大学英语精读1-笔记(1-4课) 下载本文

commit murder(谋杀) commit suicide(自杀)

committed time: time required to fulfill one's obligations or necessities

decide on something. 意思是choose it from two or more possibilities(从多种可能性中选择一种) 如: He has decided on a date for departure(出发). We decided on a trip to the North.我们选定了去北方旅行。 I have not yet decided on any definite plan.

decide的意思是“决定”,后面往往接动词不定式或宾语从句。 如: He decided not to go to the theatre.

It has been decided that the meeting shall be postponed(延期).决定把会议延期。

be sure to do something一定要去做什么事: not fail to do something一定…, 常用于祈使句中 如: Be sure to write home as soon as you get there.一到那儿请务必给家里写信。 Be sure not to be late again.请务必不要再迟到。 be sure 后还可接从句, 如:

I am sure that he will come. Are you sure who she is ?

I am not sure whether I should go there. set aside: save for special purpose 留出(时间,金钱等)

如:Try and set aside time to do some mending jobs.请留些时间做些补充性的工作。 The government set aside thirteen percent of this money for health and education. 政府留出13%的资金作为健康和教育。

She set aside part of her dinner for next day's lunch.把晚餐留了一部分作为明天的早餐



如:My first major assignment as a reporter was to cover a large-scale riot(暴乱). The course(课)has heavy reading assignments. 这一课程的作业很重。 assign: v.布置(任务);分配,

如:She kept calling him up to assign some new task to him.她不断给他打电话布置新的任务。 Boys are assigned chores(琐事)in the garage.男孩们被安排在车庫里做一些琐事。 I was assigned a pleasant room to work in. occupy:

1.take up, fill (space, time, attention ) 占据(空间、时间、注意力等) 如:His books occupy a lot of space .他的书占据了大量的空间。 Is this seat occupied ?这个位置有人吗? I'm occupied. 我很忙。

He is occupied in translating a French novel. (be occupied in doing) 或

He is occupied with a translation of a French novel. (be occupied with) 他正忙着翻译一本法文小说。 2. v. take possession of 占领

The army occupied the enemy's capital. 军队占领了敌军的首都。 as well: also; too; in addition 也 如:He gave me advice, and money as well.

This book tells about Lu Hsun's writings, and his life as well.

With the changes in their social role, women’s position in the family has been improved as well. 另有一个词组as well as也是表示“也”的意思,如上述的第一例也可以表达为: He gave me money as well as advice. 如:


We shall travel by night as well as by day.

as well与as well as的区别在于侧重点不同,用as well的句子侧重点在句子的后半部分,而as well as的句子侧重点在句子的前半部分,这从例1和例4中即可看出。 but it will make you more aware of how you spend your time.

该句结构比较复杂,其中make you more aware of…为复合宾语结构,其中的how you spend yourtime又是介词of的宾语从句。 1.make后面能接多种形式作宾语补足语

如:They made Mr. Yang President of the university.(名词作宾补) 他们推选杨先生当任大学校长。

The news made us very sad. (形容词作宾补)

The boss made them work 14 hours a day .(不定式作宾补) 老板迫使他们每天工作十四小时。

He spoke louder so that he could make himself well understood.(过去分词作宾补) 他提高嗓门,以便让别人听清楚自己的话。

That makes it difficult for him to finish the assignment on time.(形式宾语it+宾补)

例3中的宾语补足语是省略to的动词不定式。make, see, hear, watch, feel, have等后面接动词 不定式作宾语补足语时,在主动语态中应将to省略,在被动语态中,to不能省略。 如:They were made to work 14 hours a day .

be aware of: realize意识到,后接of短语或that从句 如:Are you aware of your mistakes?

Everyone should be aware of the dangers of cigarette smoking. I stayed indoors too long to be aware (of) how cold it was outside. 当be aware of后接that引导的宾语从句时,of可省略,如上例4。 enable: make…able,其结构往往是 enable somebody to do something 如:Airplanes enable people to travel great distance rapidly. 飞机可以使人们进行长途旅行。


Computerization should enable us to cut production costs by half . 计算机化管理可以使我们的费用消减一半。

Her aunt’s gift of £100 enabled her to pursue her studies(继续完成学业).

adequate: adj. enough

如:The supply is not adequate to the demand. 供不应求 Her knowledge of English is adequate for the job. The country has adequate, steady rainfall.

Furthermore, it will enable you to plan your activities so that you have adequate time for both work and play.

furthermore : 而且,此外

如: The house isn’t big enough for us , and furthermore, it’s far from town. Fresh vegetables are nutritious ; furthermore, they are cheaper than frozen ones. 新鲜蔬菜有营养,而且比冷冻的便宜。 so that 引导状语从句,可以表示目的或结果。

表示目的时,从句中往往有情态动词与之搭配;另外,表示目的时 that 可以省略。 表示结果也使用so....that.... 句型。此时,so 经常可以省略。 I hired a boat so that we could go fishing .(目的) I will show you so you can see how it is done. (目的) He was so confused that he didn’t know what to say. (结果) 他感到很迷惑不知道该怎么说。

Question: Why is it important to plan your time carefully?

Because it will enable us more aware of how we spend our time and it will enable us to plan our activities so that we have adequate time for both work and play.

distraction: n.分散注意力的事物, 常用结构为 distract...from doing something 如:Noise is a distraction when you are trying to study.


你在学习的时候噪音会分散你的注意力。 Music can be a distraction when you are in a test. 动词形式是distract

如:The noise in the street distracted me from my reading. 街上的噪音让我无法静下心来阅读。

concentrate on /upon something :集中注意力到…上

如:I can’t concentrate on what I am doing because it is so noisy here. 我无法集中注意力做我在做的事情,因为太吵了。

He concentrated on his reading so that he could understand the story. The company is concentrating its resources on developing new products. 公司将所有的财力放在开发新产品上。

Question: Where do you usually study in the evening? In your bedroom? In the classroom or in the library? Why? 课文第四段中有两个稍为复杂的句子:

This means looking over a passage quickly before you begin to read it more carefully. 该句中mean的意思是“意味着”,后面接动名词作宾语。 mean的意思还可以是“打算”

如:I didn’t mean to hurt you. 我并不是有意要伤害你。

I meant to call you, but I was too busy. 我原打算给你打电话的,可是太忙了。

look over在本课的意思是“浏览”,即skim. 还有检查,查看的意思,即examine, inspect 如:I would like you to look over these documents.我想让你将这些文件检查一遍。 The policeman looked over my license.警查查看我的证件。

As you preview the material, you get some idea of the content and how it is organized.

句中的get some idea of的意思是“大致了解”,其中的介词of接两个宾语,一个是the content,另一个是宾语从句 how it is organized。

get (have)…idea of: idea 前可用不定代词表示程度,也可以用形容词。