朗文1BChapter 2 综合测试卷 下载本文

LONGMAN Welcome to English 1B

Chapter 2 Our pet friends

Name: Class: (本次单元测试 总分:100分,含卷面书写分:4分)

PartⅠ Listening Comprehension

一、 Listen and circle(听录音, 选择所听内容, 将答案填写在括号内。)12’

( )1. A. B. C.

( )2. A. B. C.

( )3. A. B. C.

( )4. A. B. C.

( )5. A. B. C.

( )6. A. B. C.


二、 Listen and number(听录音, 根据所听内容,排序。)12’

1. 2. 3.

( ) ( ) ( )

4. 5. 6.

( ) ( ) ( )

三、Listen and judge(听录音,根据所听内容,判断正误。)6’

1. Where is the cat? 2. It is in the box. 3. Where are the pencils?

4. One is on the chair. One is near the sofa. 5. They are under the cupboard. 6. LED MBA ICBC

PartⅡ Grammar and Vocabulary

一、Read 、 circle and copy.(看图,圈出正确的单词,并抄写正确的单词)2*12=24

1、 2. 3. 4.

bird boy cat dog hamster turtle robot hamster



5. 6. 8.

chair table box boy cupboard robot shelf cupboard

二、 Read and circle(圈出正确的内容,使对话完整。)18’ 1.—Where is the ( rabbit/ rabbits ) ? —It is ( in / on ) the box.

2.—Where( is / are )the robots? —They are on the ( shelf / cupboard ).

3.—( Where / What) are the dolls? —( They are / It is ) on the chair.

4.—Where ( are / is ) the pencil cases? —One is on the ( table / sofa). —One is in the (cupboard/ chair).


hamster table Are Egg shelf 圈出下列单词中的小写字母e 圈出下列单词中的大写字母K Kate Jacket KFC Keep black hat hand Hope chair where 圈出下列单词中的小写字母h 圈出下列单词中的小写字母c

Cat can cook color CD 圈出下列单词中的大写字母B bird Bag Blue rabbit Black 3