最新人教版七年级英语上册Unit7单元同步测试卷4及答案(精品试卷) 下载本文

Unit 7 单元过关检测(100分)



( )1. Please have a ____________ Mr. Cool’s Store!

A. see B. watch C. look D. look at

( )2. She _____ a big blue backpack.

A. want B. wants C. take D. helps

( )3. The shop _____sweaters, pants, shoes, socks and things like that.

A. buy B. sell C. buys D. sells

( )4. It’ s only 5 yuan! You can buy it _____ a good price.

A. at B. with C. in D. on

( )5. We have sweaters ______ all colors _____ $ 5 each.

A. at, in B. in, at C. in, for D. at, for

( )6. Come to the bookstore and see for ______.

A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself

( )7. ---Do you like these blue shoes?

---Yes, ____________.

A. I’ll take it B. I’ll take them C. I don’t like them D. it’s 5 dollars

( )8. He is a collector. He has ______ basketballs.

A. twenty three B. twenty-three C. two ten three

D. twenty-first

( )9. This is a _______ hat.

A. small yellow B. yellow small C. blue big

D. yellow big

( )10. ______ shorts 20 dollars?

A. Are the B. Are they C. Is the

D. Is that

( )11. --- What do you want?

--- I want a _______.

A. socks B. pants C. apple D. hat

( )12. These socks are only 3 dollars.Do you want ________? A. it B.them C. that D. those

( )13. --- _________ is the chicken, please?

--- 5 yuan a kilo.

A. How many B. How much C. How D. How long

( )14. ---What color is that pen?

--- It’s ________ green. It’s ________ green pen.

A. a; a B. the; a C. /; / D. /; a ( )15. The yellow shorts ________________ 20 yuan.

A. are on sale for B. are on sales for C. are on sale

D. is on sale

Ⅱ. 完形填空。(10分)

It’s Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. White go to the shop. They want to buy their daughter some 1 . They start (出发) 2 eight thirty. There are too many cars on the way. They can’t 3 too fast and it’s not easy to park (停) their car. It is about ten o’clock when they 4 the shop. In the shop they see a 5 dress. It’s nice. And red is their daughter’s favorite (最喜欢的) 6 . “ 7 is this dress?” Mrs. White asks. “It’s eighty yuan.” answers the girl in the shop. “It’s not expensive (贵的). We’ll 8 it.” Then they find a yellow skirt. The skirt also looks very nice. Mr. White says to 9 , “You buy our daughter the dress, so I want to buy this skirt 10 her.” Mrs. White says, “All right.” The skirt is only fifty-two yuan.

( )1. A. food B. clothes C. drinks ( )2. A. at

B. in C. on

B. drive C. run

B. get up C. get to

C. brown

C. clothes

( )3. A. walk ( )4. A. get

( )5. A. yellow ( )6. A. sport

B. red

B. color

( )7. A. How much B. How many C. What color ( )8. A. do

B. take

C. bring

( )9. A. the girl ( )10. A. to

B. his daughter C. Mrs. White B. for

C. about