人教版英语选修8课文原文及课文译文 下载本文

如果我没有弄错的话,你出生在里森格罗佛: 伊:(困惑不解的)如果我是又怎样呢?跟你有什么关系呢? 皮:(本来是一直望着这个姑娘的,这时跟希金斯说话了)太棒了!请问你是怎么知道的呢?

希:对人的发音进行研究、分类,如此而已。这是我的专业,也是我的业余爱好。你可以根据几句话判定是哪个地方的人。我可以根据任何谈话来判定他们是哪个地方的人,差距不过六英里,有时候在伦敦甚至不超过两个街区呢。 皮:恭喜你了!不过,你这样做有收入吗?

希:当然有哆,还挺高呢。这是个致富的年代 人们从伦敦的穷人区开始工作,年收入才80英镑,最后到了富人区工作,年收入就是10万英镑了,但是他们一张嘴就会露出马脚(暴露自己的身份)。如今如果让我一教,她就会变成一个上层阶级的淑女…… 皮:是吗?那太妙了! 希:(粗鲁地)你瞧这个姑娘,英语说得那样糟糕,使她注定要在贫民窟里待上一辈子。不过,先生,(高傲地)要是一旦有人教她把英语说好了,她就可以在三个月以内冒充公爵夫人出席大使主办的花园晚会了。说不定我还可 以给她找份工作,当一名贵夫人的侍女或商店的店员。这些工作都要求英语说得好呢。 伊:你说啥来着?店员?这正是我想要做的,真的! 希:(不理睬她)你相信我说的话吗?

皮:当然相信。我自己就学了好多种印度方言,而且…… 希:真的吗?那你认不认得皮克林上校呢?

皮:当然认得,皮克林就是我。那么请问您是谁? 希:我是亨利·希金斯。我还打算要去印度见你呢: 皮:我也正是到英国来找你的! 伊:我呢?你们怎么帮助我呢? 希:啊,拿去吧!(漫不经心地朝她的篮子里扔去一把钱)好老兄,我们该美美地庆祝一番了。(一道离去) 伊:(惊奇地看着收集起来的钱)啊,我还从来没有见过!整整一个英镑呢!一笔财富呀!这的确给我帮大忙了,真的。明天我一定去找你,亨利·希金斯。等着瞧吧!你那口(模仿他的声音)―真正的英语‖……(用自己的声音)我倒要看看你能不能帮我找到……(离去)

Using Language Reading and acting

Act Two, Scene 1


It is 11am in Henry Higgins' house the next day. Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering are sitting deep in conversation. H: Do you want to hear any more sounds?

CP: No, thank you. I rather fancied myself because I can pronounce twenty-four distinct vowel sounds; but your one hundred and thirty beat me. I can't distinguish most of them. H: (laughing) Well, that comes with practice.

There is a knock and Mrs Pearce (MP), the housekeeper, comes in with cookies, a teapot, some cream and two cups. MP: (hesitating) A young girl is asking to see you. H: A young girl! What does she want?

MP: Well, she's quite a common kind of girl with dirty nails.I thought perhaps you wanted her to talk into your machines. H: Why? Has she got an interesting accent? We'll see.Show her in, Mrs Pearce. MP: (only half resigned to it) Very well, sir. (goes downstairs)

H: This is a bit of luck. I'll show you how I make records on wax disks ...

MP: (returning) This is the young girl, sir. (Eliza comes into the room shyly following Mrs Pearce. She is dirty and wearing a shabby dress. She curtsies to the two men.)

H: (disappointed) Why! I've got this girl in my records. She's the one we saw the other day. She's no use at all. Take her away.

CP: (gently to Eliza) What do you-want, young lady?

E: (upset) I wanna be a lady in a flower shop 'stead o' selling flowers in the street. But they won't take me 'less I speak better.

So here I am, ready to pay him. I'm not asking for any favours - and he treats me like dirt. H: How much?

E: (happier) Now yer talking. A lady friend of mine gets French lessons for two shillings an hour from a real Frenchman. You wouldn't have the face to ask me for the same for teaching me as yer would for French. So I won't give yer more than a shilling.

H: (ignoring Eliza and speaking to Pickering) If you think of how much money this girl has - why, it's the best offer I've had! (to Eliza) But if I teach you, I'll be worse than a father.

CP: I say, Higgins. Do you remember what you said last night? I'll say you're the greatest teacher alive if you can pass her off as a lady. I'll be the referee for this little bet and pay for the lessons too ... E: (gratefully) Oh, yer real good, yer are. Thank you, Colonel.

H: Oh, she is so deliciously low. (compromises) OK, I'll teach you. (to Mrs Pearce) But she'll need to be cleaned first. Take her away, Mrs Pearce. Wash her and burn her horrible clothes. We'll buy her new ones. What's your name, girl? E: I'm Eliza Doolittle and I'm clean. My clothes went to the laundry when I washed last week.

