2019-2020学年外研版高一英语必修一:module6单元测试卷(有答案) 下载本文


A.Africa B.Asia C. Europe D.America

26.The best place to travel to is ________. A.France B.Italy C.Britain D.India

27.More than ________ visit the Tower of London each year. A.millions of tourists B.three hundred people C.thousands of visitors D.three million people

28.When we climb up the bridge, ________. A.we can see the view of the Britain

B.we can see the view of London city and the Thames C.we can see the towers of London

D.we can see all the bridges of London over the Thames 答案:


25.解析:细节理解题。由第一段第一句可判断“Britain, France and Italy”是欧洲国家,故选C。A是非洲;B是亚洲;D是美洲,这三个选项都不符合原文。


26.解析:细节理解题。由第一段第四句“The Britain is the first place to visit.”可判断出,英国旅游胜地多,是欧洲第一大旅游国家,故选C。A是法国;B是意大利;D是印度,这三个选项都不符合原文。


27.解析:细节理解题。由第二段最后一句“... it is one of the most popular tourist sights and attracts over three million visitors a year.”可知,每年有三百多万游客前来观光。


28.解析:细节理解题。由第三段最后一句“You can climb up the bridge for a great view of the Thames and the city.”可知,你可以登上伦敦桥饱览伦敦市和泰晤士河的风光。



A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Great Papers

Time For Kids

Want to be a better writer? TFK’s “Write Ideas” gives your writing a rise by walking you through every step involved in writing a paper. Using sample papers, idea organizers and checklists, you can write better research papers, persuasive essays, news stories and much more.

Spelling, Grammar and More English Zone

This is the perfect site for English homework: It has a section on almost every topic you will cover in English class, such as spelling, parts of speech and writing. It does not just give you a summary of the topic; rather it makes sure you understand it completely.

Reading Rocks! Reading Rockets

From this great resource, learn to love reading or to love it even more! Read articles about reading and education, and share them with your teachers and parents. You can even read books by famous authors like Jane Yolen and Patricia MacLachlan.

Definitions, Rhymes and Word Games Merriam-Webster Word Central

If you want to review words you know and learn new ones, visit this site. Here you’ll visit a school called “Word Central” where you can click on different areas to learn things like definitions and rhymes for different words or play word games.

Help with Foreign Languages

Kidspace @ The Internet Public Library

This is a really cool site if you need help with foreign-language homework. It teaches you how to say hello in

many different languages and has a lot of other useful information. It also tells how you can listen to real people saying the words in other languages.



29.Which of the following sites can help you remember the new words? A.Time For Kids. B.English Zone. C.Reading Rockets. D.Merriam-Webster Word Central.

30.The ad is mainly intended to________ . A.increase the students’ learning skills B.offer some useful sites in language study C.attract the students to join some learning club D.help students understand language study better

31.“Help with Foreign Language” can teach you how to __________ . A.read books by famous authors.

B.say hello in many different languages. C.write better research papers. D.use grammar in a right way.

32.In which column of a newspaper could we find this advertisement? A.Jobs. B.News.

C.Languages. D.Sales. 答案:

29.解析:由第4个网站的第1句可知,Merriam-Webster Word Central网站能帮你记单词。


30.解析:综观全文可知本文主要介绍了一些对语言学习有帮助的网站。 答案:B

31.解析:事实判断题。根据最后一段第二句话可知答案。 答案:B

32.解析:这五则广告均与语言的技能有关。 答案:C


Large numbers of stinging jellyfish(水母) have attacked bathers(浴客) in the Mediterranean this summer. Researchers said it was the result of climate change and overfishing of the jellyfish’s natural enemies and competitors for food. While the species that reach European beaches aren't considered deadly to humans, some like the purple jellyfish have a very painful sting(蜇) that can cause severe swelling(肿胀) and an allergic(过敏的) reaction.

The Spanish Red Cross is reported to have treated more than 19,000 bathers for jellyfish stings in the famous Costa Brava resort(度假胜地) region alone. Government officials have sent out boats to net the jellyfish before they reach shallow water, and many Spanish beaches have been closed. Resorts in Italy and France have also been badly affected(影响). These warmer, saltier waters allow open-sea jellyfish species to reach the shore, where cooler

waters had once acted as a barrier(障碍) to them, researchers explain.

Scientists in Italy said higher sea temperatures have allowed the jellyfish to move north from Africa. Several other recent studies throughout Europe have similarly concluded that increases in jellyfish populations are being caused by global warming.

Peter Richardson of the Marine Conservation Society, based in Ross-on-Wye, England, says warmer seas are

thought to increase the production of the plankton(浮游生物) on which jellyfish feed. “In cooler waters like the northeast Atlantic and the Mediterranean, these warmer water temperatures are thought to lead to great numbers of jellyfish. With climate change, it’s likely that we will see larger numbers in the future, as sea temperatures increase”.

