英语高一上册Module 2《Unit 2 Wish you were here》同步测试 下载本文

夯基达标 单项选择

1. The officer ordered the soldiers to get the work done _______. A. as fast as they can B. as quick as possibly C. as soon as possible D. as early as possible 提示:根据句意,选择部分应理解为“尽快(完成任务)”。从语法上看,A项中的can 应为could,B项中的possibly应为possible。从词义来看,此处的“快”应用soon表示。句意为“那个长官命令士兵们尽快完成工作”。故正确答案为C。


2. John may phone tonight. I don't want to go out _______ he phones. A. as long as B. in case C. in order that D. so that 提示:填空处需要用引导条件状语从句的连词,只有A项和B项符合此条件。但是as long as“只要”不符合题意。句意为“John今晚可能会打电话,我不想出去以免他打电话”。故正确答案为B。


3. Thousands of works of art, _______ the most famous paintings, were ________ during the war.

A. included; missed B. including; missing C. included; missing D. including; missed

提示:including是介词,其后接名词或代词,而included 是过去分词,它应该放在被修饰的名词或代词之后,所以第一个空白处的选项可以把答案锁定在B 和D中。另外,表示“不见了,丢失了”用missing,不用missed。句意为“数千件艺术作品包括很有名的画,都在战争中丢了”。故正确答案为B。


4. _______ leaves the classroom last should remember to turn off all the lights before leaving.

A. Whoever B. No matter who C. Who D. Those who

提示:whoever意思是“无论是谁”,相当于no matter who,但是whoever既能引导名词性从句也能引导让步状语从句,而no matter who只能引导让步状语从句。此句中是主语从句,故排除B项。不能选D项的原因是:谓语动词和主语不一致。句意为“无论谁最后一个离开教室,应该记着把灯关上”。故正确答案为A。


5. She hoped that they _______ again before long so that they could have another discussion about it.

A. met B. would meet C. had met D. were met



6. _______ informal letters, we can use abbreviations, such as “CU”, meaning “See you


A. When writing B. When write C. When written D. When to write

提示:动词-ing形式短语作时间状语时,有时可在前加上when/while。从另一角度看,当when引导的时间状语从句中的主语与主句中的主语相同,且从句中含有be动词时,可将从句中的主语和be动词一同省略。句意为“当写一些不正式的信件时,我们可以用省略,比如“CU”表示“see you soon”。故正确答案为A。


7. The students in the language school are offered a chance to learn _______ second language _______ English.

A. a; besides B. the; beside C. a; except D. the; except for

提示:在序数词前用a 表示“又一;再一”;另外,英语包括在学生所学的外语之中,所以用besides。句意为“那所语言学校的学生们都被给予了一个除了学英语还能学第二外语的机会”。故正确答案为A。


8. —Look, the light is still on.

—Oh, I forgot _______ when I left. A. to turn it off B. to turn it down C. turning it off D. to turn it on

提示:forget 后接不定式作宾语时意思是“忘记去做某事”,接动词-ing形式作宾语时意思是“忘记做过某事”,在此句中我忘记把灯关上,所以灯仍然亮着。故正确答案为A。


9. Generally speaking, _______ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect. A. when taking B. when taken

C. when to take D. when to be taken

提示:句子主语drug与动词take间存在被动关系,故用过去分词taken。when taken意义相当于when it is taken。句意为“通常而言,药如果能按说明服用,那就不会有副作用。”故正确答案为B。


10. He went on _______ as if nothing had happened. A. to talking B. talking C. with talking D. to talk

提示:go on doing sth.是继续或不间断地做原来正在做的事情,中间也可以有停顿,但整体是做一件事。go on to do sth.意为“接着去做另一件事”,即做完一件事后又接着干与原来不同的一件事;但go on with 后面只接名词或代词,不接v.-ing形式。句意为“他好像什么也没发生似的,继续谈着话。”故正确答案为B。



1. (2018四川模拟,28) At the foot of the mountain _______. A. a village lie B. lies a village C. does a village lie D. lying a village

提示:地点状语放句首,主谓应完全倒装。 句意为“一个山村座落在山脚下”。


2. (2018江西模拟,27) In peace, too, the Red Cross is expected to send help _______ there is human suffering.

A. whoever B. however C. whatever D. wherever

提示:根据“there is human suffering”,可知后半句是地点状语,故选D。



3. (2018陕西模拟,14) With no one to _______ in such a frightening situation, she felt very helpless.

A. turn on B. turn off C. turn over D. turn to 提示:turn to sb.“求助于……”;turn on“打开(电灯,收音机,灯……)”;turn off“关上……”;turn over“使……翻倒,交付,移交”。 句意为“在这种可怕的局面下无人求助,她感到很无助”。 答案:D