九年级上册英语Unit 4词汇运用及动词填空专项练习-译林版(含答案) 下载本文

Unit 4 Growing up


1. My father talks with me about my study________(无论何时) he has free time. 2. I think most people like to watch programmes________(凭借) the Internet. 3. My uncle is a teacher and knows a lot about things in different________(时代). 4. He didn’t wake up this morning u________his mother came in. 5. My mother says that health should be always on my m________. 6. A lot of children are in the________(看台), watching the show happily. 7. This bank is not a personal one but a________(国家的) one. 8. The boy has________(成功) got to the top of the hill. 9. A________he is poor, he lives happily with his family. 10. After he g________from the high school, he went to a college.

11. David is clever and hardworking, so he gets a________(奖学金) every term. 12. The woman was________(迫使) to leave the town and went to find a new job. 13. Do you think active people like to be________(领导者) in their lives? 14. Which u________do you want to go to after you finish the high school? 15. He r________in Beijing from January 1 to January 10 this year. 16. The man’s________(职业) as a manager of the company didn’t last long. 17. Jim felt very sad because he was________(拒绝) to play at first.

18. You should know that size and body doesn’t________(要紧), just try your best. 19. Class One is playing football a________Class Two on the playground. 20. This brought him to the a________of North Carolina State University. 21. -Whose are these bags on the table? -They are the________(德国人).

22. A man needs a lot of________(勇气) to face so much difficulty during his life.

23. Mr Li is telling us about the importance of the team________(精神). 24. The earthquake was so strong that only a few people in the village s________. 25. This battle was vividly r________in the article. After reading it, you will know about it.

26. Can you tell me anything________(不寻常的) about animals?

27. Experts said the findings raised important questions, but more________(研究) was needed.

28. His grandpa has________(癌症), and has been in hospital for two weeks. 29. To no one’s s________, he announced that he is to seek re-election as president in 2020.

30. My father is the person who has i________me most in my life.

31. ________(无论何时) I have time after supper, I go out for a walk with my husband.

32. Can you tell me something about some famous________(大学) in the world? 33. Tom’s good habit of getting up early has________(保持不变) for almost ten years.

34. As________(领导者) of the group, they work well with every member. 35. You________(简直) can’t imagine how terrible the earthquake is. 36. The woman has broken two new________(记录). How happy she is! 37. No one should be________(强迫) to do things they dislike.

38. To tell you the truth, I have no________(勇气) to go to ask her for help. 39. Marie Curie is the greatest scientist that she________(敬佩) most. 40. Two________(德国) singers will come to China to attend the concert. 41. We can search for a lot of information t________the Internet. 42. Can you tell me whether his weight m________much?

43. The tower is a good place to enjoy the beauty of the city because of its h________.

44. A________it is hard work, you must continue to the end.

45. The farmers used to be f________to do a lot of farm work for their landlord. 46. We know that c________are very serious. Many people are afraid of them. 47. The young man said something a________his father just now, so his father was very angry.

48. What a great s________he has given me!

49. The scientists brought back a lot of rock samples for further r________. 50. You should work together because team s________is very important. 答案:1. whenever 2. through 3. times 6. stands

7. national 8. sucessfully

4. until

5. mind 10. graduated 15. remained 20. attention 25. recorded 30. influenced

9. Although

11. scholarship 12. forced 13. leaders 14. university 16. career

17. refused 18. matter 19. against 22. courage 23. spirit

24. survived

21. Germans’ 26. unusual 31. Whenever 36. records 41. through 46. cancers

27. research 28. cancer 29. surprise 32. universities 33. remained

34. leaders 35. simply

40. German 45. forced 50. spirit

37. forced 38. courage 39. admires 42. matters 43. height

44. Although

47. against 48. surprise 49. research


1. Please remember that we don’t allow________(smoke) in public places. 2. Mr Wu________(watch) “Dad, where are we going” at 10 p.m. last Friday. 3. I will call you as soon as he________(get) home. 4. Can you finish________(read) the book in a month? 5. Jim________(teach) here since he left college.