220kV变电站电气部分设计(一次系统) 下载本文





关键词:变电站; 负荷计算; 短路电流; 设备选择;




Looking ahead, our ability to achieve the middle of this century, modernization, to a large extent depends on energy. The power industry is the basis of the national economy is an important pillar industry, the rise and fall with the State and the people closely related to the well-being, along with economic development and the rapid development of modern industry rise, more and more power supply system design comprehensive, systematic, rapid growth of plant consumption for power quality, technical and economic conditions, reliability of electricity supply are increasing, and therefore also have higher power supply design, better requirements.

Substation as a hub for power transmission and control to change the traditional design and control mode, to adapt to the modern power system, modernization of industrial production and the development trend of social life. The design discussion is part of 220KV electrical substation design (a system), First of all, analyze the original data and choose the main transformer, based on it , design the main wiring and Short Circuit Calculation, at last choose equipment, then mine and the protection of earth and distribution device.

Keywords: substation; short-circuit current; equipment selection; distribution





摘要 ............................................................... 1 ABSTRACT ........................................................ 2 1引言 ............................................................. 1 2电气主接线的设计 ................................................. 2 2.1电气主接线的概述 ............................................ 2 2.2电气主接线的基本要求 ........................................ 2 2.3电气主接线设计的原则 ........................................ 2 2.4电气主接线的方案选择 ........................................ 3 2.4.1方案拟定 ............................................... 3 2.4.2方案比较 ............................................... 6 2.4.3方案确定 ............................................... 6 3负荷计算和主变压器的选择 ......................................... 7 3.1主变压器的选择原则 ...................................................................................................... 7 3.1.1主变压器台数的选择 ..................................... 7 3.1.2主变压器容量的选择 ..................................... 7 3.1.3主变压器型式和结构的选择 ............................... 8 3.2负荷计算 .................................................... 9 3.3无功补偿 ................................................... 11 3.3.1功率因数定义 .......................................... 11 3.3.2功补偿容量计算 ........................................ 12 3.4主变压器选择结果 ........................................... 14 4站用电接线及设备用电源接线方案 .................................. 15 4.1所用电源数量及容量 ......................................... 15 4.2所用电源引接方式 ........................................... 15