大学英语精读1-笔记(1-4课) 下载本文

Lesson one

导言第一句中“how to improve your grades…?” 作的是know的宾语,是宾语 从句how you can improve your grades…的省略形式。有些带疑问词的宾语从句 往往能省略成:“疑问词+动词不定式”的形式。 如:Can you tell me how I can get to the railway station? 可省略为:Can you tell me how to get to the railway station?

如:I don’t know what I should do.可省略为:I don’t know what to do.

导言第一句中的without后面接的是动名词结构。without是介词,介词后一般接名词(词组)作宾语,有时也接动名词(短语)或从句作宾语。 如:He went to work without breakfast.

They left without saying goodbye to the host and the hostess.

The instrument is important to us, without which we can never do the experiment. spend: a.花费(钱,时间等)

常见的结构是:spend money/time on something 和 spend time (in) doing如: I spent ten dollars on the shirt.

They spent two and a half hours on their homework. They spent two and a half hours (in) doing their homework. b.度过

如:How do you spend your spare time? He has spent all his life in the small village. 导言第二句中的sound是连系动词,

意思是“听上去”,该词后面的结构作的是句子的 表语。

如:He sounded a little discouraged.(他听上去有点儿泄气。) Her excuse sounds reasonable.


类似的连系动词还有 look, feel, turn, get, become, grow, appear 等。 如:She appears pale today. The cloth feels soft.

Your grandmother looks well. Leaves have turned yellow. The food is getting cold. The weather becomes warmer.

too…to…结构表示“太…以至不能…”的意思,too后面接形容词、副词,to后面接动词原形. 导言第二句话 Sounds too good to be true? 的意思是:听上去太好了,都令人难以置信, 不是吗? 如:He is too weak to carry the luggage by himself. The room is too small for five people to live in.

第二个例句中,to live in这个动词不定式前加了一个形式主语(逻辑主语)for five people. habit的意思是“习惯, a tendency to repeat an act again and again , or a behavior pattern that has a degree of unconscious stubborn repetition”, 如:the habit for smoking, a habit of thrift(节省), a habit of scratching (挠)one’s head when thinking, a reading habit, a note-taking habit.

hobby的意思是“业余爱好”, a leisure-time interest or activity taken up primarily for pleasure 如:the hobby of traveling, the hobby of photography the hobby of stamp-collecting(集邮)

average: 1) 形容词,

a. \普通的ordinary, common\

如:What is the yearly income of an average family in Beijing ? b.“平均的 mean”,


如:The average age of the students is twenty. 2)名词,“平均”

如:The average of 4, 5and 9 is 6.

On the average(一般说来), there are twenty students present every day. intelligence: n. 智力, 如:an intelligence test

形容词为intelligent,意思是clever, 如:He is an intelligent young man. That is an intelligent decision. Average Intelligence: 普通智力。


心理学上的所谓“智商”(Intelligence Quotient)就是使用一系列问题来测量一个人的智力水平。一般说来,达到80--100 为中等。 necessarily: inevitably, unavoidably

如:Big men are not necessarily strong men.高大的男人不一定是强壮的男人。 Great books are not necessarily bestseller.

Rich people are not necessarily happy.富人并不一定幸福。 case: n. actual condition 实际情况

书中句子This is not necessarily the case.意思是“情况/事实未必如此” 如:He thought he had found the right answers, but that was not the case. She believes she is good at reading comprehension, but actually that is not the case. n. instance of a diseased condition 病例

如:Five cases of flu have been found in this town. in case: if it should happen that 如果 万一

如:In case I forget, please remind me of my promise. in case of: in the event of 如果 万一