2020福建高考英语一轮复习(北师全国卷1)课时规范练38 Unit 23 下载本文

课时规范练38 Unit 23





The idea that you can use humor,laughter,and play to make you healthier probably seems too simple to be true.However,it is really true and simple.The sense of humor,laughter and play plays an important part in keeping you healthy.

Treat the blues with a sense of humor,which is closely tied to laughter.Laughter is infectious.Have you ever heard a big laugh of a young child and been able to keep yourself from smiling?When laughter is shared between people,it makes them closer to each other and increases their happiness.Smiling is the beginning of laughter and a smile is also just as infectious as laughter is.You can experience something by smiling at everyone around you,and you will feel happier just by sharing a smile,even with a stranger.

Play is an important part of making sure that we stay healthy.We are often encouraged to make sure our children play,and are told of the benefits of being out playing.However,what we often forget is that it is just as important for old people to make play be part of their life as it’s for children.Physical play is important for the old and it certainly helps prevent illness.While the studies are still in the early stages,the studies that have been done have shown that physical play certainly plays a part in preventing cognitive(认知的) falling.

Anyway,adding humor,laughter,and play to our life will influence us mentally,physically and socially and bring us many advantages.So we should make full use of humor,laughter and play to make our life more active,more interesting and happier.

【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了幽默、大笑和玩耍给人们的健康带来的好处。 1.What does the underlined word “infectious” in Paragraph 2 probably mean? A.Playing an important role. B.Keeping people in high spirits.

C.Quickly influencing other people. D.Preventing illness from spreading. 答案:C

解析:词义猜测题。根据第二段第四句“When laughter is shared between people,it makes them closer to each other and increases their happiness.”可知,当人们分享笑容时,人们的关系更亲密,人们也会更加快乐。故infectious在此处意思为“迅速影响其他人”。 2.What can laughter increase according to the author? A.Cognitive ability. B.Good relationships. C.A sense of humor. D.Happiness and trust. 答案:B

解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“When laughter is shared between people,it makes them closer to each other and increases their happiness...and you will feel happier just by sharing a smile,even with a stranger.”可知,在作者看来,大笑能使人们之间的关系更亲密。根据第三段最后一句可知,身体活动可以防止认知能力降低,但并不是说身体活动可以提高认知能力,且和题干内容不符,故A项错误。 3.What does the author think the old should do? A.They should have a good rest. B.They should play like children. C.They should prevent cognitive falling. D.They should take part in physical play. 答案:D

解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中的“However,what we often forget is that it is just as important for old people to make play be part of their life as it’s for children.Physical play is important for the old and it certainly helps prevent illness.”可知,作者认为老年人应该参与身体活动。根据第三段的第三句可知,


4.Which of the following would be the best title for the text? A.Humor,Laughter and Play for Health B.Always Keep Our Body Healthy C.Have an Active and Happy Life D.Let Our Body and Mind Relax 答案:A




At my heaviest I weighed 370 pounds.I had a very poor relationship with food:I used it to 1 bad feelings,to make myself feel better,and to celebrate.Worried about my health,I tried many different kinds of 2 but nothing worked.I came to believe that I could do nothing about my 3 .

When I was 50,my weight problem began to affect me 4 .I didn’t want to live the rest of my life with this 5 weight any more.

That year,I 6 a seminar where we were asked to create a project that would touch the world.A seminar leader shared her 7 story — she had not only lost 125 pounds,but also raised $25,000 for homeless children.

8 by her story,I created the As We Heal(痊愈),the World Heals 9 .My goal was to lose 150 pounds in one year and raise $50,000 10 a movement founded 30 years ago to end hunger.This combination of healing myself and healing the world 11 me as the perfect solution.

12 I began my own personal weight program,I was filled with the fear that I would 13 the same difficulties that beat me before.While the 14 hung over my head,there were also signs that I was headed down the right 15 .I sent letters to everyone I knew,telling them about my project.It worked perfectly.Donations began 16 in from hundreds of people.