人教版英语八年级上册第十单元测试题及答案Unit 10 下载本文

Unit10 If you go to the party, you'll have a great time!单元试卷


1. Maybe you say sorry to your elder sister.

A. shall A. could A. told

A. will come; will invite C. comes; will invite

B. should B. should B. have told

C. will C. might C. tell

B. will come; invite D. comes; invite

D. would D. would D. will tell

2. For everyone's safety, we always remember the law against driving after drinking. 3. If there is any change to the plan, I you as soon as possible. 4. He if you him tomorrow. 5. --- Do you know if he will come tomorrow?

--- No, but if he , I'll call you to have a meal together.

A. will come B. won't come C. comes D. doesn't come

6. --- Terra, you shouldn't be so . You always leave your things here and there. --- Sorry, mom. I'll put them away soon.

A. terrified A. ourselves A. stop

B. cheerful B. yourselves B. to stop

C. careless C. themselves C. stopping

D. frightened D. itself D. stops

7. If people have problems, they should keep them to and ask for help. 8. The doctor advise my father smoking. 9. My mother is a traveler with , and she has some interesting . A. experience; experiences C. experiences; experience A. lucky

B. upset

B. experience; experience D. experiences; experiences C. late

D. happy

10. I'm very because my best friend didn't invite me to his party. 11. --- Helen, will you be at the party tonight?

--- Yes, but I really as I have so much homework to do.

A. can't A. wouldn't

B. shouldn't B. shouldn't

C. mustn't C. couldn't

D. won't D. mightn't

12. You drive your car so fast. It's very dangerous. 13. --- We'll go for a picnic if it this Sunday. --- Wish you a lovely weekend.

A. rain A. passes

B. doesn't rain B. pass

C. will pass

C. won't rain

D. passed

14. If Tom studies hard, he the English test tomorrow. 第 1 页 共 9 页

15. If you to the party, you'll have a great time. A. will go B. went C. go D. going


16. When is a good time to o the party? 17. My friends Linda was very u , she didn't want to do anything. 18. You'd better a him to wear warm clothes in cold days. 19. --- Who can s the problem? --- I believe everyone can.

20. T him! He has no difficulty in working out the problem. 21. Mr. Smith has taught for many years, so he has much e in teaching. 22. Mr. White was very a with the students, because they didn't clean the classroom. 23. You can't drive. You're only 15. You're just a t . 24. My dream is to t around the world. 25. It's c of him to make such a mistake. 三、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共10小题;共10分)

26. Who do you (信任) when you are in trouble?

27. A social worker always listens to people's problems and helps them (解决) their problems. 28. He was so (粗心的) that he failed the exam. 29. My mother will be (失望) if I don't study carefully. 30. My English teacher is a good teacher with a lot of (经验). 31. You must pay attention to your (错误). 32. Do you know how to (组织) the class meeting?

33. Lin Yan didn't finish her homework. The teacher was (生气的). 34. (青少年) shouldn't run away from their problems. 35. --- Can I use your computer for a while? --- (当然) you can.


36. 老师建议我记笔记。

The teacher take notes. 37. 她总是把麻烦留给自己。

She always . 38. 你要是把杯子打碎了,我会生你的气的。 I shall be you if you break the cup. 39. Sorry, I will put it (别处). 40. 尽量仔细一些,下次就会更少犯错误了。

Try to be more careful and then you'll fewer next time. 五、完形填空(共7小题;共10分)

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I had a problem a month ago. I found most of my classmates were much 41 than me at studies. I got stressed out. 42 I spend much time on my studies, I didn't get good grades. Sometimes my father gave me 43 . He told me not to worry. But it didn't help. I didn't know what to do. Later my teacher told me that many famous people were not so good when they were 44 . Edison, a well-known scientist, did 45 in his studies when he was a little boy. But when he grew up, he 46 many things that helped people a lot. My teacher also told me to keep 47 hard. So I decided to try my best. I believe I can do better and get better grades next time.

41. A. better 42. A. Because 43. A. help 44. A. new 45. A. well 46. A. sold 47. A. working

B. worse B. Although B. food B. young B. good B. invented B. thinking

C. weaker C. When C. money C. old C. badly C. bought C. developing



My best friend, Lily, doesn't look at me or speak to me now. I don't know why! Last week we telephoned each other every day and emailed too, and over the weekend we went shopping together and she was fine. She now stays with another group of friends. Gimbya, India I feel sorry for you, Gimbya. My best friend did the same to me and I still don't know the reason. Could you ask another friend to speak to her for you? George, France Don't worry about it so much! Phone your friend up as usual and she will answer you. Everything will be fine. Mary, America 48. Who doesn't speak to Gimbya now? A. Mary. B. George. C. Lily. D. Tom.

49. What's Mary's advice?

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