安徽省泗县三中2020高中英语《Unit 2 Cloning》1学案 新人教版选修8 下载本文

选修八 Unit Two



1. In ________respects, French ________from English. (difference) 2. My main ________ to the plan is that it would be too expensive. (object) 3. A man with ________habits often sleeps as________as clockwork, neither too late nor too early and always obeys the ________. At the same time his own belongings are always ________well by him. (regular)

4. His novels are well written and ________as well.(commerce) Ⅱ.翻译句子

1.如果你坚持努力像这样工作,你的研究必定会获得成功。(bound, obtain) ________________________________________________________________________






5.看足球回来后,那个男孩整天都很沮丧。(cast down)






I was on my way to the Taiyetos Mountains. The sun was setting when my car__1__(break) down near a remote and poor village. Cursing my misfortune, I was wondering where I was going to spend the night when I realized that the villagers who had gathered around me were arguing as to__2__should have the honour of receiving me__3__a guest in their house. Finally, I accepted the offer of an old woman who lived alone in a little house. While she was getting me__4__(settle) into a tiny but clean room, the head of the village was tying up his horse to my car to pull it to__5__small town some 20 kilometres away__6__there was a garage.

I had noticed three hens running free in my hostess’s courtyard and that night one of them ended up in a dish on my table.__7__villagers brought me goat’s cheese and honey. We drank together and talked__8__(merry) till far into the night.

When the time came for me to say goodbye to my friends in the village, I wanted to reward the old woman__9__the trouble I had caused__10__.

Ⅳ.阅读理解 A


Sunday is more like Monday than it used to be. Places of business that used to keep daytime“ business hours” are now open late into the night. And on the Internet, the hour of the day and the day of the week have become irrelevant(不相关的). A half century ago in the United States, most people experienced strong and precise dividing lines between days of rest and days of work,school time and summer time. Today the boundaries still exist, but

they seem not clear.

The law in almost all states used to require stores to close on Sunday; in most, it no longer does. It used to keep the schools open in all seasons except summer; in most, it still does. And whether the work week should strengthen its legal limits,or whether it should become more“ flexible”, is often debated. How should we, as a society,organize our time? Should we go even further in relaxing the boundaries of time until we live in a world in which every minute is much like every other?

These are not easy questions even to ask. Part of the difficulty is that we rarely recognize the“law of time” even when we meet it face to face. We know as children that we have to attend school a certain number of hours, a certain number of days, a certain number of years—but unless we meet the truant officer(学监), we may well think that we should go to school due to social custom and parents’ demand rather than to the law. As adults we are familiar with“extra pay for overtime working,” but less familiar with the fact that what constitutes(构成) “overtime” is a matter of legal definition. When we turn the clock forward to start daylight

saving time, have we ever

thought to ourselves:“ Here is the law in action”? As we shall see, there is a lot of law that has great influence on how we organize and use time: compulsory education law, overtime law, and daylight

saving law—as well

as law about Sunday closing, holidays, being late to work ,time zones, and so on. Once we begin to look for it, we will have no trouble finding a law of time to examine and assess.

1.By saying “Sunday is more like Monday that it used to be”,the writer means that________.

A. work time is equal to rest time B. many people have a day off on Monday C. it is hard for people to decide when to rest