商务英语词汇 下载本文


Unit 11

First name 名 last name / family name / surname 姓

Title 头衔,职务 zip code / postcode 邮政编码 Tel (H) 宅电 Tel (O) 办公室电话

Beeper 寻呼机,拷机 Mobile Phone / Cellular Phone 移动电话,手机 E-mail Address 电子邮件信箱 URL: Uniform Resource Locator 统一资源定符,


Human Resources Superior人事部主管Research Programs Director研究项目主管 Sales representative 销售代表 Flexible work time 弹性工作时间 Address book 通讯录 inter-office memorandum 商务备忘录


Business associate 贸易伙伴,客户 assistant manager 副经理 The meeting schedule 会议安排 a welcome speech 欢迎辞

Business card/ visiting card 名片 Reception desk 总台,前台 TWB (two bedded room with a bath)标准房a standard single room 标准单间 Presidential suit 总统套房 reserve a room 预订房间 RSVP 敬请答复 extend a warm welcome to 热烈欢迎 Check in 入住,入关 check out 退房,出关 Sales department 销售部 financial department 财务部 Manager office 经理室 registration form 登记表


Fortune Global Forum 《财富》全球论坛 APEC 亚太经合组织 World Expo 世界博览会 Board Meeting 理事会年会 Length of light 旅程 Ticket price 票价 A round trip ticket 往返票价 Flight Number 航班 Departure Time 起飞时间 Check-in Time 登机时间 Register an exhibition 参展报名 conference & exhibition 会展 Accommodation arrangement 食宿安排 airport terminal 候机楼

International departure 国际航班出港 domestic departure 国内航班出港 Double room 双人房 twin-bedded room 双人对床房 Room type 房型 room rate 房金

Conference badge 会议证章 conference pack 会议材料袋 Set up a stand 搭建展台 in the door 门口工作(收票,引导) Participants / attendee 与会者 speaker 演讲者 Floor activities 会议活动 panel discussion 小组讨论 E-Commerce 电子商务 annual meeting 年会 Sales promotion 促销 make remarks/presentation 发言 Air one’s view 发表看法


The date of the meeting 会议日期 The time of the meeting 开会时间 The venue of the meeting 会议地点 The topic of the meeting 会议议题 Conference room 会议室 approval of the Minutes 通过会议记录 Old Business 老议项 Open Forum 公开讨论 Adjournment 休会 orientation 迎新会

Information booths 咨询台 shuttle bus 校车,班车 Great Room 主会场 Sports Hall 体育馆 Breakout Sessions 分组活动 plenary sessions 全体会议 Human Resources Development人力资源部 faculty 各部门员工 Make a motion 提动议 I move that…should… 我提议 Second the motion 附议 amend the motion 对动议有补充 The vote is unanimous with four abstentions 除四人弃权一致通过 The motion passed unanimously 这项动议一致通过 Executive member 行政人员 on the floor 在与会者席上 Be present at… 出席。。。会议 be absent from… 缺席。。。会议

Unit 19

Service survey 服务调查 head office / head quarters 总部 A TV talk show 电视访谈 follow – ups 售后,后续,跟踪服务 Be carefree with our products 对我们产品无后顾之忧 build a good relationship with customers 与顾客建立良好关系 A customer satisfaction survey 顾客满意度调查 questionnaire 问卷调查 Follow-up e-mail survey 电子邮件作回访调查 door-to-door service 上门服务 Support service 辅助服务 well-established 具有良好声誉的 Customer interviewer 客服调研员 customer service clerk 客服人员 Contract employees 合同工 migrant employees 外来务工人员 Candidate 申请人,应聘者,候选人

Job promotion 工作提升,晋升 benefit package 福利待遇 Update skills 技术的提高 hold accountable for 对。。。负责任 positive image 满意的印象 positive attitude 正确的工作态度 The spirit of teamwork 团队精神 distribution of job assignment 工作任务分配 Public address 公共广播体系 PICC 中国人民保险公司 Field report 实地调查报告 test report 试验报告 Experiment report 实验报告 progress report 进度报告 Market report 市场报告 feasibility report 可行性报告 Budget report 预算报告

Seven in ten / seven out of ten / seventy percent 百分之七十 A majority of 大多数 a minority of 少部分 a proportion of A to B is x : y A与B之比为X比Y

Unit 21

Telemarketing 电话推销 Telemarketer 电话推销员 Office Suppliers corporation 办公用品公司 Evergreen Convention Center 常青会议中心 Hold / stage a training meeting 举行培训会议 Develop a round-the-clock meeting program 推出24小时会议计划 Handout materials 分发材料 meeting package 会议套餐 Evening sessions 晚上的课 training sessions 培训课 Name badge 胸卡,铭牌 meet one’s demand 满足要求 Offer you a special discount 给您关于。。。特价 Once-in-a-lifetime deal 千载难逢的机会 broadband cable Internet 宽带网 Put us on the “do not call” list 把我们的电话列入“免干扰” 电话名单中 Proceed to rip him a new one 继续骗他购买新品种 At low mortgage rates 低息抵押贷款 credit risk 信用 ,信贷风险 Condo/ flat / apartment 公寓 a Fabulous Low Rate Offer 提供低息贷款 Pro 赞成 con 反对 neutral 中立

Drum up business 招揽生意 build up customer awareness 增加对客户的了解 Confirm consent 明确表示同意 imply consent 默许, 默认 Get…in stock 有现货 delivery time 交货期 The Department of Health 健康部 salary before tax 税前工资 Starve of information 迫切需要各种信息 a little white lie 善意的谎言 Sewing machine 缝纫机 washing machine 洗衣机 For sale 待售 on sale 出售 off sale 打折销售 on display 陈列样品概不出售 order form 定货单 Goods No. / Item No. / Art. No. 货号 Name of Products / Name of Commodities 货名 Unit price 单价 Total Amount 总金额 Number / Quantity 数量 Discount 折扣

Unit 23

Complain about sth to sb / make a complaint about… to… 向某人抱怨某事 Claim compensation / make (raise, file, lodge) a claim against sb for sth 索赔 C.A. Consumer Association 消费者协会 the Tourist Board 旅游局 Sue sb for sth 起诉 Take responsibility for / be responsible for 负责任 Back me up / back up my story 支持我的说法 One-day tour to Zhouzhuang 周庄一日游 Please rest assured that/ You may rest assured that / You may take it 请放心 Forward sth to sb 把。。。转交。。。 return a product to a store 退货 Look forward to welcoming you again 期待您再次光临 Be disappointed to learn 遗憾地得知 the Complaints Department 投诉中心 Exchange a product for another one 换货 return … for refund 退货(退钱) On the label 标签上 price tag 价格标签 Trade mark 商标 What a rip-off 价格太高,真是敲竹杠