2018年中考英语真题分类汇编题型3阅读理解专项训练六语言学习含解析 下载本文

专项训练六 语言学习

时间:8~10分钟/篇 分值:2分/小题

Passage 1(2018成都)

Dear Merry,

Recently, I have trouble with my study。

In school I can't listen to teachers carefully because I always feel tired and sleepy。 I don't spend time with friends after class either because I think it's a waste of time。 I even miss writing some answers in the test。

At home, I can't get my homework done every night。 My parents don't let me stay up。 So I have to get up early the next morning to finish it。 Lately, I even get a bad headache。

How can I solve these problems? Yours,

Liu YaDear Liu Ya,

When you have trouble listening to teachers carefully in class, you_can_ask_your_teachers_or_deskmate_to_remind_you_often。 Then spending time talking about many different things with friends can make you happy。 It's not a waste of time。 As for homework, when it's hard to get finished, one thing you can try is setting goals for yourself。 Ask your parents to help you。 You must take a break, especially if you don't feel well。 You might be surprised but a short break can help you get more done! Lastly, if you don't worry and have enough sleep, your headache will leave you。

Yours, Merry

( )1。 Liu Ya wrote the letter to Merry in order to ________. A。 ask for help B。 express worries C。 share her experience ( )2。 Liu Ya doesn't want to stay with friends after class because ________. A。 she needs to sleep

B。 she thinks it's a waste of time C。 she has trouble with her classmates ( )3。 Merry thinks ________. A。 taking a break is necessary B。 being with parents is helpful

C。 setting goals by parents is important

( )4。 According to the underlined part, what might Liu Ya's teacher say? A。 Sleep for a minute。 B。 Listen carefully。 C。 Stop talking。

( )5。 From Liu Ya's letter, we can find that she is too ________. A。 passive B。 proud C。 stressed Passage 2(2018绵阳)


Lady Rita Got a bad grade, afraid to show my parents Report cards are going out this Friday, and I realized I had failed in chemistry。 My parents are probably going to kill me for that。 What should I do? Answers Butterfly It is better to be honest with them and tell them it is a very difficult course and you are trying your hardest。 Promise them you will work harder。 Study a little every night so when your next test comes you'll be much more prepared。 Derp Let me guess, you have always been a great student and slipped up just this one time? Explain that to your parents。 Male T You should learn from insects—when they try to cross a wall, they fall down again and again until at some time they get success。 Naughty Do what I did。。。show your parents your report cards and then simply ask them。。。“Did any one of you guys ever fail a test?” 2

Flower I never showed my parents my test scores。 It's none of their business! ( )1。 Lady Rita put her question here to ________. A。 ask for help B。 draw others' attention C。 please her parents D。 share her grades with others

( )2。 How many people advised Lady Rita to tell the truth? A。 Five。 B。 Four。 C。 Three。 D。 Two。 ( )3。 According to Butterfly, ________. A。 nobody can do well in chemistry

B。 better preparation may lead to better grades C。 you won't get bad grades if you do your best D。 parents don't care how their kids do at school ( )4。 What can we learn from Male T's suggestion? A。 Knowledge is power。

B。 There's no smoke without fire。 C。 Failure is the mother of success。 D。 Good news never goes beyond the gate。 ( )5。 What do we know about Naughty? A。 He does well in all his subjects。

B。 His parents used to be great students。 C。 He thinks it's normal to fail sometimes。 D。 He dare not show his grades to his parents。

Passage 3(2018苏州)

During my first two weeks at the University of California, Berkeley, I experienced some unexpected, funny, and sometimes embarrassing(令人尴尬的)situations。 Allow me to share some with you。

But first, let me give advice to other foreign students who plan to study in the United States。 Check the weather before coming! I was very sure that California was sunny all year around so I left all my jackets and sweaters in Paris。 It was a huge mistake! It rained almost every day during the first week in Berkeley。

I have to say that I quickly forgot these unlucky events。 Life in Berkeley is very pleasant and everything is so easy compared to Paris。 For example, in only 24 hours I bought a mobile phone and made the lease(租约)agreement for a flat。 What's more, almost all the shops are open on Sunday, which is very practical for me。

The first thing that surprised me is that students may come late to class。 They freely enter and leave the classroom many times during class。 In France, students respect the teacher's lesson, so they are never late and they leave the classroom only at the end of the class。

The local people in California are in general very nice, open and active。 However, I am not totally used to their habits yet。 Indeed, I was used to shaking my friends'