外研版高中英语选修六Module - 6导学案 下载本文

2. He gave orders that the experiment ____ before 5:30pm. A. be finished B.will finish C. must be finished

3. The young man insisted that he _____ nothing wrong and _____ free. A. did; set B. had done; should be set C. should do; be set D. had done; must be set

导学案三 Listening, Everyday English

一. .单词,短语,句型

blitz 闪电战 bomb n, 炸弹 station 根据地,基地 chain 链条

campaign 作战行动\\军事行动 the air-raid shelter 防空洞 be supposed to do 理应做某事 二. Listen to the tape and fill in the blanks.

Interviewer : I’m talking to Alice and Henry Potter, who were both living in London during the

Second World War, and who both ______________the bombing campaign which is _________________the London Blitz. Alice, what are your strongest memories of it ?

Alice: Well, I was only seven years old at that time, and the first bombs fell a long way from

my house. But I remember that the house_______, and I ___________my bedroom window. I

remember seeing fires in the distance. I’ve never forgotton that. London was ______all around me. There was so many fires that the clounds in the sky turned pink._____________.

Interviewer : Yes, indeed.


Alice: I also remember that my parents were very _____________me. Interviewer : Why ?

Alice: Because I was looking through my bedroom window. You weren’t ____________to

do that. You have to keep your windows covered all the time at night.

Interviewer : Henry. what are your first memories of the Blitz?

Henry: Well, I’m older than Alice, and I was 12 when the bombing started. The first thing I remembered was the sound of the planes. They_______ very low. My brother and I went out into the street to watch. We never told my parents about that. If I’d told them about that, they would have killed me!

Interviewer : How did you feel when you went into the street ? Were you afraid ? Henry: Well, yes, I suppose I was. But I also remember feeling very_________. Interviewer : And did any of the bombs drop near you ?

Alice: Not on the first night, no. And I often wonder why. I suppose because we weren’t

near any factories and we weren’t near the docks.

Interviewer : And later ?

Alice: Later, yes. A bomb fell on our street. Interviewer : Did you see it ?

Alice: No, we were in the air-raid shelter. Otherwise I wouldn’t have survived. Actually, we

were_______________________. That’s right, the underground station. If I remember rightly, we weren’t supposed to do that.

Interviewer : Really ?

Alice: Yes . The government thought that it wouldn’t be safe, so they put _______on the


doors. A lot of people thought it would be the safest place, so they ___________ the chains. After that, a lot of people went there.

Henry: And they were right. It was much safer in the underground.

Alice: Yes, you felt much safer in the underground. There were ________ above the ground

as well. And it was much noisier there.

Interviewer : Henry, What’s your strongest memory ?

Henry: One night, my father and me came out of the house later than everyone else. We had

to run about half a mile to the underground station. And it was one of the worst nights. The sky was ________________, and you could hear the sounds of falling bombs. That was___________. I’ll never forget hearing that sound.

Interviewer : What else do you remember ,Alice ? Alice: The firemen. Interviewer : The firemen ?

Alice: Yes, they were wonderful. As soon as there was a fire, a fire engine arrived. I can

remember them shouting to each other. Very ___________ men.

Interviewer : How often did the bombers come? Henry: Every night. Interviewer : Really ?

Henry: Yes, and not just once a night. I remember__________the time between the raids one

night----there was a raid every two minutes for about an hour.

Interviewer : Thank you both for sharing your memories with us. Alice: You’re welcome.


Henry: We should thank you . We appreciated the opportunity to talk. 三. Language points

1. If I remember rightly, we weren’t supposed to do that.

be supposed to do sth _________________

e. g.每个人在汽车里应当系好安全带.____________________________________ 该句型与否定词连用,表示委婉的禁止,意为: ___________________ . e. g. You are not supposed to smoke here.__________________________ suppose 用法:

①. suppose\\supposing that 可以起连词作用,引导条件状语从句. e. g. Suppose A equals B, what’s the result ? ②. suppose sb ( to be ) + adj.\\n. 认为某人…

e. g. All of his friends will suppose her to be his wife. ③. I suppose so\\not. 我想会的\\不会的. e. g. ---- It’s going to be fine this evening. ----- I suppose so.

④. I don’t suppose that… 我认为….不….(否定前移) e. g. I don't suppose that she will be back soon.

⑤. 疑问词+ do you suppose + 陈述句, 表示: 你认为…? 其中do you suppose 为插入语. e. g. Who do you suppose telephoned this morning?

(2011辽宁). What are you doing out of bed, Tom ? You’re _______to be asleep. A. supposed B. known C. thought D. considered.