牛津译林版英语9B Unit 3 Robots 教案(7课时) 下载本文


3. After a few comfortable weeks, however, things started to go wrong. 然而,几周的舒适生活之后,情况开始不对了。 after a few weeks = a few weeks later 短语go wrong的意思是―出现问题‖如:

e.g. Things started to go wrong when they moved to the city centre. 当他们搬到市中心后,出现问题了。

短语go wrong用于描述机器时,可表示机器―发生故障,出毛病‖。如:这块表出毛病了。

e.g. Something has gone wrong with the watch. 4. The robot caught a virus and no longer worked properly. no longer=not any longer多指时间, 用来修饰具体状态。 e.g. He is no longer a student. =He is not a student any longer. 他不再是一个学生了。 no more = not any more

指数量和程度, 用来修饰动作。 e.g. She no more cried. 她不再哭了。

5. When Mr Jiang got home, he would find his flat in a complete mess: food was laid on the bed; milk was stored in the rubbish bin; coins, bills, and his private papers were spread all over the floor.


句中的mess是可数名词,常用单数形式,意思是―杂乱,不整齐‖。常见的搭配有be in a mess (杂乱不堪),make a mess (搞得一塌糊涂)。 e.g. The children made a mess in the room. 孩子们把房间高的一塌糊涂。 句中的spread意思是―使分散,使分布‖。 e.g. Seeds are often spread by the wind.


种子通常随风传播。 Step 3 Useful phrases

1. 有时间去放松 have time to relax 2. 拥有更多的业余时间 have more free time 3. 从…订购…order sth. from…

4. 在超市里购物 go shopping at the supermarket 5. 看起来像新的一样好 look as good as new 6. 为…做准备 be ready for sth /to do dth. 7. 大体上 in general 8. 开始出错 start to go wrong 9. 感染病毒 catch a virus

10. 犯愚蠢的错误 make stupid mistakes 11. 把某人叫醒 wake sb. up

12. 在洗衣机里/垃圾箱里 in the washing machine/ rubbish bin 13. 把东西打翻 knock things over Step 4 Do exercise.

1.Your room must be _______ (扫) well. It’s too dirty. 2.A robot can ____ (烫) clothes like a man.

3. The _________ (售货员) with glasses are at the doorway of the shop. 4. Edison’s inventions made a great difference to our e________ life.

5. The robot threw the clothes into the _____ (垃圾箱) along with the ________ (垃圾).

6. There is some water in the rice c_____. 7. The ______ (硬币) in the purse are all here.

8. The books were s_____ all over the floor by the child.

9. When the teacher came into the classroom, he found the classroom in a m_____: the floor was very dirty and the students’ books were on the floor. 10. The road to our villages is ___________ (平坦的). Step 5 Homework.

Remember the words and expression in the lesson.



Teaching aims:

A Learn to use object +object complements to replace object clauses B Learn use question words+ to –infinitives to replace object clauses.

C Learn to use to –infinitives to replace some adverbial clauses expressing results or purposes.

Teaching procedures: Step 1 Review

I. Translate some sentences.

1. 机器人可以为你做家务,除非你喜欢自己做。

Robots can do housework for you______________________________________. 2. 姚明是世界上最优秀的篮球运动员这一。

Yao Ming is________________________________ in the world. Keys: unless you enjoy doing it by yourself one of the best basketball players II. 根据所给提示完成句子。

1. Edison’s inventions made a great difference to our e________ life.

2. The robot threw the clothes into the ______ (垃圾箱) along with the ________ (垃圾).

3. There is some water in the rice c_____. 4. The ______ (硬币) in the purse are all here

5. The books were s_____ all over the floor by the child. 6. Her job is to collect __________ (垃圾).

7. When the teacher came into the classroom, he found the classroom in a m_____: the floor was very dirty and the students’ books were on the floor.

Keys: everyday dustbin rubbish cooker coins spread rubbish mess Step 2 New words. pill n. 药片,药丸 unsure adj. 不确定,没把握


forgetful adj. 健忘的 stair n. 楼梯 Step 3 Explain 简单句和复合句的转化

1. 宾语+宾语补足语将宾语从句改为简单句 2. 疑问词+动词不定式将宾语从句改为简单句 3. 动词不定式将结果状语目的状语改为简单句 Step 5 Examples

1. I saw that he was reading the book carefully I saw him reading the book carefully. 2. I found that he was very happy I found him very happy

3. I noticed that he was entering the room I noticed him entering the room.

注意:和find , notice 相同用法的有hear, see, think, watch等 Step 6 Exercises

Before the robot went wrong, Mr Jiang was talking on the phone with his mother about it. Use an object clause to rewrite each of his sentences. 1. Every day, I notice the robot busy with kinds of housework. 2. When I get up, I find my breakfast ready.

3. When I come back from work, I find my flat as good as new. 4. I consider the robot a great help in my daily life. 5. I feel it comfortable to live with a robot.

Keys: Every day, I notice the robot is busy with all kinds of housework.

When I get up, I find my breakfast is ready. When I get up, I find my breakfast is ready. I consider the robot is a great help in my daily life. I feel it is comfortable to live with a robot. Step 7 Examples

I know how I should drive a car.


I know how to drive a car.

疑问词+动词不定式将宾语从句改为简单句 Step 8 Attention


用―疑问词+动词不定式‖将宾语从句转化成简单句的前提是宾语从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且主语的谓语动词通常是know ,remember, forget ,learn等 Step 9 Exercises

Mr Jiang wrote a letter to his mother before going on a business trip. Use q question word + to-infinitive to replace each object clause. Dear Mum,

I am going on a business trip to Shenzhen tomorrow. I have asked my robot to look after you while I am away.

You have a serious heart problem have to take medicine every day. However, you have a poor memory and often forget when you should take your pills.

My robot will remind you to take at the right time. If you want to go out, my robot will help you find your coat—you are always unsure where you could find your clothes. My robot will go to the supermarket to buy some fruit and vegetables for you, as you often cannot decide which you should choose at the supermarket. You often feel lonely because you do not

know who you can talk to, and my robot will try to do something to make you happy. Take care and I will see you soon! Yours, Jiang Shan

Keys: when you should take your pills. when to where you could find your clothes. where to find

which you should choose at the supermarket. which to choose who you can talk to, who to talk to Step 10. Examples

He got up early so that he would not miss the train. He got up early in order to miss the train.