MP: Well, Mr Higgins has a bathtub of his own and he has a bath every morning. If these two gentlemen teach you, you'll have to do the same. They won't like the smell of you otherwise.

E: (sobbing) I can't. I dursn't. It ain't natural and it'd kill me. I've never had a bath in my life; not over my whole body, neither below my waist nor taking my vest off. I'd never have come if I'd known about this disgusting thing you want me to do ...

H: Once more, take her away, Mrs Pearce, immediately. (Outside Eliza is still weeping with Mrs Pearce) You see the problem, Pickering. It'll be how to teach her grammar, not just pronunciation. She's in need of both. CP: And there's another problem, Higgins. What are we going to do once the experiment is over? H: (heartily) Throw her back.

CP: But you cannot overlook that! She'll be changed and she has feelings too. We must be practical, mustn't we? H: Well, we'll deal with that later. First, we must plan the best way to teach her.

CP: How about beginning with the alphabet. That's usually considered very effective ... (fades out as they go offstage together)

第二幕 第一场


第二天上午11点,在亨利·希金斯家。亨利同皮克林上校正坐着深切地交谈。 希:你还想不想听听更多的发音呢?

皮:不听了,谢谢。我本来还很自负的,因为我能清晰地发出24个元音来。而你发出了130个元音,其中多数我都分辨不清。你赢我了。 希:(笑起来)这都是练习的结果。

敲门声起,皮尔斯夫人(管)带着甜点、茶壶、奶酒和两个杯子进来。 管:(犹豫地)一个年轻姑娘求见你。 希:年轻姑娘!她想要什么?

管:哦,很普通的一个年轻姑娘,手指甲脏兮兮的。我本来还以为你是要她来对着机器讲话的呢。 希:怎么啦?她的口音很有趣吗?咱们来看看吧。皮尔斯夫人,带她进来。 管:(半听不听地)好吧,先生。(随即向楼下走去)

希:还真是运气,我让你看看我是怎样在唱片上录音的。 管:(返回来)先生,这就是那个年轻姑娘。(伊莱扎跟在皮尔斯夫人后边羞怯地走进房来。她穿着破旧的衣服,还脏兮兮的。进来就朝两位先生行屈膝礼。 希:(失望地)好啦,我已经给这个年轻姑娘做过记录了。她就是那天我们见到过的那个,现在根本没有用了,带她走吧! 皮:(温和地)年轻姑娘,你想要干什么? 伊:(不安地)我想在花店里当卖花姑娘,不想到街上去卖花了。但是他们不会要我,除非我讲话讲得好些,所以我来了,准备付给他钱。我并不是求他帮忙——可他把我当下贱人看待。 希:你给多少钱? 伊:(比较高兴地)啊,你发话了。我的一位女朋友跟一个真正的法国人学法文,每小时两先令。你总不会好意思

要我付跟法语同样多的钱吧。所以我最多给你一个先令。 希:(不理睬伊莱扎,而跟皮克林说)要是你想到这个年轻姑娘身上能有多少钱,那么,这就是我能得到的最高薪俸了!(对伊莱扎说)不过,要是我来教你,我会比当爸爸的还要严格。

皮:喂,希金斯。你还记得昨天晚上你说过的话吗?如果你能使她冒充一位贵夫人,那么我说你就是一位最了不起的教师了。我会为这个小赌当裁判,而且课时费由我来付。 伊:(感激地)啊!你真好,真好。谢谢你,上校。 希:哦,她真是粗俗得可爱!(提出折衷办法)好吧,我教你。(对皮尔斯夫人说)不过,她得先把自己洗干净了。把她带下去,皮尔斯夫人。给她洗一洗,把那身可怕的脏衣服全部烧掉。我们给她买新的。姑娘,你叫什么名字? 伊:我叫伊莱扎·杜立特尔。我是干净的,上个礼拜才洗过澡。

管:希金斯先生有自己的浴缸。他每天早晨都要洗澡。如果你要这两位先生教你,你就得照着办。另外,他们不想闻到你身上的那股气味。 伊:(哭泣)我不能,我不敢。这太别扭了,会要我的命的。我这一生从来没有在浴缸里洗澡过,特别是全身浸泡,冲洗腰部以下或者把我的背心拿走我也算是不会洗的。要是我知道你要我做这样的丑事,我是绝不会来的。 希:我再说一遍,把她带走,皮尔斯夫人,立刻带走。(伊莱扎跟皮尔斯夫人出去了,还在哭泣)皮克林,你看到麻烦了吧。不仅仅是语音问题,还得教语法呢。这两个方面她都需要。 皮:希金斯,还有一个问题。一旦试验完成了,我们准备做什么呢? 希:(兴奋地)把她扔回去。

皮:你可不能小看这个问题了!她是会变的,她也是有感情的。我们必须实际一些,难道不是吗? 希:这个以后再谈吧。首先咱们得制定一个最好的教学计划。


Unit 5 Meeting your ancestors Appendices 第五单元 拜见祖先



A group of students (S) from England has come to the Zhoukoudian caves for a visit. An archaeologist (A) is showing them round.

