(英语试卷合集)安徽省合肥市2018年八年级上学期期末英语试卷(19份合集) 下载本文


一. 听力理解(每小题1分,共20 分) A. 1-5 A C B C B B. 6-10 B C B C B C. 11-15 A B B C C

D. 16. foreign 17. sad 18. January 19. gift 20. 85953627 二.单项填空:(每小题1分,共15分)

21-25 B A C C D 26-30 B D D A A 31-35 B D A B A 三.完形填空:(每小题1分,共10分) 36-40 C A B A A 41-45 B C B C D

四.阅读理解:(每小题1.5分,共15分) (A)46-50 B C B D C (B) 51-55 A C A C B

五.单词拼写:(每小题1,共5分)(所填单词拼写形式不正确扣0. 5分) 56. lose 57. shapes 58. caught 59. through 60. mistake 六.完成句子: (每小题2分, 共10分)(所填单词拼写形式不正确扣0. 5分) 61. because of 62. more and more 63. write it down 64. hearing from/ getting a letter from 65. fell down 七. 短文填空: ( 本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)

66. mother 67. best 68. the 69. but 70. languages 71. with / to 72. song 73. so 74. called 75. think 八. 读写综合:


76. The beginning of the year 77. Readers 78. Over 1000 / one thousand 79. To keep fit 80. To help their children B )书面表达:(10分) ( One possible version )

... I have two worries . First is that I'm not good at my subjects at school . So I'm going to study harder to get good grades next year. I'm going to listen to teachers carefully in class and do my homework on time every day. Second, I'm worried about my physical health .Next year I'm going to run more to keep fit. And I'm going to eat more vegetables and try to eat less junk food . (75词)



成language, 扣0.5分。 第八大题:

A.信息归纳:信息准确,没有语法错误,给满分;大、小写不扣分;信息不完整或出现无关信息,每题扣0.5分;信息错误不给分。 B.书面表达

1.评分原则与方法 :

(1) 采用总体评分法:本题主要考查学生能否根据写作提示,较好地阅读文章中与写作相关的内容进行归纳和运用来完成书面表达任务。评分时,要注重内容的完整及语言表达的准确性。先确定其所属档次,然后以该档次的要求进行微调,最后给分。

(2)内容的表达:要求考生能完整地按写作要点进行表达,作文具有一定的连贯性。具体要点的分数分配见第2点。少于规定词数20%的酌情扣分; 语法、单词拼写和标点符号错误,每两处扣0.5分,同样错误不重复扣分; 文中若出现真实的人名、校名,扣2分。

(3)语言的引用:原文照抄的,只能在第5档中调整;但套用原文的句式结构且运用得当的,不扣分。 2. 内容要点的分数分配(仅供参考,建议评分时从内容、语言及篇章逻辑三方面给予考虑): 内容分:6分

1) 简要介绍自己的两个烦恼或担心。(3分)

2)针对自己的烦恼或担心,说说新年的决心和计划。(3分) 语言分:3分

篇章逻辑及连贯性:1分 3.评分档次与标准 :


笔试部分(95分) 五、单项选择(20分)

( )26.--- What can I do for you?

--- I want iPhone 6S Plus for my wife as useful gife. A. an; a B. a; an C. an; the D. a; a ( )27.--- Each of us hopes

--- Yes. We are looking forward to the beach. A. to travel; visiting B. to travel; visit C. traveling; visiting D. traveling; visit ( )28. --- Your mother looks very . What happened? --- I broke her favorite cup this morning.

A. serious B. angry C. careless D. surprised ( )29. I don't think English is than Chinese. A. so difficult B. a little difficult C. much more difficult D. much difficult ( )30.--- Do you know Victor Day(胜利日) in China?

--- Yes, it's September 3rd each year. It tells the world that Chinese people love peace (和平) .

A. in; on B. on; in C. at; / D. on; /

( )31.Being honest is the first if you want to make friends with others. A. time B. job C. hand D. step

( )32.Never milk and coffee. I don't like coffee with milk. A. add to B. talk to C. mix up D. cut up ( )33.--- My computer works too slowly. --- Why not something useless. A. delete B. leave C. save D. write

( )34. Half of the children playing games now. A. is B. are C. was D. were ( )35.--- Do you like Zhang Bichen's songs?

--- Yes, She is the winner of The Voice of China Ⅲ. I can't think of anyone with a voice. A. best B. better C. worse D. worst

( )36. useful advice it is!

A. How B. What a C. What D. How a ( )37. When will you my e-mail?

A. reply B. answer to C. reply to D. replied to ( )38.--- How soon will you finish your work? --- .

A. After one day B. Before one day C. One day ago D. In one day

( )39.Most people robots and they want to know what they in ten years. A. will like; like B. will like; are like C. like; will like D. like; will be like ( )40.--- Why not watch TV?

--- I watch TV because I am really busy with study. A. hardly B. already C. probably D. usually

( )41. The bag of rice is heavy for Tom to carry. Let's go and help him. A. very B. too C. so D. much ( )42.--- How are you going to be an artist? --- I'm going to this year. A. get good grades B. keep healthy

C. take art lessons D. study computer science ( )43.--- The girl's eyesight (视力)is bad.

--- It will be worse she stops watching TV. A. if B. unless C. until D. when ( )44. Hainan is Wenchang Chicken. Many people like eating it. A. famous for B. good at C. popular with D. good for ( )45.--- I don't think students should use mobile phones(手机)at school.

--- . They really have a bad influence(影响) on your study. A. Not at all B. You're welcome C. No problem D. I agree with you 六、完型填空(10分)

Many parents buy everything their children want. If they go on doing so, the children won't know that money 46 from hard work. When they grow up, they will waste (浪费) money but not 47 it.

Some parents like having birthday parties 48 their children. If they go on doing so, the children will think they 49 enjoy birthday parties every year. They may forget parents' birthdays and only remember