高中英语选修八unit1单词导学案 下载本文

B8-U1 词汇学习

1. distinction n. 差别;区分;卓著

①There is a fine distinction between the two words. ②We should make a distinction between right and wrong. ③Employers should hire men and women without distinction. ④Michael graduated with distinction from Hami senior high school. distinct adj. 清晰的;明显的;明确的 be distinct in ...from ... 在某方面与……不同


2. live on 继续活着,继续存在; 住在…上; 以…为食

1. She lived on for many years after her husband died. 2. These traditions will live on for centuries. 3. The people find it hard to live on. 民不聊生. [短语归纳] live短语:

live on sth 以某物为食,靠某种经济来源生活 live by doing sth 靠做某事物为生

live a... life 过着……的生活

3. means n.手段;方法 (单复数同形)

①Every possible means has been tried,but none worked. =All possible means have been tried,but none worked. 各种可能的办法都尝试了,但没有一种奏效。 by this means by every means by means of by no means by all means by any mean (1)by means of 借用,依靠

We express our feelings by means of words. (2)by no means=not at all一点……也不

By no means am I satisfied with my present job. (3)by this means通过这种方式

You can do it by this means. (4)by all means 可以,当然行,务必

—May I use your bicycle —By all means! 练习:

1.But by no means _____ with my progress.(老师绝不会对我的进步满意)

2.The police looked into the case carefully and found the thief had entered the house ________ a ladder.

3.She couldn’t speak,but made her wishes known ________ sign.

4. —Do you think we should put an ad in the paper for the lost child —Yes,________.

4. in additionadv. 另外; 除此之外; 并且; 况且


② In addition位于句末,相当于 “as well”

(1)You need money and time, in addition, you need diligence. (2)Mary gave us sandwiches for our picnic and a bag of cookies in addition. 玛丽为我们去郊游准备了三明治,另外还准备了一袋曲奇。

In addition to整个词组相当于一个介词,所以to的后面要接名词性成分做宾语。

In addition to native plants, this garden contains numerous trees and flowers from overseas.

除了当地的植物之外,这座花园还有无数来自海外的花草树木。 In addition to the killed and wounded, many were missing. 除了伤亡之外,还有许多人失踪。

5. majority n.大多数;大半 (反义词minority少数;少数民族) major adj.&n. 较大的,主要的;主修,专攻 be in the/a majority 构成大部分/大多数

A / The majority of doctors agree that smoking is extremely harmful to health. The majority of students find it quite hard to live on the amount of money they get. (1)单独用做主语,谓语动词用单数、复数均可。

The majority was/were in favour of banning smoking.大多数人支持禁烟。 The majority were/was against the plan.大多数人反对这个计划。 (2)单独用做主语,如果后面的表语是复数,那么谓语动词也用复数。

The majority who attended the meeting yesterday are students. The majority of the damage is easy to repair.

6. keep up坚持;维持;沿袭古老的风俗、传统等;使某人不能去睡觉 短语归纳] keep短语:

keep up with sb/sth. keep sth from sb keep (on) doing sth. keep off (sb/sth) keep away from keep sb/sth out (of sth) keep sb back from sb/sth keep in touch with keep sth. back

keep oneself/sb from sth/doing sth keep fit

7. make a life习惯于新的生活方式、工作等 come to life bring...back to life live/lead a...life make/start a new life come back to life make a living by ①Some people from the country find it hard to in big cities. 一些来自农村的人发现很难习惯大城市的生活。

②They moved out West to there.他们迁往西部去开始新生活。

③And anyway he was dead. Nobody could him .


④The old couple selling vegetables.这对老夫妇靠卖菜维持生活。

prep.尽管;不管 n.憎恨;轻视

①Despite old age, she is still learning to drive. 尽管年事已高,她还在学开车。 ②Despite all our efforts we still lost the game. 尽管我们尽了全力,我们还是输掉了比赛。

Despite用作介词时,与 in spite of同义,都表示“尽管”、“虽然”、“不顾”之意,但程度有所不同。一般说来,in spite of的语气较强,使用范围也较广; despite的语气较弱,多用于诗歌或正式的文体中。

Despite 与(al)though都有“尽管”的意思,despite是介词,后接名词或代词;而although=though是连词,后接表示让步的状语从句。例如: ①I think he is sad, despite his smiles.

②We went for a walk although/though it was raining. ③Bravely though they fought, they had no chance of winning.

9. occur vi. A. 存在 B. 发生 C. 被想到

(1)Earthquakes occur frequently in this area.

(2)It didn't occur to him that she would refuse his invitation. (3)Do giraffes occur in Africa only sth. occurs to sb. 某人想起某事 It occurs to sb. that… 某人想起…… It occurs to sb. to do sth. 某人想起做某事 表示“某人突然想起……”的其他句型: sth. strikes sb. It strikes sb. that… It crosses sb.'s mind that… sth. comes to sb.…

①It suddenly to the detective that the millionaire was probably murdered by his own daughter.

②An accident did, however, _______ at the street corner last night.

10 indicatevt. 指出, 指明,表明;象征;指示, 显示, 暗示,预示;

1. I asked him where my sister was and he indicated the shop opposite. 2. The clouds indicate the coming of rain. 3. His hesitation indicates unwillingness. indication n. 指出/示;表明/示;迹象 indicative adj.指示的;暗示的

indicate sth. (to sb.)向(某人)表示某事;把……指给(某人)看 indicate that ...表示……;示意……

11 apparent adj. A. 显然的 B. 表面上的apparently adv. 显然地;显而易见地 同义词:obvious

(1)The apparent truth was really a lie.

(2)It is apparent that iron is different from steel.