Bin, Understanding Principles of Biblical Interpretation. 陈济民,《认识解经原理》。

台北Taipei﹕校园书房Campus Evangelical Fellowship,1988。


Evangelists Training Manual: 1st series. 《释经学》。培训丛书第一集。

台北Taipei﹕基督教改革宗翻译社Reformation Translation Fellowship,1992。


New Bible Commentary: Revised. Grand Rapids: Wiliam B. Eerdmans, 1970. 《圣经新释》。 香港Hong Kong﹕证道出版社 Christian Witness Press, 1958。


Tyndale Commentaries on the Old Testament. Tyndale Commentaries on the New Testament.

E.J. Young, In The Beginning: Genesis Chapters 1 to 3 and the Authority of Scripture. 杨爱德,《起初﹕创世记一至三章与圣经权威》。赵中辉译。

台北Taipei﹕基督教改革宗翻译社Reformation Translation Fellowship,1986。

E.J. Young, In the Beginning: Genesis 1-3 and the Authority of Scripture. 杨以德,《天地之初﹕创世记一至三章与圣经的权威》。詹正义译。 台北Taipei﹕中国主日学协会China Sunday School Association,1980。

Johannes G. Vos, Studies in the Book of Genesis. 魏司道,《创世记研究》。赵中辉译。

台北Taipei﹕基督教改革宗翻译社Reformation Translation Fellowship,1975, 1988.

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Faith on Trial. 锺马田,《信心的试验》。杨淑贞译。

台北Taipei﹕提比哩亚出版社 Tiberias Publisher(台湾桃园市民有路36-3号4楼4F, 36-3 Min You East Road, Taoyaun City, twemmaus@ms11.hinet.net), 1997。





D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, The Assurance of Salvation. Martyn Lloyd-ones Expository Preaching Series. Trans. Lorna Chao. 锺马田,《救恩的确据(上)﹕约翰福音第十七章的信息》。赵锺越娜译。锺马田藉经讲道丛集。

Monterey Park, CA﹕ 美国活泉出版社Living Spring Publications;总代理sole distributor﹕香港Hong Kong﹕基道书楼Logos Book House,1992。

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, The Assurance of Salvation. Martyn Lloyd-ones Expository Preaching Series. Trans. Lorna Chao. 锺马田,《救恩的确据(下)﹕约翰福音第十七章的信息》。赵锺越娜译。锺马田藉经讲道丛集。


Monterey Park, CA﹕ 美国活泉出版社Living Spring Publications;总代理sole distributor﹕香港Hong Kong﹕基道书楼Logos Book House,1993。

James Montgomery Boice, Justification by Faith: Romans 1-4. The Expository Preaching Series of James Montgomery Boice, Romans volume 1. 博爱思,赵锺越娜译,《罗马书卷一﹕因信称义﹕罗马书第一章至四章》。博爱司解经讲道丛集。

Monterey Park, CA﹕美国活泉出版社Living Spring Publications, 2002。(代理Distributor: 香港Hong Kong: 基道出版社Logos Publishers Ltd, 2002。)

James M. Boice, The Reign of Grace: Romans 5-8. The Expository Preaching of James Montgomery Boice, Romans volume 2. 博爱思,赵锺越娜译,《罗马书卷二﹕恩典作王﹕第五章至八章》。博爱思解经讲道丛集。 Monterey Park, CA: 美国活泉出版社Living Spring Publications, 2003。(代理Distributor: 香港Hong Kong: 基道出版社Logos Publishers Ltd, 2004。)

James M. Boice, God and History: Romans 9-11. The Expository Preaching Series of James Montgomery Boice, Romans volume 3. 博爱思,赵锺越娜译,《罗马书卷三﹕神在历史中﹕第九章至十一章》。博爱思解经讲道丛集。 Monterey Park, CA: 美国活泉出版社Living Spring Publications, 2003。(代理Distributor: 香港Hong Kong: 基道出版社Logos Publishers Ltd, 2003。)

James M. Boice, New Humanity: Romans 12-16. The Expository Preaching Series of James Montgomery Boice, Romans volume 4. 博爱思,赵锺越娜译,《罗马书卷四﹕新人类﹕第十二章至十六章》。博爱思解经讲道丛集。 Monterey Park, CA: 美国活泉出版社Living Spring Publications, 2003。(代理Distributor: 香港Hong Kong: 基道出版社Logos Publishers Ltd, 2003。)

John Calvin, Commentary on the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans. 加尔文,赵中辉、宋华忠合译,《罗马人书注释》。 台北Taipei﹕基督教改革宗翻译社 Reformation Translation Fellowship, 1971。

John R.W. Stott, Men Made New. 司徒德,《新造的人﹕罗马书精选诠释》。[罗马书5-8章简释。] 张永佳译 Trans. Wing Kai Cheung。

香港Hong Kong ﹕福音证主协会Christian Communication Limited(证道出版社Christian Witness Press),1970。

Johannes G. Vos, Studies in the Epistle to the Romans. 魏司道,赵中辉译,《罗马人书研究》。

台北Taipei﹕基督教改革宗翻译社Reformation Translation Fellowship,1982。

John Calvin, Commentary on the Epistle of St. Paul to the Ephesians. 加尔文,《以弗所书注释》。任艾萨克译。


台北Taipei﹕基督教改革宗翻译社 Reformation Translation Fellowship, 1972,1995。

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, God’s Ultimate Purpose – An Exposition of Ephesians 1:1-23. The Expository Preaching Series of D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones: Studies in Ephesians (Vol. 1). 锺马田,《 神终极的心意﹕以弗所书第一章》。锺马田解经讲道丛集﹕以弗所书,卷一。 Monterey Park, CA﹕美国活泉出版社Living Spring Publications,总代理sole distributor﹕香港Hong Kong﹕基道书楼Logos Publishers,1996。

