人教版高中英语必修2 Unit3-Computers全英文精品教案 下载本文

1) Running races (hold) on the playground yesterday. 2) Food (serve) between 12:00 and 14:00 every day. 3) Nobody can (allow) to enter the stadium without a ticket. 4) Whoever breaks the law, he (punish). Suggested answers:

1) were held 2) is served 3) will be allowed 4) will be punished Step 3 Grammar learning ( 15 minutes) 1. Discovering

Ask students to look at the exercises 1 on page 21. Look at the following sentence, paying attention to the underlined part.

EXAMPLE: Over time I have been changed a lot.

Ask students to go back to page 18 to read the passage Who am I ?, let them pick out the sentences in the present perfect passive voice and translate them into Chinese. Suggest answers:

1) Over time I have been changed quite a lot.


2) I have been used in offices and homes since the 1970s.

自从20世纪70年代以来,我已经被应用于办公室和家庭。 3) I never forget anything I have been told.


4) Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me. 自从20世纪70年代以来,许多新的用途已经为我开发出来。 5) I have also been put into robots and used to make mobilephones

我也已经被装入机器人体内,并应用于制造移动电话 6) I have even been put into space rockets

我甚至已经被装入太空火箭 2.Thinking

Let students look at the tense used in the sentences they picked out and think over this question: What is the structure of the present perfect passive voice? 3. Summing up

The structure of the present perfect passive voice is “have/has+ been + p.p.”. It is a combination of the present perfect tense (have/has + done) and the passive voice (be + p.p.).

Ask students to turn to page 87 and look at the chart of the present perfect passive



肯定式 I have You have He/She/It has been asked… We have You have They have 否定式 I have You have He/She/It has We have You have They have 疑问式 Have I Have you Has he/she/it Have we Have your Have they not been asked… been asked…? Step 4 Grammar practice ( 12 minutes)

Ask students to finish the exercise 2 and 3 on page 21.

Exercise 2 Change the following sentences into the present passive voice. 1. My friend has bought a new personal computer. 2. The shop has repaired my computer very quickly. 3. An unknown virus has just attacked my computer. 4. We have not solved the problem yet.

5. The company has given its computers away to a local school. 6. The scientists have developed a kind of intelligent robot. Suggested answers:

1. A new personal computer has been bought by my friend. 2. My computer has been repaired by the shop very quickly. 3. My computer had just been attacked by an unknown virus. 4. The problem has not been solved by us yet.

5. Its computers have been given away to a local school by the company. 6. A kind of intelligent robot has been developed by the scientists. Exercise 3

1. Underline the use of the present perfect passive voice in the following poem. Then fill in the chart below.

Look at the way your face has been washed Look at the way your hair has been combed Look at the way your shoes have been cleaned You’d better do them again.

Look at the way the flowers have been planted Look at the way the grass has been cut

Look at the way the paths have been swept I hope that you’ll come here again. Things that have been done well Things that have been done badly Suggested answers:

Look at the way your face has been washed Look at the way your hair has been combed Look at the way your shoes have been cleaned You’d better do them again.

Look at the way the flowers have been planted Look at the way the grass has been cut Look at the way the paths have been swept I hope that you’ll come here again. Things that have been done well the way the flowers have been planted the way the grass has been cut the way the paths have been swept Things that have been done badly the way your face has been washed the way your hair has been combed the way your shoes have been cleaned 2. Read this poem aloud, paying attention to the rhythm and intonation. Then write your own poem.

Look at the way Look at the way Look at the way Look at the way Look at the way Look at the way The answer is varies. Step 5 Consolidation ( 2 minutes)

Ask the students to close their books, and then recall what have learned in this class. Step 6 Homework ( 3 minutes)

1. Finish the workbook exercises on page 57.

2. Finish the exercise as follow and hand it in the next day.

3. Preview the passage Andy-The Android on page 23, find the sentences in which the present perfect passive voice has been used and see if you can put it into the active voice.

Turn these sentences into the present perfect passive voice 1. We have made a plan. 2. He has fixed the computer.

3. We have bought a new personal computer.

4. We have found many problems with our new computer. 5. They have built a PC the way we wanted. 6. They have just joined our computer to the Internet. 7. We have used the computer every day since we bought it. 8. We have written a lot of e-mails on the computer in the past years. Suggested answers: 1. A plan has been made by us. 2. The computer has been fixed by him.

3. A new personal computer has been bought by us.

4. Many problems have been found with our new computer by us. 5. A PC has been built the way we wanted.

6. Our computer has just been joined to the Internet by us. 7. The computer has been used by us since we bought it.

8. A lot of e-mails have been written by us on the computer in the past years. Teaching experience:

Because the students have some knowledge about the passive voice, most students can accept and master the present perfect passive voice after revision, discovery, analyzing, exercise and summing up. Receive good results.

Period 5 Listening, Speaking and Writing GOALS:

1. To practise listening comprehension. 2.To practise making decisions and reasoning