《英语》新目标教材(人教版)八年级上册第六单元 下载本文

读书破万卷 下笔如有神


《I’m more outgoing than my sister 》教学设计


应城市汤池寄宿学校 吴鸣






1、学习和掌握主+be+形容词比较级+than+比较对象; 2、运用此句型描绘自己的老师,同学及其它事件。 四、教学资源、教学手段和主要方法 1、教学资源

为了增强课堂的密度,提高效率,课前准备了大量的图片和文字信息及录音机等。 2、教学手段

运用交际法,通过交流,使学生在交流中巩固旧知识,掌握新知识。 五、教学过程

(T: teacher; S: student) Warming-up

Sing an English song. Are you sleeping? Leading

1. Show a photo of Big S and Small S to students. T: Who are they? Can you tell me?

2. Ask a student to say something about them. 3. Then write down twin-twins and read aloud. 4. Ask student to talk about twins in the school.

( Because there are just two twin brothers who look very similar in Grade 8.) Presentation

1. Look at the big picture in page 31 of the book.. T: What can you see in the picture? S: 4 boys and 2 girls are playing music. T: Are they twins?

S: Yes. Tara and Tina are twins, Tom and Sam are twins. Paul and Pedro are twins, too 2. Ask a student to read aloud the words in 1 a

T: You see , it’s hard to tell from the twins, sometimes. So we can use these words to describe them. Ok, please match each word with its opposite.

When the students do exercise, the teacher can write down these words on the black board. Then check the answers on the black board.. Then check the answers and learn the words.

读书破万卷 下笔如有神

3. Listen to the tape to finish 1b.

T: what are the twine like in the picture?

Let’s listen to the tape. Are you ready? I want to start! Listen again and check the answers. Practice

1. T: Now, we’re known these twins. Let’s make conversations about them. You can do like this;

Then give an example to students.

T: Undertstand? Ok, work in pairs. Start!

2. When students are making conversations, the teacher walks a bowd and offers help. 3. Show conversation.

T: Who can show conversation? Voluntears? Ask three groups or nore to show. Drill

1. Compare classmates.

T: Ok. We can use the words and the sentences to compare other people. Like our classmates.

Ask two students models, to ask duduts to make a conversation about them . The teacher walks and offers help. Show conversations.

2. Compare teachers as models. Teacher give an example to describe to help students how to discribe teachers. And write down the example on the blackboard.

Mr WU is taller than .Mr wang. Mr Wang is shorter tham Mr Wu.

Ask two students or more to do like the sentence. 3. Compare other things using the sentence .

T: Zn fact, we can compare people like this. We can compare other things like, too. Of course, the things should be the same kind. Also, we must pay attention to (形容词比较等级的变化规则),about this we can look at the book Page 92 after class.

Ask students to compare the school things around. And ask two students or more to show. Exercise

Hand out some pictures to students, ask them work in group of four. Zn there are some more adjectives that students have learned.

Ask some students to show if possible. Homework

Exercise Book Page 36. 六、教后反馈

由于在课前有预习,减轻了学生对新课的陌生感。加之新课的切入点是twins 这个让人感兴趣的话题,一下子调动学生的积极性。而课堂中互动交际的溶恰氛围也激发了学生表达运用的欲望,因而,学生比较容易地掌握这个比较的基本句型。