外研版八年级上英语Module4测试题及答案 下载本文

Module 4 检测题

Ⅰ.选择填空 (15分)

( )1. ---_____ will they go to Shanghai next week? ---They will take a train there.

A. When B. Who C. How D. Why ( )2.It’s dangerous _____ the road. There is much traffic. A. cross B.crossing C. to cross D. crosses

( )3.He is a stranger. He doesn’t know the way _____ Zhongshan Park. A. at B. on C. of D. to

( )4. -__________ does your father work?-In a hospital.

A. What B. How C. Where D. Which

( )5. He wants to be an actor__________ it’s an exciting job.

A. and B. so C. because D. why

( )6.---How soon will the manager come back? ---_____ about three days.

A. In B. After C. For D. during ( )7._____ is good for your health.

A. Walk B. Walking C. Run D. Runing ( )8.---Which do you like _____, tea, coffee or juice? ---Coffee.

A. good B. best C. better D. well ( )9.It _____ me 15 minutes to get to school every day. A. gives B. brings C. takes D. gets ( )10.---How do you usually go to school? ---_____ bus, but sometimes _____ foot.

A. By; on B. On; by C. On; on D. By; by ( )11.What _____ your teachers _____ at the moment? A. do; do B. is, doing C. does; do D. are; doing

( )12. Does Mr. White__________ in Beijing?

A. likes working B. likes work C. like working D. like work

( )13.---Li Ming has three pens. The other children have two pens each. ---Oh, Li Ming has _____ pens.

A. more B. the most C. less D. the least ( )14.Are you _____ your summer holiday next month? A. will have B. have C. going to have D. has

( )15. I’m sorry to hear you’re ill. I hope you are__________ now.

A. well B. fine C. good D. better

II. 完型填空(10分):

It is Ruben’s first day to go to his new school. He thinks his grandfather will 1 to school with him. However, Grandfather says, “I will walk with you to the 2 .”

They walk down the street. “I like to walk to school. 3 can’t we go to school on foot?”

Ruben asks.

“Your school this year is very 4 ,” answers Grandfather.

They 5 down on a bench(长椅) to wait at the bus stop. Ruben thinks, “Walking to school is fun! I 6 talk a lot with some friends. We 7 also see many interesting things.”

The bus 8 , and Ruben gets on. His friend Ahmed is on the bus. “Sit next to 9 , Ruben,” says

Ahmed. Ruben says 10 to Grandfather and sits down. Taking the bus is going to be fun! ( )1.A. jump B. drive C. walk D. fly

( )2.A. bus stop B. office C. train station D. school ( )3.A. What B. Who C. Why D. How ( )4.A. cheap B. expensive C. far D. close ( )5.A. stand B. put C. look D. sit ( )6.A. then B. always C. never D. finally ( )7.A. won’t B. can’t C. can D. are ( )8.A. begins B. finishes C. goes D. comes ( )9.A. you B. him C. her D. me

( )10.A. goodbye B. sorry C. good night D.OK Ⅲ. 阅读理解(20分)


Children in the U. S. A. like K Day very much, K is for kites. March 7 is the day. On that day lots of children go out in the open air(户外). They take their kites with them. Some kites are very big. Others are small. They are in different colors. Every kite has a long string (细绳). To get the kites up, the children begin to run. They let out the string from the ball in their hands. Now the kites are flying in the air. How nice they look! Now all of the kites are high up in the air. Some are higher than others. The one like a bird is the highest. But what’s wrong? It is flying away! They string is broken(断了). Another kite gets away. And more kites fly. But the children are running after them. They want to get them back. People are watching them and laughing. ( ) 1. K is for__________.

A. kind

B. kilometer

C. kites D. kid

( )2. K Day is on__________.

A. March 7

B. May 7

C. April 7 D. February 7

( ) 3. To get his kite up, a child must__________ .

A. run and run B. walk and let out the string from the ball in his hand C. run and let out the string from the ball in his hand

( ) 4. The kite like a bird is__________ of all.

A. high

B. short

C. the highest D.

( ) 5. The string of the kite like a bird is__________.

A. long

B. Short

C. broken D. big


One morning there were many people at a station. They were waiting for the train. Some were reading newspapers, and some were talking.

Mr. Brown, Mr. Smith and Mr. King were talking happily. They didn’t know the train was going to leave. Then the conductor(列车员) called, “The train is going to leave at nine. Please hurry up!” The three men heard the conductor and two of them jumped onto the train quickly before it moved. One couldn’t get on the train. It was Mr. Brown. He looked very worried. The conductor said to him, “Don’t worry. The next train will come in half an hour.” “I know.” Mr Brown said, “but it was my train. My friends only came to say goodbye to me. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。

( ) 6. Mr. Brown, Mr. Smith and Mr. King ____________. A. were buying tickets B. were waiting for their train C. were carrying something D. were talking

( )7. ____________ couldn’t get on the train..

A. Mr. King B. Mr. Brown C. Mr. Smith D. The conductor ( )8. The conductor told him ____________. A. to be worried B. to take the next train C. to go home D. not to take the next train ( ) 9. Mr. Brown said, “But it was my train.” He means . A. he was the driver on the train. B. he wanted to take the train C. his friends should take the train with him D. he was the owner of the train

( ) 10. His friends .

A. wanted to get on the train with him B. came to buy a ticket for him C. wanted him to stay at the station D. wanted to say goodbye to him