2017-2018学年英语必修五各单元对应单句短文改错(word版有答案) 下载本文




Unit 1 Great scientists

Unit 2 The United Kingdom Unit 3 Life in the future Unit 4 Making the news Unit 5 First aid


增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\\)划掉。

修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意: 1.每小题只有一处错误,每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

Unit 1 Great scientists


1. Anyone who can’t attend in the meeting should e-mail me about it before this Wednesday. 2. in our daily life, we unavoidably come across many challenge now and then. 3. Education experts suggested children are given more freedom to develop their ideas. 4. It is neither you nor Lucy that are to blame for the accident.

5. Every time when my father finds me listening to rock music, he asks me to shut it off. 6. Li Na performed very well that she won the Australian Open Tennis Championship in 2014.

7. When I opened the door, 1 found my father sitting in his chair, completely absorbing in the novel he was reading. 8. To return to the problem of water pollution t I'd like you to look at a study was conducted in Australia in 2012. 9. Only by taking medicine on time can you be cured for your bad cold. 10. None of us can predict with certain what the next big industry will be.


1. Only if did you put the word in the sentence did the use of the other words make sense.

2. 1 was worrying and decided to take her to hospital.

3. If you make your child responsible to these bills, he will learn to budget for necessary expenditures. 4. It makes the sense to work on the problem before it gets out of control.

5. 1 think teachers need not only to be strict about work but also to be strict about students. 6. 1 tried to join the army but rejected because of poor health.

7. Doing things we don’t like can be good for us at time, so I believe that we should sometimes give them a try. 8. When you read a book, you’d better make a mark which you have questions. 9. Cigarette smoking is a major factor contributing cancer. 10. Cholera is a dead disease and many people died of it in the past.

Unit 2 The United Kingdom


1. It is great pity that the band which Jack was a member of broke up after 26 years of playing together on stage. 2. Though the thief tried to break away the policeman, he failed at last.

3. 1 spent the days wander among some of the attractions, shopping in the store and stopping in the cafe.

4. He creats a long special bench to make sure his fellow classmates won’t be left behind in the playground when they are playing games.

5. After divided into three groups, all the students set off for the top of the mountain. 6. This is convenient for us to talk with others by using the Internet. 7. It is no wonder that she often comes into a conflict with her parents.

8. Now the most important thing is to get water and electrical sources connecting.

9. Andy received an invitation to Tom’s party, and with her work finishing she gladly accepted it. 10. Finally, drug users find themselves trapped in a prison from there they can't escape.


1. A kind of small cars may someday take place of today's big ones.

2. It is human errors, rather than the natural disaster, that is to blame for the death of so many innocent people in the landslide at an industrial park in Shenzhen.

3. My boss arranged for me discuss business details with someone from another company. 4. It seemed strange that the man could have deserted his wife and his children. 5. There is no possibility human beings will be controlled by computers. 6. I am more than thrilling to know you are going to be with us for two days.

7. In her great surprise, she saw her father sitting on the floor, and reading the same story. 8. Parents prefer to choose names linking to beautiful things and good luck. 9. There stand a strong wooden house, big enough for forty people in the past.

10. If what you say is not consistent to what you do, it will have a bad effect on your children.

Unit 3 Life in the future


1. Please remember to switch the lights as you leave the classroom. 2. After several days’ good rest, she finally was back on her foot.

3. As far as I'm concerned, we should not only know what we lack of, but also understand why. 4. The chair looks rather hard, but in fact it is very comfortable to sit. 5. Today the teacher took on the lesson where she left off last week.

6. The boy who had swept up in the hurricane was found dead 20 days later in a lake.

7. A good hook may absorb our attention so completely that for the time being we forget our surrounding and even our identity.

8. The word “boring” is similar with the word \. 9. Press firmly on the wound helps atop the bleeding.

10. Ordering over a week ago, the books are expected to arrive any time now.


1. If you don’t speed by, we won’t arrive there on time. 2. The island deserted, so the chances of their survival are slim. 3. As you know, west of I he city is many coal mines.

4. When you give attention to the children’s work, it is great motivation for them to continue wanting to be involved. 5. Annoyed at the amount of work in the timetable, so Lily decided to leave the job instantly. 6. The thief broke away from the policeman and ran to the opposite direction. 7. All the people in the country hope that there has a settlement of the conflict.

8. Friday, our school organized us to a fire station, what we had expected for several days. 9. Dressing in a white uniform, Tom looks more like a cook than a doctor.

10. Having shown around the Water Cube, we were then taken to see the Bird’s Nest.

Unit 4 Making the news


1. A good journalist must have the good nose for a story.

2. The government has created a good environment for scientists to concentrate in their studies. 3. This is what the story goes. That day we were driving home when it began to rain heavily. 4. If you can come to my company, it'll be great assistance to me.

5. Not only do I interested in drawing, but also I took an amateur course at my young age. 6. What made me angry was that she deliberate ignored me when we met in the street.

7. Professor Hawking asks his students to read the newspaper to keep informing of current affairs. 8. I'm eager to this opportunity and I’m sure I will benefit a lot from it.

9. The police demanded (hat people would not go walking in the riverside park at night. 10. Only did Lucy preferred to stay at home rather than go outings.


1. Don’t move anything here. Mother likes everything to be in the place. 2. My father and I are worried that he may fall illness if he works too hard. 3. He explained that funding used to be one of the biggest barrier for the company. 4. Many online games are full of violence, which is what my concern lies. 5. —We heard Jack was badly injured in a traffic accident. —If not, let’s go to see him.

6. I still remember what happened with my deskmate and me many years ago.

7. Cool Chinese performs variety of functions and works as a practical guide to Chinese learning. 8. The doctor has warned him over or over again to stop smoking, but he hasn’t taken any advice. 9. The instant when the button is pushed, the seat will give you an electric shock. 10. Jerry has promised to keep the secret, so he won’t tell anyone even though asked.

Unit 5 First aid


1. Her mother doesn’t approve her going to study in the United Slates alone. 2. The purpose of education is develop a fine personality in children. 3. Last in all, let me remind you that our next meeting will be on June 24th.

4. You should make some preparations for the approaching test ahead of the time so as to get a good score.