初中英语语法归纳:被动语态 下载本文



重难点:掌握八种常见时态的被动语态,并能根据不同情景,灵活运用被动语态。 【知识总结归纳】

一. 概念:表示动作与主语之间是被动关系的句子是被动语态。 二. 主动语态与被动语态之间如何转换

We Visited that factory last summer ?主动语态

主语 谓语 宾语 状语

That factory was visited by us last summer ?被动语态 主语 谓语 宾语 状语

三. 各种不同时态的主动语态与被动语态的对比 时态 一般现在时 am / is / are + P.P. 主动语态 (1)Do they speak French ? (2)They don’t use the room . 一般过去时 was / were + p.p. (1)The hunter killed a tiger . (2)He wrote many stories last year . 现在进行时 am / is / are +being +p.p. (1)These workers are building a new bridge . (2)He is mending his car . 过去进行时 was / were + being + p.p. (1)He was selling books . 被动语态 Is French spoken by them ? The room isn’t used by them . A tiger was killed by the hunter . Many stories was written by him last year . A new bridge is being built by these workers . His car is being mended by him . Books were being built by him . The plan was being (2)They were discussed by them at that discussing the plan at that time . 1 / 7 初中英语语法归纳:被动语态

time . 现在完成时 have / has + been + p. p. (1)She has learned many English words . (2)He has finished the work . 过去完成时 had + been + p.p. (1)They has solved the problem . (2)We had told him the news by then . 一般将来时 shall / will be + p.p. Many English words have been learned by her . The work has been finished by him . The problem had been solved by them . The news had been told to him by us . (1)I shall make a plan . A plan will be made by me . (2)They are going to fix The radio is going to be the radio in an hour . fixed by them in an hour . (1)He told me they would paint the room . (2)They were going to put on a play the next week . (1)We should hand in our homework . He told me the room would be painted by them . A play was going to be put by them the next week . Our homework should be handed in by us . 过去将来时 would be + p.p. was/ were going to be + p.p. 情态动词 can / may / must / should + be + p.p. The question must be (2)You must answer the answered in English by question in English . you . 四. 如何正确使用被动语态

1. 有些动词带有两个宾语,即直接宾语和间接宾语,变被动语态时,可把其中一个宾语变成主语,另一个留在被动结构谓语后面。需要注意的是:若把直接宾语变成被动语态的主语,需要在间接宾语之间加上介词“to”。

eg. He often tells us interesting stories . (主动语态)


Interestingstoriesareoftentoldtousbyhim.?▲常带双宾语的词有:tell , show , lend , pass等。

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2. 在主动语态中,某些动词之后带有复合宾语,即宾语和宾语补足语,这个复合宾语由动词不定式来充当,to被省略,但在被动语态中,这个to还要还原。

eg. I often hear her sing this popular song . (主动语态) 宾语宾语补足语

???????复合宾语 She is often heard to sing this popular song .(被动语态)

▲ 有这种用法的常用动词有:make , let , see , hear , watch , feel , notice等。

3. 有些“be +过去分词”的结构并不是被动语态,它们有可能是“系表结构(即系动词之后由过去分词来充当表语)。”


。(被动语态)?ThedoorisclosedbyFengping.这个门是由冯平来关的。(系表结构)?Theglassisbroken.这个玻璃杯是坏的 (2)?

TheglasswasbrokenbyMary.这个玻璃杯是玛丽弄坏的。(被动语态)?4. 只有及物动词和可有宾语的动词+介词词组才可以有被动语态。 eg. ??GreatchangeshavetakenplaceinChina.(正确)

GreatchangeshavebeentakenplaceinChina.(错误)? ??Thedolphindisappearedinthedeepsea.(正确)



1. 被动语态的基本时态变化

被动语态通常为十种时态的被动形式, 被动语态由be+过去分词构成,be随时态的变化而变化。以do为例,各种时态的被动语态形式为:

1) am/is/are +done (过去分词) 一般现在时

例Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits. 2) has /have been done 现在完成时

例All the preparations for the task have been completed, and we're ready to start. 3) am/is /are being done 现在进行时 例A new cinema is being built here. 4) was/were done 一般过去时

例I was given ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer. 5) had been done 过去完成时

例 By the end of last year, another new gymnasium had been completed in Beijing. 6) was/were being done 过去进行时

例A meeting was being held when I was there.

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