33.What is the main reason for jellyfish appearing in European beaches? A.The cold water B.Global warming C.Clean water D.More fish

34.Which of the following might be the best title for the passage? A.Make full use of jellyfish B.Jellyfish’s natural enemies

C.Jellyfish do harm to European bathers D.The way jellyfish live in water

35.What can we learn from the passage?



A.Jellyfish feed on plankton living in water.

B.The purple jellyfish’s stings don't make people feel very painful.

C.The Spanish Red Cross has treated about 1,000 bathers for jellyfish stings. D.Higher sea temperatures have allowed the jellyfish to move south from Africa. 答案:

33.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段:increases in jellyfish populations are being caused by global warming.可得答案。


34.解析:主旨大意题。根据全文如第一段:Large numbers of stinging jellyfish (水母)have attacked bathers(浴客) in the Mediterranean this summer.可知答案。

答案:C 35.解析:事实判断题。根据是第四段:warmer seas are thought to increase the production of the plankton(浮游生物) on which jellyfish feed。



根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 Question: My 13-year-old daughter's birthday is coming up soon. I am planning a fun and special party for

her.__36__ What should I do to make the party special? Answer: Planning a teen's birthday party is not easy. Teens still like to have fun but they are too old for a typical “kid” birthday and are not quite ready for an adult party. __37__ Here are some tips for a teen's birthday party.

·Provide teen-friendly entertainment

Most teens don't like the idea of playing board games or activities. __38__Provide entertainment that teens will love, such as a live band that plays your daughter's favorite music.

·Serve delicious party food

Teens will most likely be satisfied with party food like pizza and chips, but you can add the birthday girl's favorite foods into the menu to make the celebration more special. __39__ Of course, you had better prepare some foods that everyone loves, like ice-cream.

·__40__ Be sure to give your teen some time to spend with her guests without watching her too closely. If the party is held in your house, say a few words at the beginning of the event to welcome everyone, and explain that you'll be around if anyone needs anything.

A.Give your teen some space.

B.They won't enjoy this type of child-like fun.

C.About ten boys and girls are going to attend it.

D.Talk to your teen about what kind of party she would like.

E.Everyone likes to be recognized in a special way on their birthday.

F.If the celebration is a dinner party, you can serve all of the food your daughter loves. G.Let your daughter pick out a favorite movie, and then invite her friends over to watch it. 答案:

36-40 CEBFA

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Bill, an office worker,lives in Washington.He inherited(继承) a million __41__ when he was 23,but he wasn't happy __42__ .When his college friends were __43__ their jobs,he didn't have to.Bill decided to live a __44__ life like everyone else.He gave $l0,000 of his money to a charity (慈善机构) to help poor __45__ live a better life.Today he is 36.He still __46__cheap shoes and clothes and __47__ a small car only,but he is very happy.

Up to now Bill has helped some children from poor countries all over the world,by __48__ them each $200 a month.The money was used for the children’s __49__, food, medicine and clothing.Bill __50__ a report each year on the children’s__51__ . They can write to each other, but usually the children do not speak English. When Bill first __52__ these children,he wanted to help __53__ .“It was nothing __54__ ,” he said.“__55__ I went to these __56__ and met the children I was helping,I didn't know anything about their __57__ .” Once John went to meet a little girl in Africa.He said that the meeting was very exciting.“When I met her.I felt very, very __58__,” he said.“And I saw that the money was used for a good __59__.It brought me



happiness.I want to __60__ everything I can to go on helping those children.”

41.A.articles B.dollars C. pens D.photos

42.A.on purpose B.in order C. by chance D.at all

43.A.looking for B.digging out C. bursting into D.adding up 44.A.simple B.busy C. rich D.hard

45.A.workers B.villagers C. farmers D.children 46.A.sells B.breaks C. returns D.wears 47.A.lends B.makes C. invents D.drives

48.A.earning B.sending C.building D.costing 49.A.peace B.study C.difficulty D.pity 50.A.designs B.corrects C. receives D.writes

51.A.friendship B.memory C. progress D.doubt 52.A.held up B.put off

C. worked out D.heard about 53.A.them B.himself C. her D.another

54.A.special B.interesting C. important D.cheap 55.A.After B.If C. Until D.Once

56.A.banks B.companies C. countries D.factories 57.A.freedom B.life C. pleasure D.mistake 58.A. sick B.happy C. angry D.upset 59.A.cause B.exam C. meal D.pack

60.A.paint B.borrow C. order D.do 答案:

41.解析:当他23岁时,他继承了一百万美元。 答案:B

42.解析:但是他根本不高兴。 答案:D

43.解析:当他的大学的朋友在找工作的时候。 答案:A

44.解析:比尔决定像所有别的人一样,过着朴素的生活。 答案:A

45.解析:他把他的一万美元给了一家慈善机构用以帮助贫穷的孩子过上较好的生活。 答案:D

