2020届高考英语专项练习专题十:《短文改错记叙类专练》(含答案) 下载本文




增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。

修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意:

1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。


One day, little Tony went to a shopping center with his parent. It was very crowded. Tony saw a toy on考点03 a shop window. He liked it so very much that he quickly walked into the shop. After looks 考点08 at the toy for some time, he turned around and found where考点11 his parents were missing. Tony was scared and begun 考点09 to cry. A woman saw him crying and telling考点05 him to wait outside a考点01 shop. Five minutes later,Tony saw考点02 parents. Mom said, \and I were terrible 考点06 worried.\


The summer holiday is coming. My classmates and I are talking about how to do during the holiday. We can chose between staying at home and take考点08 a trip. If we stay at home, it is comfortable but考点12 there is no need to spend money. But in that case, we will learn little about 考点01 world. If we go on a trip abroad, we can broaden your考点02 view and gain knowledges考点04 we cannot get from books. Some classmates suggest we can go to places of interest nearby. I thought 考点09 that it is a good idea. It does not cost many考点02, yet we can still learn a lot.


Last night, I had a strange but interesting dream. On the way back to考点06 home, I came across a child from another planet. His clothes seem考点09 to be shining and looked beautiful. As I got closely考点06 to him, he looked frightened and turned his back to me. Though I couldn’t speak her考点02 language, I used hand gestures to talk about 考点03 him. A while later, he told me lots of amazing thing考点

04 on his planet, which made me laugh. But all of sudden, he began to cry, and then he explained he had lost his way but考点12 couldn’t find his home. Seen考点08 that, I offered to help him. His family had a telephone number like ours, so I asked him to call his parents using my phone. Soon before考点13 making the call he disappeared.


On a storm考点06 night, I was alone at home. After finishing my homework, I was about to go to bed. All of sudden, the light went out. Meanwhile, there was a flash of lightning following考点08 by thunderstorms. I was so scared that I ran to my bed but 考点12 hid myself under the blanket. To make matters bad考点06, my parents went to hospital to accompany with my sick grandfather. I felt too frightened because my mind was full of scary thought考点04. After some time passed, I fall考点09 asleep at last. At breakfast I told my parents that考点11 I had seen last night. My parents were also frightened and they promised that they would ever考点06 leave me at home alone.


阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 (1)

Sports should help a man to learn fairness, not only in games but also in and for life. If two teams play ①__________ 考点01 game, one team must lose. If a dozen teams attend an athletic

competition,②__________team will get the most points and all the ③__________eleven teams will get ④__________(few) points. If a school team comes out last, that is no loss of face. ⑤__________ 考点11 that team and that school must do is admit that it ⑥__________(lose). The only intelligent reaction ⑦__________考点08 defeat must be: next year we will do our best to come out on top, because from now on our team will devote⑧__________ 考点02 (it) to a stricter course of training under competent instructors.

Lessons⑨__________考点08 (learn) in sports can help us in our dealing with other people. But even more ⑩__________考点06 (value) are the lessons learned in extra—curricular activities in school: in speech, dramatic and musical contests, in “house” activities, and, especially, in the student council. (2)

In ancient China the kite was known as “Zhiyuan“. ①__________考点06 (original) regarded as a technology, it also featured in many art collections, and was considered to have unique artistic value.

It first ②__________考点09 (appear) in the year of the Spring and Autumn Period (770 BC—476BC). According to historical records, Mo Zi spent three years ③__________考点08 (construct) a wooden kite that failed after one day’s flight. One book noted that the master carpenter Lu Ban also made some which ④__________考点09 (use) to spy on the situation of the enemy.

Now the basic procedure of making kites remains the same, but ⑤__________考点04 (style) of kite-making vary in different regions. These in the “World Kite Capital” of Weifang in Shandong Province are well known for ⑥__________考点02 (they) craftsmanship, materials, painting, sculpture and flexible flying movement. One of these kites,⑦__________考点10 was over 300 meters long, won first place in the International Kite Festival ⑧__________考点08 (hold) in Italy. It is now housed in the Weifang Kite Museum. Every year, the festival is held there and is expected to draw many fans with a passion for flying kites.

⑨__________ 考点13 you are interested in flying a kite, you should choose a sunny and windy day so you can enjoy the open air, and take care to avoid electric wires and cars. You could make more than one with you and fly them according to the change of wind. And of course, a pair of sunglasses may prove useful in protecting your eyes ⑩__________考点03 bright sunshine. (3)

The Internet recently raised its eyebrows after Chinese state media claimed that online shopping, high-speed rail, bike sharing and electronic payment systems are China’s “four new great inventions.” Last week, Xinhua News Agency said the country deserved credit for the

discoveries,①__________ 考点08 (compare) them to the inventions of ancient China: compass, gunpowder, paper, and printing.

According to SCMP, the so-called “four new great inventions” were based ②__________考点03 last year’s research conducted by the Silk Road Research Institute. In a survey,China’s foreign students from 20 countries near the “Belt and Road Initiative” ③__________考点09 (ask) to pick China’s “four new inventions” that they wanted their home countries④__________考点08 (use).

Xinhua’s article notes that “Among ⑤__________考点01 four, online shopping was invented and pioneered by Michael Aldrich in the UK in 1979, while the Japanese operated the first modern high-speed rail in 1964.⑥__________考点12 it is Chinese people that bring the inventions to the world’s top level with ⑦__________考点02 (they) intelligence and creativity.”

Despite the origins, in recent years, a number of China’s technological ⑧__________考点04 (advance) have been making their moves in the world. Among them, four stand out with a reputation of