广东省高考英语听说之角色扮演三问训练-精选学习文档 下载本文

话题一 个人情况(Personal information) 1.你的名字有什么特殊的意义吗? Does your name have any special meaning? 2. 你的家乡在哪里?

Where is your hometown? / Where do you come from?/ Where are you from? 3. 能否谈一下你最喜爱的兴趣或爱好?

Could you say something about your favorite hobby or interest? 4. 你擅长和不擅长的事情是什么?

What are you especially good at and what are you not? 5. 你认为自己有什么优点和缺点?

What merits and shortcomings/strengths and weaknesses do you think you have? 6. 你打算将来从事什么职业。

What career do you want to take in the future?

话题二 家庭、朋友与周围的人 (Family, friends and people around) 1.能否谈谈你的家庭情况?

Could you say something about your family? 2.父母亲是最好的老师,不是吗? Parents are our best teachers, aren’t they? 3.你认为父母应该如何教育孩子?

How do you think parents should educate their children? 4.你认为朋友在你生命中重要吗?

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Do you think friends play an important part in your life? 5.你通常是怎样结交朋友? How do you usually make friends? 6.你认为在网上能结交到真正的朋友吗?

Do you think it is possible to make real friends online? 7.你是否和室友和谐相处?

Are you getting along well with your roommates? 话题三 周围的环境 (Personal environments) 1. 你目前是否住学校宿舍。

Do you live in your school dormitory at present? 2.能否描述一下你的住所呢? Could you describe the place you live in? 3.你在那里住多久了? How long have you lived there? 4.你认为居住在那里怎么样? How do you feel about living there? 5.你的住所有什么优点和不足?

What kind of advantages and disadvantages does the place you live in have? 6. 住在学校和住在家里,你更喜欢哪个?

Which do you prefer, living on campus or living at home? 话题四 日常生活 ( Daily routines)

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1. 你一天中最忙碌的是哪段时间? What is the busiest period of your day? 2.一般来说,你什么时间有空? Generally speaking, when are you free? 3.你最喜欢的放松方式是什么。 What is your favorite way to relax? 4.空余时间你喜欢独处还是和朋友一起?

Do you prefer to spend your free time alone or with your friends? 5.周末对你而言重要吗? Are weekends important to you? 6.你通常怎么度过周末?

How do you usually spend your weekends? 话题五 学校生活( School life) 1. 你们目前在学校学习哪些科目?

What subjects are you learning at school for the moment? 2. 你觉得哪个科目最实用?

Which subject do you think is the most practical? 3. 在学习方面,你有什么不满的地方吗?

Is there anything you are not satisfied with about your studies? 4. 你的高中生活是否快乐又充实? Is your high school life happy and enriched?

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