(word完整版)全国高考英语七选五专题练习及答案 下载本文

Such materials may increase our store of information, but they cannot improve our understanding. And clearly we don't have any difficulty in gaining the new information, for our understanding was equal to them before we started. Otherwise, we would have felt the shock of puzzlement.

The second sense is the one in which we read something that at first we do not completely understand. Here the thing to be read is at the first sight better or higher than the reader. The writer is communicating something that can increase the reader's understanding. __3__ Otherwise one person could never learn from another. Here “learning” means understanding more, not remembering more information.

What are the conditions in this kind of reading? First, there is inequality in understanding. __4__ Besides, his book must convey something he possesses and his potential readers lack. Second, the reader must be able to overcome this inequality in some degree. And he should always try to reach the same level of understanding with the writer. If the equality is approached, success of communication is achieved.

__5__ It is the least demanding and requires the least amount of effort. Everyone who knows how to read can read for entertainment if he wants to. In fact, any book that can be read for understanding or information can probably be read for entertainment as well.

A.The writer should have a better communicating skill. B.Such communication between unequals must be possible. C.We can get access to the content of those materials easily. D.The writer must be “superior” to the reader in understanding. E.Thus, we can employ the word “reading” in two distinct senses.

F.Reading for entertainment is capable of increasing our understanding for information. G.Besides gaining information and understanding, there's another goal of reading—entertainment.


1.E 根据The first sense is the one in which we read newspapers, magazines, or anything else.故选E。

2.C 根据Such materials may increase our store of information, but they cannot improve our understanding.可知这里想说我们可以很容易抓住材料的内容,故选C。

3.B 根据The writer is communicating something that can increase the reader's understanding.故选B。

4.D 根据Besides, his book must convey something he possesses and his potential readers lack.可知这里想说作者一定在理解方面高于读者,故选D。

5.G 根据It is the least demanding and requires the least amount of effort. Everyone who knows how to read can read for entertainment if he wants to. In fact, any book that can be read for understanding or information can probably be read for entertainment as well.可知这里想说,除了



A large number of people have a preference for bottled water, because they feel that tap water may not be safe. __1__ Bottled water is mostly sold in plastic bottles. __2__ Processing the plastic can lead the harmful chemicals into the water contained in the bottles. The chemicals can be taken in the body and cause physical discomfort.

__3__ Bacteria(细菌) can increase in large numbers if the water is kept on the shelves for too long or if it is exposed(暴露) to heat or direct sunlight. The information on storage and shipment is not always readily available to consumers. __4__ Besides these safety problems, bottled water has other disadvantages. It contributes to global warming. About 2.5 million tons of carbon dioxide was produced in 2012 by the production of plastic for bottled water. __5__ According to one research, 90% of the bottles used are not recycled and lie for ages in landfills(填埋场).

A.Do you like to drink bottled water? B.But is bottled water really any better? C.That's why it possibly causes health problems.

D.The problem concerning bottled water remains to be settled. E.Health risks can also result from unfit store of bottled water. F.In addition, bottled water produces large amount of solid waste.

G.Because of this, bottled water may not be a better choice, compared to tap water. 文章大意:很多人都偏爱瓶装水。其实瓶装水有卫生安全、造成全球变暖危害以及产生固体废物垃圾等很多问题。

1.B 考查上下文逻辑关系。前面讲人们偏爱瓶装水,后面讲的是瓶装水的危害。所以表示前后转折的B项符合语境。

2.C 前面讲的是瓶装水大多数是用塑料装的,后面讲的是塑料制品生产过程中产生的危害。所以C项承上启下,符合语境。

3.E 空后讲的是瓶装水的储藏可能带来细菌的大量滋生。所以E项“健康问题源于不合适的储藏”符合语境。

4.G 此句作为瓶装水有安全问题的总结发言,因为下一段就是安全问题之外的缺点了。所以G项总结上文,与第一空照应。

5.F 空后讲的是瓶装水造成的固体垃圾污染问题。所以F项符合语境。



Successful students are highly motivated by an inner drive to study well.They have a specific career goal in mind.__1__ So they form their own good study habits,plan ahead and stick to their study timetable on their own initiative.

If you want to motivate yourself, here are some great ways to improve your motivation. ◆ You should write down your educational goals, which makes them become clear. ◆ Imagine your success.Experience the feeling of reaching your particular goal. ◆ Give yourself rewards.__2__

◆ Seek advice and study opportunities from the good students in your class.

Successful students tend to study hard. They pay much attention to class as well as taking notes. __3__ Outside class they find a quiet study place to study, because they know that academic life comes before their social life.

__4__ After setting goals it is important to write them down for many reasons. ◆ Goals that aren't written are only wishes.

◆ It helps you make a commitment(承诺)to yourself. ◆ It gives you a way to see your progress.

◆ No one wants to regret not doing something they could have done.

