【师说】2019届高考英语二轮复习专题练习:专题3 完形填空(4)(含解析) 下载本文

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In March 2007, I was recovering from surgery for breast cancer and going through a divorce. It was a terrible time, and I was spending my days at home __1__ everything to myself. Then my Today show colleague suggested __2__ , “Why don't you pick a couple of days and go to Ireland and escape?” I __3__ the tip.

The trip was fun because I was living in the __4__ , but when I got on the plane to go home, I wasn't feeling well. My plan was to sleep for the __5__ flight, but the guy next to me looked good-hearted for a conversation __6__ he had kind eyes.

“I had an operation,” I said __7__ . “I had breast cancer. ”

He paused for a moment and said, “ What's wrong with that? Breast cancer is just a __8__ of you, like going to college or getting married. ”

I could feel my eyes __9__ up with tears.

“Don't hog(独占) your journey,” he said. “Think of how many people you could help.”

I had tears coming down my face, and said, “I can't __10__ I'm crying in front of you, I don't __11__ know you. ”

“Look, you have a __12__ in life,” he said. “You can either __13__ your things deep in your pockets and take them to your grave, or you can help someone. ”

I've always been a very __14__ person, and aside from the few people who needed to know, I'd kept my illness secret. I didn't want to be __15__ by my weakness.

But this man, whose name was Ken Duane, showed me that my illness gave me __16__ -because it gave me the ability to __17__ someone else's load. I decided at that moment that I was going to share my story __18__ . Later that year, I talked about my illness and my __19__ with Ken on air.

I am forever __20__ that I never took a nap on that flight over the Atlantic. 1. A. devoting B. explaining C. keeping D. storing 2. A. seriously B. hurriedly C. kindly D. confidently 3. A. overlooked B. dismissed C. doubted D. accepted 4. A. pleasure B. moment C. excitement D. scenery 5. A. whole B. complete C. exact D. normal 6. A. if B. because C. while D. though 7. A. willingly B. readily C. cheerfully D. weakly 8. A. part B. centre C. pain D. symbol 9. A. coming B. filling C. taking D. ending 10.A. bear B. help

C. believe D. deny

11.A. still B. already

C. then D. even 12.A. decision B. choice

C. goal D. belief 13.A. clear B. sort

C. put D. mix

14.A. private B. outspoken

C. clumsy D. polite 15.A. defeated B. evaluated

C. affected D. defined 16.A. surprise B. strength

C. advice D. reference 17.A. broaden B. widen

C. lighten D. brighten 18.A. publicly B. officially

C. clearly D. sharply 19.A. argument B. exploration

C. appointment D. conversation 20.A. grateful B. conscious

C. pitiful D. regretful

【语篇解读】 这是一篇记叙文。作者手术之后出去散心,在回来的航班上,邻座小伙子的一席话打开了作者的心扉。

1.解析:根据语境可知,这里指作者把这一切都憋在心里。故用keep...to oneself表示“不给人知道,保守秘密”。




3.解析:根据下文可知,作者接受了同事提的建议。accept“接受”符合语境。 答案:D

4.解析:live in the moment表示“活在当下”,因此选B,moment表示“时刻”。 答案:B

5.解析:这里表示整个飞行过程,故用whole表示“全部的,整个的”。 答案:A





8.解析:语境表示说话人在劝解作者,说乳腺癌只是她生活的一部分,因此用part。 答案:A

9.解析:听到对方这么说,作者眼睛里充满了泪水,用fill up表示“充满”。 答案:B

10.解析:这里用believe表示“相信”:我不敢相信自己会在你面前流泪。 答案:C

11.解析:这里用副词even表示递进关系,even意为“甚至”:我甚至都不认识你。 答案:D

12.解析:下文的“either... or...”表明本题选B,choice表示“选择”。 答案:B 13.解析:你可以把自己那些事都装进口袋里。根据句意,这里用put表示“放,放置”。












19.解析:从前面的叙述可知选D,这里说的是在飞机上与Ken的交谈(conversation)。 答案:D




Summer break is approaching. It is a perfect __1__ for your students to gain experience through paid or volunteer jobs and other summer activities. It can also __2__ a student's sense of __3__ to college admission officers. How can you help your students __4__ the most rewarding summer activities?

First, __5__ students to talk to adults in their lives who can help them find __6__ that match their interests. __7__ , share the following ideas and suggestions with your students as they begin the __8__ for perfect summer jobs.

Ask your students, “If you could do anything this summer, what would it be?” __9__ , a student who enjoys the outdoors and hiking could __10__ working at a summer camp or national park.

Advise students to experience the __11__ they hope to pursue in the future. They can start by calling businesses and organizations related to their chosen field about summer jobs. Professionals in any career often go out of their way to __12__ a motivated student, so even if they're not hiring they may have __13__ .

Motivated students may find it rewarding to start their own __14__. A bilingual student can advertise services as a language tutor. Tell students to start lining up a few clients __15__ the summer and __16__ them that being your own boss can be hard work.

Spending a summer at a local charity is a great way for students to learn about life and themselves. It can help them develop leadership __17__ that will last a lifetime. Students can volunteer and __18__ how to help others-while helping themselves.

__19__ students decide to do this summer, encourage them to read. Reading opens students' minds and introduces them to other worlds while sharpening important __20__ such as comprehension and vocabulary.

1. A. opportunity B. message C. response D. suggestion 2. A. offer B. show C. introduce D. describe