2011—2012学年第一学期期末试卷A卷(英语3) 下载本文

………系 …… …专 业 ……… ……年 级 …… 线 班 …… ……姓 名 …… ……学 号 …… 封 命 题 …… ……审 核 …… ……批 准 …… ………… 密 ……………………………


A.late B. later C. latest D. lating 13. Why not________the voluntary team with us?

2011—2012学年第一学期期末考试试卷(A卷) A. take part in B. took part in C. take in D. took part 系:基础教育系 课程名称:英语3 14. Today I________practised my oral English,_______learned how 适用班级:高计1001-02班、高计1003-04班

to use it in the correct way.

时 量:100分钟

A. not; but B. but; not

本试卷共 3 页 共 五 大题

C. not only; but also D. but also; not only

题 号 一 二 三 四 五 总 分 阅卷人 15. If you want to know more information, please________Betty at the following number.

得 分 A. contract B. contact C. control D. content



1. —How do you do? 

—I don’t think we have met _______.

① 用下列词语的正确形式填空

A. after B.since C. from D.before

feel proud of injured survive survivor

2. —______ the weather is fine, we will go out for a walk tomorrow. 

A. If B. When C. Where  D.Which

Wang Ling was a junior high student. She 1)_______________ 3. —I found him in my office, _____I came in.

the 12 May earthquake at Wenchuan. She and other A. what B. where C. how D.when

2)_______________ people were sent to Beijing’ s Fuxing Hospital. 4. —Good morning, I want to________. Room 314?

Later she, with four other 3)_______________, joined a team of —One moment,. Room 314. Mr Smith. Three night. Beginning on 13 May. volunteers and left for the disaster area from the hospital. The A. check on B.check in C. check out D. check off doctors and nurses all 4)_______________ them. And finally 5. —He looks forward to __________from his mother all the time. Jingwen became a Paralympic volunteer.

A. heard B. hear C. hearing D.heared

6. —Please__________me to introduce myself  A.allow B. let C . make  D.不填

② 用词语的正确形式填空

7. —In Tianshan hotel, we can watch TV and sometimes we ___free drinks.

A.are offered B.were offered C. is offered D.will offer 5) Tom won’t go to see the film because she_____________(see) 8. —Do you know the girl__________family lost everything in the disaster?

it once.

A.who B. which C. that  D.whose

6) Mu Tong helps those people who have difficulty 9. —It’s very important ________us to make a plan before a new term.


—Yes. You must try to make it carefully.

7) It ___________(花了) him 8 years to finish his project. A. of B. for C. to D.不填

8)Can you___________(填写) this form, please?

10. —Ben did not find a part-time job because he___________English. 9) I believe that you can ____________(处理好) the A. is good at B. was bad at C. was good at D.is bad at


11. The students of the Fashion Design Department are very________at the news. 10) I am writing to__________(申请) a position in the sales C.excite D. be excited

department of your company.

12. It is really nice to see the catwalk models display the_________fashions.

英语3试卷第1页 共3页

A.exciting B. excited 三、阅读理解(2ˊ×15=30)


Dongfang Hotel is a four-star hotel. It is located in the centre of the city, with a parking lot for 150 cars.

The 650 rooms are of international first-class standard. They are well furnished with full modern facilities. It is very comfortable to stay in. Both Chinese and Western foods are served in the restaurants on the top floor and breakfast can be brought to your room at your request. There are four outdoor swimming pools with gardens around, as well as an indoor swimming pool.

Spa and health massage are available. As you would expect, we also offer a fully equipped gym with instructors. A tennis court is located on the 5th floor and it is free for all our guests. You can enjoy a nice cup of coffee or a favourite drink in any bar or café. If you need the housekeeper to collect your laundry, just dial 14 in your room between 7:00 am and 10:00 pm. We are very pleased to be at your service.

( )1. You can have your breakfast in the restaurant or in _______.

A. the hall B. the café

C. your own room D. at the kitchen

( )2. Altogether there are _______ swimming pools in the hotel.

A.one B. four C.five D. six

( )3. If you want to have a cup of drink, you can go to a _______ or a café.

A. gym B. bar

C.laundry D. both B and C

( )4. How many hours can you dial 14 to collect your lanndry?

