考研英语长难句1-5 下载本文

1. There will be television chat shows hosted by robots, and cars with pollution monitors

that will disable them when they offend.

【分析】 本句是There be 句型,television chat show… and cars…是并列。过去分词结构hosted by robots做后置定语修饰television chat shows,而限定性定语从句(that will disable them when they offend)则修饰前面的pollution monitors。分词结构作后置定语在考研中中最常见的语言现象之一,一起来看几个例子:(1)I know the girl who comes from Beijing. Who充当从句主语,省略后后面动词主动语态,省略为coming, 因此句子为I know the girl coming form Beijing. (2)I have a dog which is named King. Which充当从古主语,省略后后面动词为被动语态,省略为named,因此句子为I have a dog named King.

【词汇】host n.主人,主持人;v.主持---- a host of表示“许多”

disable vt. 使无能,使残废---注意写作句型中的enable sb. to do sth.使某人做


disabled adj. 残废的,有缺陷的 offend vt. 触怒;vi.违规


2. This phenomenon has created serious concerns over the role of smaller economic firms, of national businessmen and over the ultimate stability of the world economy.

【分析】 本句是简单句,全句主干是This phenomenon has created serious concerns。over是“关于”的含义,人们的担忧实际包含两个方面:一是the role (of smaller economic firms, of national businessmen) ,另一个是the ultimate stability (of the world economy) 。

【词汇】concern n. 关心,顾及;v. 涉及,关系到—> concerning 关于 <写作句型> create serious concerns over引起…的极大关注 ultimate a.最终的

stability n. 稳定—> stable a. 稳定的= steady

【译文】 这种现象引起了人们对小型经济实体与民族商人的作用以及世界经济的最终稳定性的极大关注。

3. This does not mean that ambition is at an end, that people no longer feel its stirrings and

promptings, but only that, no longer openly honored, it is less openly professed.

【分析】 这是一个宾语从句的并列结构,主干是this does not mean,后面接了三个并列的that从句作mean的宾语,中间用but连接。在第三个宾语从句中, no longer openly honored是插入语。

【词汇】ambition n.雄心,抱负[谐音“俺必胜”] stir v. & n. 激起,搅动 prompt v.鼓动,促使[注意:prompt在阅读中通常用于形容词,表示“敏捷的、迅速的”]

profess v. 表示,宣称[pro-向前+fess-说,同根词confess坦白]

【译文】 这并不意味着抱负已经穷途末路,人们不再感觉到它对人们的激励了;而只是说明人们不再愿意公开地承认,公开以它为荣。

4. The astonishing distrust of the news media isn't rooted in inaccuracy or poor reportorial skills but in the daily clash of world views between reporters and their readers.

【分析】 本句是由not…but… 结构构成。注意这个结构引导的是两个方式状语。其核心词分别是inaccuracy和the daily clash。本句的主干是The astonishing distrust of the news media isn't rooted。两个分词短语充当句子的状语。 【词汇】be rooted in根源在于

[写作句型] the astonishing … of … is rooted in …

例如:The astonishing ignorance of environmental pollution is rooted in too much importance attached to the results of economic development. 对于环境污染令人震惊的忽视,根源于我们过度重视经济发展的结果。

crush压碎,碾碎 crash碰撞 clash 撞击声,冲突 world view世界观

【译文】 对新闻媒介这种令人震惊的不信任,其根源并非是报道失实或低下的报道技巧,而是记者与读者的世界观每天都发生着碰撞。

5. If it did, it would open up its diversity program, now focused narrowly on race and

gender, and look for reporters who differ broadly by outlook, values, education, and class.

【分析】 本句是一个虚拟语句。If it did是从句,主句主语it后面跟了两个并列的谓语成分:一是would open up its diversity program,二是(would) look for reporters。reporters后面跟了一个定语从句。now focused narrowly on race and gender是插入语,也是分词结构作program的后置定语。

【词汇】diversity n.多样性/ focus on聚焦于= center on gender n.性别 outlook n. 观念

【译文】 如果是这样,它就应该进一步开放其目前只单纯考虑招收不同种族和性别员工的多样化项目,并进一步寻找那些世界观、价值观、教育水平和社会阶层大相径庭的各种记者。