2013人教版七年级英语下册Unit5教案 - 图文 下载本文

教师拿一个纸盒子,要求学生每人写一个小纸条,用句型“I like/don't


For example:

Sl:I like cats. Because they're very cute. Mary,and you? Mary:No,I don't like cats. Sl:Peter,do you like cats? Peter:No,l don't.

Sl:How about you,Jenny? Jenny:Yes,I like them.

Step 9:Role-play the conversation in 2d

先分组朗读 ,然后分角色扮演 2d中的对话 。

Step IO:Summary & Grammar focus

l.I.et students read the sentences in the form and explain how to use the sentences -Why do you. .. ? -Because. . .

Show students the following form and let them remember the sentences. why do does you/they he/she/it Because they're. . . 2.In this class we have learned some descriptive words about animals and we have alsoknown where the animals come from.

Step Il:Do some exercises in 3a-3c if time is permitted Step 12:Homework


2.让学生以My Favorite Animal为题写一篇短文。

3.让学生复习本节课所学的内容并预习Section B的单词及其ld对话。 板书设计

Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? Period 2 Section A(2a-3c) New words StrUCtUreS animal, sleep, cat, leg, pet, Aus- A:Why do you like.. . ? tralia, south, Africa, kind of, scary B:Because they're. . . A:Where is/are. . . from? B:It is/They are from. . . 活动探究


2.写一篇有关某种动物的说明文,并向你的同学进行介绍。 备课资料

1.kind of是非常口语化的表达方式,意思是“有点儿,稍微”,用来修饰形容词。如:

Tigers are kind of dangerous.老虎有点危险。 (l)a kind of意为“一种……”。例如: This is a kind of endangered bird. 这是一种濒临灭绝的鸟。

(2)all kinds of意为“各种各样的”。例如:

The shop sells all kinds of shoes. 在这个商店里出售各种各样的鞋子。


go to bed“上床睡觉”,指从脱衣服到上床躺下这一动作,其反义短语是get up;go to sleep“就寝,入睡”,意义相当于fall asleep,表示从清醒到睡着的过程;be asleep“睡着的”,表示状态。

Period 3 Section B(la-ld) I.教学准备


2.学生:搜集一些动物的图片或模型,通过查询资料弄清它们的特征,熟悉描述它们特征的形容词。 Ⅱ,教学目标

通过各种听、说活动,学会描写动物特征的形容词friendly.shy;掌握what,why引导的特殊疑问句及其答语(“What animals do you like?”“I like elephants. They are cute.”“Whydo you like.?”“Because they're.”);能用英语谈论、描述动物并说明喜欢某种动物的原因。 Ⅲ,教学重点

what,why引导的特殊疑问句及其答语Ⅳ,教学难点学会询问同伴最喜欢的动物是什么?并会用why提问原因,用because表达理由。 V.教学步骤

Step I:Greeting and talking 建议1:检查上节课的家庭作业,可采用让学生作值日生报告的形式呈现My FavoriteAnimal,并根据报告内容向学生提出问题,目的在于训练学生听短文获取关键信息的能力。 For example:

My Favorite AnimalMy favorite animal are pandas. Pandas only live in China. They walk slowly. They areblack and white.I like them very much,because they are very cute. When they are hungry,they like to eat bamboo. T:What is Peter's favorite animal?

Sl:Pandas.T:Where are the pandas from?

S2:They are from China.T:Why does he like pandas?

S3:Because they are very cute.


For example:

T:What animal is it?

Sl:lt's a panda.T:Where is it from? Sl:It's from China.T:Do you like it? Sl:Yes.I do.T:Why do you like it?

Sl:Because it is very cute.


建议3:l.isten to the English song Old MacDonald Had a Farm. Students enjoy thesong.同时也可让学生把歌词中描述的动物换成自己喜欢的动物再唱,效果会更好。

(教师运用此方法,目的在于让学生在轻松欢快的英文歌曲中再现学过的表示动物的英文单词,创设轻松的学习氛围,让学生在潜移默化中有效地学习英语。) NStep 2 Present the new words

建议1:通过图片直接向学生呈现本课时要学的用来描述动物的形容词。教师向学生呈现一些图片,然后教师根据这些图片向学生提问问题并呈现本课时的新单词friendly和shy。 ①Mary shy ②friendlyFor example:

T:Look at Picture l.Who is she? Ss:She is Mary.

