2013秋季开放大学(电大)英语2 第一次网上作业答案大全 下载本文


1、Newcastle is ________ from London.

A.a three-hour journey B.a three-hours journey C.a three hour journey

2、________ stole his camera while he is lying on the beach.

A.Anyone B.Someone C.Everyone

3、He used to ________ very hard when he was young.

A.working B.work C.to work

4、She won’t leave ________ her friends come back.

A.since B.until C.when

5、Japan lies ________ the east of China

A.in B.at C.to

6、We ________ go skiing a lot in the winter months.

A.use to B.are used to C.used to

7、He looked terrible this morning. He ________ too much last night.

A.has drunk B.must have drunk C.should have drunk

8、Don’t talk so loud. You’ll ________ the baby up.

A.wake B.waken C.awake

9、________ her I’ll pick up the airline tickets tomorrow..

A.Tell B.Ask C.Request

10、His grandfather is very healthy. He ________ drinks ________ smokes.

A.both … and B.neither … nor C.neither … or


1、The doctor says there is ________ in my headache, but I must have a good rest and take some medicine.

A.something serious

B.anything serious C.nothing serious

2、We succeeded ________ all the difficulties.

A.in spite of B.because C.although

3、We ________ go swimming together when we were young.

A.use to B.are used to C.used to

4、If I ________ time, I’ll go shopping with you.

A.have B.have had C.will have

5、The police arrived quickly, ________ it was too late.

A.but B.and C.so

6、A: ________ another piece of chicken, Sally? B: No, thanks. It was delicious, but I’m really full.

A.How is B.How about