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, God’s Way of Reconciliation – An Exposition of Ephesians 2:1-22. The Expository Preaching Series of D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Studies in Ephesians (Vol. 2). 锺马田,《神的和好之道﹕以弗所书第二章》。锺马田解经讲道丛集﹕以弗所书,卷二。 Monterey Park, CA﹕美国活泉出版社Living Spring Publications,总代理sole distributor﹕香港Hong Kong ﹕基道书楼Logos Publishers,1999。

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, The Unsearchable Riches of Christ – An Exposition of Ephesians 3:1-21. The Expository Preaching Series of D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones: Studies in Ephesians (Vol. 3). 锺马田,《基督那测不透的丰富﹕以弗所书第三章》。锺马田解经讲道丛集﹕以弗所书,卷三。 Monterey Park, CA﹕美国活泉出版社Living Spring Publications,总代理sole distributor﹕香港Hong Kong﹕基道书楼Logos Publishers,1997。

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Christian Unity – An Exposition of Ephesians 4:1-16. The Expository Preaching Series of D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones: Studies in Ephesians (Vol. 4). 锺马田,《在基督里合一﹕以弗所书第四章1-16》。锺马田解经讲道丛集﹕以弗所书,卷四。 Monterey Park, CA﹕美国活泉出版社Living Spring Publications,总代理sole distributor﹕香港Hong Kong﹕基道书楼Logos Publishers,1999。

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Darkness and Light – An Exposition of Ephesians 4:17-5:17. The Expository Preacing Series of D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones: Studies in Ephesians (Vol. 5). 锺马田,《黑暗与光明﹕以弗所书第四章十七节至第五章十七节》。锺马田解经讲道丛集﹕以弗所书,卷五。

Monterey Park, CA﹕美国活泉出版社Living Spring Publications,总代理sole distributor﹕香港Hong Kong﹕基道书楼Logos Publishers,2000。

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, Life in the Spirit – An Exposition of Ephesians 5:18-6:9. D.

Martyn Lloyd-Jones Expository Preaching Series (Vol. 6). 锺马田,《婚姻,家庭,工作﹕灵里生活﹕以弗所书五章十八节至六章九节》。锺马田解经讲道丛集。

Monterey Park, CA﹕美国活泉出版社Living Spring Publications,总代理sole distributor﹕香港Hong Kong﹕基道书楼Logos Publishers,1994。

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, The Christian Warfare – An Exposition of Ephesians 6:10-13. The Expository Preaching Series of D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (Vol. 7). 锺马田,《揭穿魔鬼的诡计﹕以弗所书六章十节至十三节》。锺马田解经讲道丛集。

Monterey Park, CA﹕美国活泉出版社Living Spring Publications,总代理sole distributor﹕香


港Hong Kong﹕基道书楼Logos Publishers,1995。

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones, The Christian Soldier – An Exposition of Ephesians 6:10-20. The Expository Preaching Series of D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones (Vol. 8). 锺马田,《作刚强的人﹕基督精兵的装备。以弗所书六章十节至二十节》。锺马田解经讲道丛集。

Monterey Park, CA﹕美国活泉出版社Living Spring Publications,总代理sole distributor﹕香港Hong Kong﹕基道书楼Logos Publishers,1995。

Alexander N. MacLeod, The Epistle to the Philippians: A Commentary. 毛克礼,《腓立比书释义》。 台北Taipei﹕中国主日学协会China Sunday School Association,1969。

William Hendriksen, New Testament Commentary – I & II Timothy. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House. 韩威廉,《提摩太前后书注释》。宋华忠译。Trans. Watson Soong.

香港Hong Kong﹕天道书楼Tien Dao Publishing House(道光出版委员会Dao Guang Publishers= CRC Chinese Literature Committee),1988。

Peter Wongso, Knowing the Imcomparable Christ – Excellency Faith and Life of Christianity – An Expository Biblical Doctrine of the Epistle of Hebrews. 黄彼得,《认识无比的基督﹕基督徒卓越的信仰与生活﹕希伯来书教义释经》。

Malang, Indonesia: 印度尼西亚玛琅东南亚圣道神学院 Southeast Asia Bible Seminary. Distributor: Taipei: Campus Evangelical Fellowship, 1991。

James Montgomery Boice, “Sure I Believe, So What?” The Expository Preaching Series of James Montgomery Boice. 博爱思,《雅各布书﹕「我信!然后呢?」》博爱思解经讲道丛集。 Monterey Park, CA: 美国活泉出版社Living Spring Publications,总代理sole distributor﹕基道出版社Logos Publishers,2004。

Alexander N. MacLeod, The First Epistle of Peter – A Commentary. 毛克礼,《彼得前书释义》。

香港Hong Kong ﹕福音证主协会Christian Communications Limited,1952,1983。

Che-bin Tan, Key to the Future: A Commentary on the Book of Revelation. 陈济民,《未来之钥﹕启示录注释》。「生命的诠释」丛书。

CGST Expository Preaching Series.

香港Hong Kong﹕中国神学研究院 China Graduate School of Theology;代理Distributor﹕福音证主协会 Christian Communications Ltd., 1995。

Peter Wongso, Knowing the Victorious Christ – Excellency of Foundation and Building of Church – An Expository Biblical Doctrine on the Book of Revelation. 黄彼得,《认识得胜的基督﹕教会卓越的根基与建造﹕启示录教义释经》。