冀教版版小学英语第一册教案 下载本文

Step3: Class closing.

五、Blackboard Hand- writing

Lesson 7: How Many?


How many do you have?


Lesson8 Again,please!

教师单位:税钢小学 教师姓名:何宽 联系电话:13784662904

一.教学内容: Review this unit 二.教学目标:

a. 知识目标:Review this unit


c.情感目标:通过对本单元的复习,培养学生学习英语的积极性。 三.教学重难点 a.教学重点:单词

b.教学难:熟悉掌握并会运用本单元句子。 四.教学过程 Are you ready?

Do you like to sing? Let’s sing a song .

< A B C song >.

Now look here 。 There are some cards。 Which word start with the letter “A” ? Which word start the letter “B” ? ??“C”,“D”。

找出开头字母相同的单词,并把相同的开头字母写出来,同时写出相应的大写字母。 (设计意图:让同学们比较系统的认识字母) Please read them。

OK. Let’s give some fun!

1.Game 1. What’s this ? How many do you have?

游戏规则:把单词卡片藏在帽子中(或把其它容器中),请一名同学拿出一张之后,在黑板上画出该图,再问全班:What’s this ? 再请某一个同学回答:How many do you have? (设计意图:通过这个简单的游戏,使同学们把课本上的知识生活化。) 2.Game 2.Guess. Please close your eyes.

游戏规则:教师把某物藏在某处问:Where is ?

当他接近此物时全班大声拍掌,当他远离此物时轻声拍掌,学生边拍边说:Where is ? 当他找到该物时,说 :There it is . 如果这名学生找不到时,他就说:I don’t know . (设计意图:这个环节既起到了复习的作用,又同时培养了学生们的兴趣,使课堂达到了高潮。) 3.Game 3. Memery name

What’s your name ? My name is .

请几名同学排好站在教室前方,教师问:What’s your name ?

A回答:My name is .教师再指着B问:What’s his/her name ? ,A回答:His/Her name is . ,之后请A分别指着B和C,向B提问,请B分别回答。依次类推。

(设计意图:训练学生的口语表达能力,在游戏中使用英语,在情境中运用英语,使英语学习简单化。) T: Now, please look here.

There are some pictures,please choose one of them ,and make a dialogue in groups. Then show your fruit. 出示:

情境1:教师在和男孩、女孩们谈话。 可用:What’s your name?

情境2、在货架上摆着不同数量的不同物品。 可用:How many_____do you have? 情境3:两个小朋友见面后相互问候。 可用:How are you? Show their fruit.

T:OK ,let’s sing a song ! Oh, Very good!

OK, now it’s time for rest,class is over! 板书:

Lesson 8: Again, Please!

How many ---------? Aa Bb Cc Dd

apple book chair desk

one two three four five boy cat door

girl marker name pen pencil school teacher

Where is the school? There/Here it is !

What’s your/his her name ? My/His/Her name is ________.

Hello/Hi How are you? I’m fine, thanks. Nice to meet you ! May I have???


Lesson 9: My Friend

姓名:张立佳 电话:13102617669


1. 掌握Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh.

2. 学生能够运用和认识:she, he, friend, This is_________. 二、教学重难点:

1.教学重点: 字母Ee, Ff, Gg, Hh. 2.教学难点: Gg的读音

三、教具学具:词汇卡片,教室内的物体,字母表,录音机 四、教学过程:

一 Class opening and review: 1.Greeting

2.Play a game: “Stop! Go!” 3.Let’s sing a song: A B C SONG.

二 New concepts:

1.Let’s learn the new letters: Ee Ff Gg Hh(出示字母卡片)

T:Look at the blackboard. Read after me:Ee??(板书,用手领着学生书写) T: Who can read?(检查学生的读音)

T: Who can tell me how to remember this letter? T:谁能用手指或身体来表示出Ee 出示字母Ff

T:Look at the blackboard. Read after me Ff??(板书,用手领着学生书写)

T: Who can read?(检查学生的读音)

T: Who can tell me how to remember this letter? T:谁能用手指或身体来表示出Ff

字母Gg Hh和上面的教法一样,但要注意Gg的读音以免和后面的Jj混了 T: Play a game: “Guess”

Where is the letter “e”?

出示单词卡片eraser fish girl hand让学生放到相应的地方。 手拿eraser领读,强调字母e在单词中的读音。 T: Who can read?(检查学生的读音)

What’s meaning?

出示鱼的画图:领读,强调字母f在单词中的读音。 T: Who can read?(检查学生的读音)

What’s meaning?

Who can remember any words that start with letter “f”? girl hand和上面的教法一样,但要注意字母g h在单词中的读音。 T: Listen and draw.


2. T: Jenny is my friend. (板书friend)She is a girl. (板书She)

Read after me: friend she What’s meaning?

T: His name is Danny. He is a boy. He is my friend. (手拿手偶) (板书He) Read after me: he What’s meaning?

T: Who can introduce your friend?

T: This time introduce your friend to the others. T: Ask the students to the front. T:(在对话完成后问)Is this a boy/girl? T: Yes/No. This is a boy/girl. (板书This is _____.)

T: Let’s listen Jenny how to introduce her friend? (引出第二部分。) 3.Ask the students to listen.

Make up the dialogue. 1)教师指导。 Hi/Hello. How are you?


This is my friend/teacher. What’s your/his/her name? My/His/Her name is _______. _____ (name),this is ______(name). Nice to meet you..


3)学生评判哪组学生所设计的会话最切合动画场景,并且表演得最出色。 三Class Closing. 1.Sing a song.

2.Homework: Do the activity books. 板书:

Lesson 9: My Friend

eraser fish girl hand

This is _________. 课后反思:

Lesson Ten: Open, Close

姓名:张立佳 电话:13102617669


3. 掌握Ii, Jj, Kk, Ll

4. 学生能够运用和认识下列词汇:close, open, door, window 5. 学生能够理解并能说和按指令用下列句子做动作: Open the_____Close the______


She/He friend。