2018苏州零模高三英语试卷英语考试试卷((含答案和分析) 下载本文


高三英语 2018.1


第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共85分)





1. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a library. B. In a bank. C. In a street. 2. What are the speakers likely to do tomorrow night?

A. Watch a game. B. Finish a report. C. Pick up some food. 3. What time is it when the conversation takes place?

A. About 6:30. B. About 7:30. C. About 8:00. 4. What is the man going to do?

A. Attend the birthday party.

B. Order a pizza and play some games. C. Hang out with Jenny.

5. What does the man think of the movie?

A. Terrible. B. Amazing. C. Amusing.



听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What caused the traffic accident?

A. The car ran a red light. B. The truck hit the car. C. A man crossed the street. 7. What are the police going to do?

A. Send an ambulance right away. B. Check whether the man is OK.

C. Tell the woman to drive carefully. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. How soon will the surprise party start?

A. In a quarter.

B. In half an hour.

C. In three quarters.

9. Why does the woman sound worried?

A. The rush hour traffic is too slow.

B. They don’t know the directions to the restaurant. C. They will have nowhere to park their car. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。 10. What is the man going to London mainly for?

A. Attending a conference. B. Tasting British food. C. Studying historical buildings.

11. Why does the man want to visit historical spots?

A. He can enjoy the beautiful views. B. He is fond of history.

C. He is interested in mixed cultures. 12. What can we learn about Camden Market?

A. It’s famous for local British food. B. Royal food is available.

C. Food across the world can be found. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13. What is the woman unsatisfied with?

A. The acting. B. The clothes. 14. What does the man think could be better? A. The lead role.

B. The lights.

15. Why does the man come to the play?

A. He likes the director of the play. B. His classmate invites him to come. C. The actors are very professional. 16. When does the conversation take place? A. At the beginning of the play.

B. At the interval of the play.

C. At the end of the play.

听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. Why was the man heartbroken?

A. He lost his job. B. His book was a failure. 18. How did the woman feel then? C. The set.

C. The music.

C. He was short of money. A. Surprised. B. Disappointed. 19. How did the woman get the money? A. She opened a business.

B. She saved a little weekly. C. She did housekeeping.

20. What is the story mainly about?

A. Failure is the mother of success. B. Two heads are better than one. C. Encouragement is powerful. 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)

C. Happy.



21. A biblical idiom is often an expression that ________ the moral of a story and gives the audience a picture to help them understand the story better. A. compensates B. underlines ________ they cannot escape. A. to which them. A. submit to

B. object to

C. cater to

D. contribute to

24. At first glance, my hometown is no different from any other small town, its scenery actually ________ among the best in the country. A. ranks

B. rank

C. ranking

D. to rank

25. In 1776, two Spanish men were seeking a way to travel from Santa Fe, in ________ is now New Mexico, to California on the west coast of North America. A. where

B. that

C. which

D. what

26. Alipay, which currently has over 520 million users, is a powerful ________ of payment tools, financial services and marketing platforms. A. combination

B. identification

C. reservation D. accommodation

27. ________ they are extremely talented, it can be really hard for models with just a few years’ experience to impress the big brands and win opportunities. A. As long as

B. Unless

C. Until

D. In case

28. A pilot qualified for Aircraft Carrier Liaoning has to be mentally and physically strong, possess ________ flying skills and be fully dedicated to his career.

B. from which

C. by which

D. in which

23. As the number of old people moving to Florida increases, more changes are made to ________

C. accomplishes D. substitutes

22. If they continue abusing drugs, in the end drug users will find themselves trapped in a prison

A. arbitrary B. confidential C. extraordinary D. voluntary

29. Transport was considered to have contributed to environmental problems, particularly ________ air quality and noise impacts. A. with regard to

B. in contrast to

C. by means of D. on account of

30. -I’m going to the Golden Coast in Australia with my family at Christmas time. What’s your

plan for the holidays?

-Well, while you are enjoying yourself on the beach, I ________ on my couch, watching Game of Thrones. A. am sitting

B. will be sitting

C. will have sat

D. would sit

31. -It’s almost the end of the month and I haven’t started my workout plan.

-Start now! ________. A. Great minds think alike

B. Honesty is the best policy D. Better late than never

C. Every cloud has a silver lining

32. Much work is needed to ensure that by 2020 the percentage of students who ________ school during the nine-year compulsory education period is reduced to less than 5 percent. A. sign up for

B. drop out of

C. hold on to

D. fall back on

33. -The rain is coming down so hard!

-________ my umbrella this morning, I wouldn’t be trapped here now. A. Did I take

B. Had I taken

C. Were I to take D. Would I take

34. -It’s very important for us to clarify the ownership of the house.

-________. There won’t be any problem with the ownership. It’s the price that bothers us. A. I can’t agree more C. I beg to differ

B. You can say that again D. I appreciate that

35. Fish: “You couldn’t see my tears because I am in the water.” Water: “But I could feel your tears because you are in my ________.”

A. heart B. brain C. hands D. bones


请阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Dear doctors,

As I begin to tell my friends and family about the seven days you treated my wife, Laura Levis, they 36 me at about the 15th name that I recall. The 37 includes the doctors, nurses, social workers, and even cleaning staff members who 38 her.

“How do you 39 any of their names?” they ask. “How could I not?” I respond.

Every single one of you treated Laura with such professionalism and kindness as she lay 40 . When she needed shots, you 41 that it was going to hurt a little, whether or not she

could hear. You spread a blanket not only when her body temperature needed 42 but also when the room was just a little cold and you thought she’d sleep more 43 that way.

Then there was how you 44 me. How would I have found the 45 to make it through that week without you?

How many times did you 46 me to see whether I needed anything, or to see whether I needed a better 47 of a medical procedure or just someone to talk to? How many times did you hug me and comfort me 48 I fell to pieces? How many times did you deliver bad news with comforting words and 49 in your eyes?

On the final day, all I wanted was to be alone with her, so I asked the nurses if they could give us one hour without a single 50 , and they 51 , closing the curtains and the doors and shutting off the lights.

I lay down softly beside her. She looked so beautiful, and I kissed her and laid my 52 on her chest, feeling it rise and fall with each 53 , her heartbeat in my ear. It was our last 54 moment as a husband and a wife, and it was more natural and pure and comforting than anything I’d ever felt.

I will remember that last hour together for the rest of my life. It was a 55 beyond gifts. Really, I have all of you to thank for it.

With my gratitude and love,

Peter DeMarco

36. A. help B. stop C. neglect D. bother 37. A. answer B. entry C. item D. list 38. A. worried about B. checked up C. cared for D. came across 39. A. remember B. identify C. find D. confirm 40. A. uncertain B. unlucky C. uncomfortable D. unconscious 41. A. apologized B. insisted C. declared D. displayed 42. A. decreasing B. monitoring C. regulating D. observing 43. A. gently B. freely C. deeply D. comfortably 44. A. treated B. persuaded C. showed D. trusted 45. A. opportunity B. strength C. solution D. motivation 46. A. check on B. look after C. count on D. seek after 47. A. excuse B. cause C. explanation D. instruction 48. A. where B. though C. until D. when 49. A. hopelessness B. sadness C. calmness D. nervousness 50. A. recognition B. interruption C. restriction D. description 51. A. smiled B. wept C. sighed D. nodded 52. A. eyes B. hand C. head D. body 53. A. choke B. touch C. breath D. tremble 54. A. bitter B. desperate C. cheerful D. sweet 55. A. life B. gift C. memory D. fate