(人教版)八年级下英语期中复习:知识点讲义(unit1-unit5)-精编 下载本文

Unit1:What’s the matter?


1. 情态动词should的用法 2. 反身代词



1. have a +疾病名词(得了......病)

2. 询问病人病情的句型(也可用于发生了什么事) What’s wrong?

What’s wrong with you? What’s your trouble?

What’s the trouble with you? What’s wrong? 3. 引导件状句将从

lie v.躺;位于,平放 lie--lay--lain--lying She should lie down. lie v. 说谎 lie--lied--lied--lyinShe lied again. g lay v.放置,产卵 lay--laid--laid--layiThe hen is laying an ng egg. 4. If


5. surprise:(1)surprise sb.吓到某人 (2)be surprised at对......感到吃惊 (3)be surprised to do sth.做某事令人感到吃惊 (4)in surprise惊奇地 6. agree:(1)agree to do sth. 同意做某事 (2)agree with sb. 同意某人

(3)agree on sth.双方就某事达成一致 (4)agree that+that从句 同意...... 7. trouble:(1)get into trouble陷入困境 (2)be in trouble处于困境

(3)get sb. into trouble使某人陷入困境 (4)have trouble with sth.在某事方面有困难

(5)have trouble (in) doing sth.在做某事方面有困难 8. use(1)be/get used to doing sth.习惯于做某事 (2)used to do sth.过去常常做某事

(3) sth. be used to do......某物被用来做(表被动关系)...... (4)sth. be used for doing sth.某物用于/被用于做某事(强调用途) 9. take a risk/take risks冒险 at risk在危险中 at the risk of doing sth.冒生命危险做某事

10. run out(花光:物作主语) run out of(人作主语)=use up 11. mean to do sth.打算做某事 mean doing sth.意味着做某事

12. important(adj.)----unimportant(adj.不重要的)----importance(n.) 13. be in control of 掌管,控制


14. cut词组:1. cut out删除;删去 2. cut up切碎 3. cut off切掉;停止 4. cut down砍到;降低 5. cut in插嘴;超车;插队 Unit2: I’ll help to clean up the city parks.

一.语法重点 1. 动词不定式 2. 动词短语



1. volunteer:v.自愿(做某事) volunteer to do sth. volunteer for sth. n. 志愿者

adj. 志愿的;自愿的 a volunteer job 2. 疑问词+动词不定式=宾语从句

I really can’t decide where I should go.=I really can’t decide where to go. 3. such+a(n) +形容词+名词=so+形容词+a(n)+名词

She is such a beautiful girl.=She is so beautiful a girl.

4. satisfaction(n.满意)--satisfy(v.使满意)--satisfied(adj.满意的)--satisfying(令人满意的)

to one’s satisfaction使/令某人满意/满足 be satisfied with对......感到满意 be satisfied to do sth. 对做某事感到满意 5. raise...for...为...筹集...

6. look like外表上看起来像 take after指因血缘关系在性格,性格,行为上相像

7. make/think/find/believe/feel it +形容词+to do sth. 使/觉得/发现/相信/感觉做某事......

8. make a difference to对......产生影响 9. imagine: (1)imagine doing sth.想象做某事

(2)imagine sb. to do sth.想象某人做某事 (3)imagine that/what 想象......

10. train: v. 训练 n. 火车 training n.训练;培训 (1)train sb./sth. to do sth.训练某人/某物去做某事 (2)train sb. in sth. 在某方面训练/培养某人 11. understand=follow=catch理解;听懂

understanding adj.善解人意的;体谅人的

12. change v. 改变;变化 change one’s life change...into... n. 零钱(不可数名词) 改变(可数名词changes)

13. 短语:

cheer up (使)变得高兴;振奋起来 give out分发;散发 come up with想出;提出 put off推迟

hand out分发 call up打电话给某人;征召

care for照顾;非常喜欢 try out 参加.....选拔;试用 fix up修理;装饰 give away赠送;捐赠


take after(外貌或行为)像

Unit3:Could you please clean your room?


1. 情态动词could用法(请求和征求许可)



1. in a mess乱糟糟;一团糟 make a mess of (doing) sth. 把(做)某事搞得一团糟 2. so +助动词/系动词/情态动词+主语 (也)

neither助动词/系动词/情态动词+主语 (也不)

He will go to Hangzhou for a holiday tomorrow. So will I. 3. pass v. 经过;穿过 pass the supermarket

通过(考试;会议);合格或者及格 pass the final exam (时间的)过去,流逝 A year passed quickly.

4. borrow sth. borrow sth. from sb. (借进:说话人向别人借东西) lend sb. sth. lend sth. to sb. (借出:说话人把自己的东西借给别人 keep“借”或“保留”多长时间,与一段时间连用

5. make:(1)make sb. do sth. I made my mother laugh.

(2)make+宾语+形容词(宾语补足语) I made my mother sad. 6. waste: a waste of 浪费 a waste of money

waste sth.浪费某物 waste sth. in doing sth.浪费......做某事 7. provide 提供;供应

provide sb. with sth.= provide sth for sb. supply sb. with sth.=supply sb. with sth. offer sb. sth=offer to do sth.

8. develop(v.发展)--developed(adj.发达的)--developing(adj.发展的)--development(n.发展)

develop one’s interest in培养某人对......的兴趣

9. drop与fall 落下;掉下;降下(作不及物动词时,一般可互换) drop还可作及物动词,而fall 不可 10. 短语:

depend on依靠;依赖 take care of 照顾;处理