Successful students manage their time well by setting up weekly timetable. They make the best use of their study time and find a quiet place and study there every day.__5__

If you want to be a successful student, please do as the above. A.They know that they are responsible for their success or failure. B.They make study time productive and not necessarily long. C.Successful students should set goals.

D.You will be proud of yourself when you achieve success.

E.Each time you complete a lesson, do something special for yourself.

F.When you set your goals,make sure that your goals are specific and realistic. G.They arrive at the classroom early and sit in the front.

文章大意:怎样才能成为成功的学生?他们的共同点是什么呢?本文给出了答案。 1.A 成功的学生都被一种内在的动力强烈地激励着,渴望把事情做好。在他们心中都有具体的职业目标。他们深知成败在于自己的努力。

2.E 与前面的主题句“Give yourself rewards(给自己奖赏)”对应的是E项。 3.G 该段讲的是成功学生的学习习惯,所以G项符合语境。 4.C 空后的“After setting goals...”可知,此处是设立目标。 5.B 该段讲的是学习时间的利用,所以B项符合语境。



Have you ever noticed that the more you have the more you want? Let's face it. Thinking our life is good enough doesn't come naturally to many people. When we have high expectations of everything in life, we will run into disappointment. Only when we are aware that needs are different from desires can we live with satisfaction. __1__ __2__ Most people want things to be better than they are, or when things are going well, we forget to appreciate what we have. Learn to reflect on how much better things are than they could be. Write down 5 things you are grateful for right now.

When we hold onto regrets from decisions we have made, it can really poison our well-being. Many people regret something they can no longer change, which ends up holding them back from moving forward in a more positive manner. __3__ So work to stay present and be mindful of the current moment to find more joy and fulfillment.

When we use other people as the measuring stick for our personal success and quality of life, we are likely to be less satisfied. Social comparisons can provide useful information when we try to learn from others, but they also hold our perspective in a discontented position. __4__ When you focus on your big ambitions and future goals, you might neglect the daily pleasures that surround you. __5__ Stay present and focus on the task you're undertaking at the moment. Don't let the life pass you by because you're always on the go and distracted by ambitions.

Practice looking at life through the lens(镜头) of contentment and it will become more natural.

A.Learn to create chances to achieve your goal. B.What you should do is to put yourself in a good mood.

C.Here are a few ideas to help you be happier with what you have and who you are. D.Focus on what you are thankful for. E.What happened in the past is done and gone.

F.Compare yourself less with others so you can be satisfied more. G.Learn to slow down and absorb the wonder and beauty around you. 文章大意:本文就如何帮助自己保持快乐的心态提出了具体的建议。 答案:

1.C 本文接下来的4段都是关于如何帮助自己保持快乐的心态的具体的建议。故C项符合上下文串联。

2.D 后面的“appreciate”以及“grateful”可知,D项thankful符合语境。

3.E 该段讲的是把握现在,不要对过去的事情遗憾和后悔。所以E项符合语境。 4.F 该段讲的是不要与人攀比,句中的“other people”与F项照应。

5.G 该段讲的是不要忽略当下的快乐,与G项照应。而且原文的“pleasures that surround

you.”与G项的 “wonder and beauty around you.”照应。



How to find your own suitable interests?

__1__And it is also a great way to improve your health.Most hobby clubs have members who are very experienced in their hobbies.While a hobby has many benefits,it is not always easy to find the right one.Here is how to find one that fits you.

Try hobbies that fit in where you like to be.Try one as soon as possible.You may find yourself with a new hobby by doing what you want to do.__2__Try to write a short story, and writing might become your new hobby.

Get out of your comfort zone and try to learn something new every month.__3__Many people find that they enjoy things they never thought they would.For example,even if you are not patient,try making a needlepoint(针绣花边)pillow.You might find that you enjoy needlepoint.

One of the best ways to find a hobby that fits you is to try new things.People who like outdoor activities could try hiking or bird-watching.If you enjoy visiting new places,maybe traveling is a hobby that is right for you. __4__ Join a local club.Experienced members will help you learn the skills for the hobby.__5__ A.Other members will also be able to give you advice. B.Do you have your own hobbies? C.Choose a hobby that fits your schedule. D.For example,some people dream of writing. E.For example,you wish to become a free traveler. F.Having a hobby is an excellent way to pass the time.

G. Try photography or painting scenery when you enjoy observing nature. 文章大意:怎样才能找到适合自己的兴趣爱好呢?本文给出了具体的建议。 答案:

1.F 空后的And以及also提示我们该空选择有兴趣爱好的优点。F项符合语境。 2.D 空后的writing提示我们选D项而非E项。

3.C 和空前的“Get out of your comfort zone and try to learn something new every month.”照应的是C项。

4.G 和前面的travelling照应,选择G项。

5.A 与前面的“Experienced members”照应,此处为其他的会员(没有经验的)也会给你建议。