T:She is very shy,right? Ss:Right.



For example:

A:Look at me. Am I beautiful? B:Yes,you are very beautiful. A:Look! Am I scary?

B:Yes,you are very scary. You look like a lion. Step 3:Practlce.tHe new'words.



For example:

T:Look at Picture e.Do you like a panda? Ss:Yes,I do.T:Why?

Sl:Because it's kind of shy.

T:Very good. Now work with your partner. Make conversations according to the sampleusing the animals and the adjectives in Activity l.

Sl:Do you like a lion? S2:No,I don't.Sl:Why?

S2:Because it's kind of scary.

(教师多让几组学生表演对话,让学生都能熟练运用所学句型进行交际。) Step 4:Listening practice

1.让学生听lb部分的录音,然后在la中圈出所听到的单词。 2.让学生再听一遍录音完成lc部分的表格。

3.让学生跟读lc部分的录音,纠正学生的发音。 4.让学生分角色朗读lc录音部分,并分角色朗读。 Step 5:Task 建议1:


2.让学生根据ld部分的对话两个人一组编一个类似的对话。 For example:

Sl:What animals do you like?

S2:I like pandas. They are cute and friendly. Sl:What other animals do you like? S2:I like cats,too. Sl:Why?

S2:Because they are smart and friendly. 建议2:Make a survey.


Names favorite animals/ s u bj ects/movies/actor s/months Reasons(原因) 参考句型:“What animals/subjects/movies/actors/months do you like? /What's yourfavorite.???

“I like.…”\ 建议3:Speaking and writing.

First give us the report about the survey,and then write a short article. For example:

Mary's favorite subject is English. She likes it very much. Because it's very interestingand useful. Peter's favorite subject is Chinese. He likes it because it's very easy and interest-ing…

Step 6:Summary

让学生说说本节课学到了什么。 Step 7:Homework

1.复习Section B la-ld。 2.预习2a-Self Check。

3.搜集自己感兴趣的有关大象、狮子、长颈鹿、老虎、树袋熊、熊猫等动物的话题材料。 板书设计

Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? Period 3 Section B(la-ld) New words friendly shy Structures -What animals do you like? -I like. . . -Why ? -Because. . . 活动探究


2.了解一些常见动物的特征及描述其相关特征的形容词。 备课资料

friendly是形容词,意为“友好的,和蔼可亲的”,常与介词to连用,意为“对……友好”。 例如:Chinese people are friendly to foreigners. 中国人对外国人很友好。

Period 4 Section B(2a-Self Check) I.教学准备


2.学生:调查用的表格;自己感兴趣的有关大象、狮子、长颈鹿、老虎、树袋熊、熊猫等动物的话题材料。 Ⅱ.教学目标 1.掌握本课时的重点词汇:save,flag,forget,place.water,danger,be in( great) danger,cut down,kill over, zoo, over和句型:“Let's save the.…”“This is…”“She is from.…” “Isn't she.?”。 2.通过听说活动使学生进一步熟练运用英语谈论、描述动物并说明对某事物喜欢的原因;了解一些濒临灭绝的动物的资料;唤起学生热爱大自然和保护动物的意识。 3.训练学生的写作能力,学会描述自己喜爱的动物及其原因。 Ⅲ.教学重点

介绍动物特征和习性的词:save,flag,forget,place,water,danger,be in( great)danger,cut down,kill over,zoo,over等。 Ⅳ,教学难点

熟练运用所学语言项目介绍某一动物,例如这一动物的外貌特征、生活习性以及它目前的处境以及你喜欢不喜欢它,为什么?等等。 V.教学步骤

Step l:Revision&Warming up

建议l:Free talk通过师生问答复习上课时所学语言项目,提高学生的口头交际能力。 For example:

T:Do you like animals?

Sl:Yes,I do.T:What animals do you like?

Sl:I like dolphins.T:Why do you like dolphins?

Sl:Because they are friendly and clever.