A.7 hours B. 10 hours C. 15 hours D. 16 hours

( )5. If you want to have your clothes washed, you should call the _______.

A. boss B. laundry C. waiter D. housekeeper


Preparing for a Students’ Fashion Show

The students of the Fashion Design Department at Weihua Vocational School are excited because they are going to have a Students’ Fashion Show.

Liu Fang is one of the students who will take part. She spends all her free time in the workroom designing her collection for the show. She is making two shirts, two skirts, a pair of trousers and a jacket.

英语3试卷第2页 共3页Liu Fang first uses the computer to draw her ideas. She tries out different designs to see how they look in different colours and creates paper patterns. She then measures the models and cuts out the patterns from a large piece of cloth. The next job is to put all the pieces together so the models can try them on. Then Liu Fang sews the garments together, and adds buttons and zips. Although the show is two weeks ahead, she cannot wait to see the models display her clothes.

( )6. Where will the fashion show be held?

A.At Weifa Vocational School B. At our


C. At Weihua Vocational School D. At home

( )7. Is Liu Fang interested in this fashion show?

A. Yes, she is B.No, she is not C.Not mentioned D. Not sure

( )8. What is Liu Fang’s collection made up of?

A. a pair of trousers and a jacket. B. Two shirts, two skirts

C. Two shirts, two skirts, a pair of trousers D. Two shirts, two skirts, a pair of trousers and a


( )9. What is Liu Fang’s third step to design the collection?

A. uses the computer to draw her ideas B. measures the models

C. cuts out the patterns from a large piece of cloth D. put all the pieces together

( )10. Which sentence is not true according to the text?

A. Liu Fang is one of the students in Weihua

Vocational School

B. Liu Fang does not attend the fashion show.

C. The fashion show attracts the students attention. D. Liu Fang cannot wait to see the models display her clothes.


A Busy Bus Driver

Sam is a bus driver. He works the evening shift from 4:00 pm to midnight. His bus route is 28, which runs west and east along Finch Street. His route is busy, because it is in the downtown area. Sam

likes his job because he can be free in the daytime. He often plays badminton and goes hiking.

Sam is 59 and he can retire next year, but his wife wants him to work for another five years. In five years, their house will be paid off and their bills will be much lower. Sam has worked hard for the past 36 years, but he wants to retire as soon as possible. He is not worried about money.

What should Sam do? How can be solve his problem?

( )11. How many hours does Sam work as a bus driver every day?

A. four hours B. 7 hours C.8 hours D. 10 hours

( )12. Why Sam likes his job?

A. Because he can be free at night.

B. Because he wife wants him to work as a bus driver. C.Because he has not paid off his house. D. Because he can be free in the daytime.

( )13. Did Sam work hard for the past 36 years?

A. Yes, he did. B. Not mentioned. C.No, he did not. D. Not sure.

( )14. Which sentence is not mentioned in the text?

A.Route 28 is in a dangerous neighbourhood. B. Sam’s wife wants sam to work for another 5 years. C.Sam will be 60 years old next year.

D. Sam wants to retire as soon as possible.

)15. What is the title of the passage?

A. An old man-Sam B Sam and his bus

C. A busy bus driver D. Sam wants to retire


Secretary:Good morning. Sales Manager’s office. Can I help you? Jim: This is Jim speaking, Jim Nixon, from Hongde Chemistry. 1)____________________________________. Secretary: Sorry, he’ s out.

Jim: Too bad. 2)______________________________.

Secretary: It’ s hard to say. He’ s showing some foreign visitors around the factory.3) _______ ____________.

Jim:OK. 4)_____________________ ____. Is this afternoon all right?

英语3试卷第3页 共3页Secretary:5)______________________ ____.Yes, how about 3 o’ clock?

Jim: Well, that’s fine. Thanks a lot.

A. Can I take a message? B. When will he be back? C. Let me have a look at his schedule. D. I’d like to make an appointment with him. E. Is Mr Huang in at the moment?


1. A:___________________________________________.(谢谢您的帮忙。)(中译英)

B:It is my pleasure .

2. This blouse________________________________.(看起来很适合你)(中译英)

3.I am a volunteer.___________________________________.(英译中)

4.Where there is a will, there is a way.

__________________________________________。(英译中) 5.You have booked a single room for four nights, right?. ______________________________________。(英译中)