最新《航海英语(二三副)》试题单项选择题合集 下载本文



1、 For full information regarding the current circulation of the Indian 0cean,__________sailing direction, current atlas, etc(316268:第01章 航海图书资料) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0) A.watch B.look for C.see


2、 Areas enclosed by a long and short dashed magenta line indicate__________.(316258:第01章 航海图书资料) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0) A.cable areas B.dumping grounds C.fish trap areas

D.precautionary areas

3、 How would you pass a red buoy in the maritime buoyage system\.(316512:第01章 航海图书资料) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0)

A.keep the buoy on the vessels starboard side when approaching a port and on the vessels port side when leaving

B.keep the buoy on the vessels port side when approaching a port and on the vessels starboard side when leavin

C.keep the buoy on the vessels starboard side when approaching and leaving D.keep the buoy on the vessels port side when approaching and leaving

4、 on a chart,the characteristic of the light on a lighthouse is shown as flashing white with a red sector.The red sector_____.(316441:第01章 航海图书资料) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0) A.indicates the limits of the navigable channel B.indicates a danger area

C.is used to identify the characteristics of the light D.serves no significant purpose Key:

5、 A V-shaped ripple with the point of the V pointing upstream in a river may indicate a ______(316261:第01章 航海图书资料) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0) A. submerged rock, not dangerous to navigation B. sunken wreck, not dangerous to navigation C. towed-under buoy

D. All of the above

6、 The buoy symbol printed on your chart is leaning to the northeast.This indicates _____. (316328:第01章 航海图书资料) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0) A.you should stay to the north or east of the buoy B.you should stay to the west or south of the buoy C.the buoy is a major lighted buoy D.nothing special for navigational purposes

7、 Off the W coast of Sumatera _______is the most dominant sediment.(318451:第01章 航海图书资料) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0) A. sand B. rock C. mud D. coral

8、 The heights and soundings of Admiralty chart are expressed _____in Fathoms Meters. (316367:第01章 航海图书资料) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0) A.either,or B.neither,nor C.another,nor D.other,or

9、 As these features are not all charted,special caution should be exercised ___ vessels navigating in the vicinity. (316259:第01章 航海图书资料) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0) A.by B.with C.on D.in

10、 .Ocean Passages for the World and Routeing Charts should be _____for trans-oceanic information. (316431:第01章 航海图书资料) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0) A.100ked B.consulted C.seen D.reviewed

11、 Vessels entering Malacca Strait from W, _______ to use the through route, ______ in the vicinity of Permatang Sedepa at the NW end of the narrow part of the Strait. (318468:第01章 航海图书资料) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0) A. intend, converge B. intending, converging C. intending, converge D. intend, converging

12、 The overall set in the Strait is to the ______ (318463:第01章 航海图书资料) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0) A. NE B. SW C. NW D. SW

13、 Data relating to the direction and velocity of rotary tidal currents can be found in the__________.((316289:第01章 航海图书资料) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0) A.Mariners Guide B.Tidal Current Tables C.Nautical Almanac D.Tide Tables

14、 There is a drifting mine__________in position 21°31′N,124°20′E(316499:第01章 航海图书资料) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0) A.report B.reports C.reported D.reporting

15、 Chart correction information is NOT disseminated through the_____. (316453:第01章 航海图书资料) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0) A.Summarv of Corrections B.Local Notice to Manners C.Dailv Memorandum D.Chart Correction Card

16、 .How do you take a running fix? (316354:第01章 航海图书资料) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0) A.By measuring the angle between to fixed landmarks and finding the sine of the angle. B.By taking bearings from a landmark at time intervals and finding the sine of the angles.

C.By taking bearings from a landmark at time intervals and measuring the distance covered in the intervals. D.By taking the relative bearings from 2 sets of landmarks and plotting the difference. 17、 .Suez Canal _____for traffic on l7th November l869. (316393:第01章 航海图书资料) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0) A.was opened B.was opening C.is opened D.is opening

18、 .A chart position enclosed by a semicircle is a(n)_____. (316314:第01章 航海图书资料) (A-0,B-0,C-0,D-0,错误-0) A.fix

B.estimated position