A: Welcome to the Zhoukoudian caves here in China. It is a great pleasure to meet you students from England, who are interested in archaeology. You must be aware that it's here that we found evidence of some of the earliest people who lived in this part of the world. We've been excavating here for many years and ...

S1: I'm sorry to interrupt you but how could they live here? There are only rocks and trees.

A: Good question. You are an acute observer. We have found human and animal bones in those caves higher up the hill as well as tools and other objects. So we think it is reasonable to assume they lived in these caves, regardless of the cold.

S2: How did they keep warm? They couldn't have mats, blankets or quilts like we do. It must have been very uncomfortable.

A: We've discovered fireplaces in the centre of the caves where they made fires. That would have kept them warm, cooked the food and scared wild beasts away as well. We have been excavating layers of ash almost six metres thick, which suggests that they might have kept the fire burning all winter. We haven't found any doors but we think they might have hung animal skins at the cave mouth to keep out the cold during the freezing winter. S3: What wild animals were there all that time ago?

A: Well, we've been finding the bones of tigers and bears in the caves, and we think these were their most dangerous enemies. Now what do you think this tells us about the life of these early people? (shows picture of a sewing needle) S2.: Gosh! That's a needle. Goodness, does that mean they repaired things? A: What else do you think it might have been used for?

S4: Let me look at it. It's at most three centimetres long. Ah yes, it seems to be made of bone. I wonder how they made the hole for the ...

S2: (interrupting) Do you mean that they made their own clothes? Where did they get the material? A: They didn't have material like we have today. Can you guess what they used?

Sl: Wow! Did they wear clothes made entirely of animal skins? How did they prepare them? I'm sure they were quite heavy

to cut and sew together.

A: Our evidence suggests that they did wear clothes made from animal skins. We continue discovering tools that were sharpeners for other tools. It seems that they used the sharpened stone tools to cut up animals and remove their skin. Then smaller scrapers were probably used to remove the fat and meat from the skin. After that they would rub an ample amount of salt onto the skin to make it soft. Finally, they would cut it and sew the pieces together. Quite a difficult and messy task! Now look at this. (shows a necklace)

S2:Why, it's a primitive necklace. Did early people really care about their appearance like we do? It's lovely! A:Yes, and so well preserved. What do you think it's made of?.

S4:Let me see. Oh, I think some of the beads are made of animal bones but others are made of shells.

A:How clever you are! One bone is actually an animal tooth and the shells are from the seaside. Can you identify any other bones?

S1:This one looks very much like a fish bone. Is that reasonable?

A:Yes, indeed, as the botanical analyses have shown us, all the fields around here used to be part of a large shallow lake. Probably there were fish in it.

S3:But a lake is not the sea. We are miles from the sea, so how did the seashells get here?

A:Perhaps there was trade between early peoples or they travelled to the seaside on their journeys. We know that they moved around, following the herds of animals. They didn't grow their own crops, but picked fruit when it ripened and hunted animals. That's why they are called hunters and gatherers. Now, why don't we go and visit the caves?



考:欢迎到中国来参观周口店洞穴。很高兴见到你们这些从英国来的对考古学感兴趣的学生。你们想必都很清楚,正是在这个地方,我们找到了世界上居住在这个地方最早人类的证据。我们在这儿进行的挖掘工作已经很多年了,而且…… 学1:





学2:哎呀,那是一根针!天哪,难道他们还会修补东西吗? 考:除此之外,你认为还可能派别的什么用场吗?

学4:让我看看。这个东西最多三厘米长,看起来像是用骨头做的。我不知道他们是怎样做成针眼的…… 学2:(插话)你是不是说他们自己做衣服穿?他们又是从哪里得到衣料的呢? 考:他们没有像我们今天穿的这种衣料。你能猜出他们用的是什么吗?

学1:哇,他们穿的衣服全都是用兽皮做的吗?他们那些衣服是怎样做成的?我确信它们裁剪并缝起来又厚又重。 考:我们有证据表明,他们的确穿的是用兽皮制的衣服。我们不断发现一些磨削其他工具用的工具。看样子他们可能是用磨尖的石器来切割野兽并剥皮,再用小一些的刮子把皮上的脂肪和肉去掉。然后,他们可能在兽皮上擦上大量的盐,使皮变柔软。最后进行剪裁,缝起来就成了。确实是既难又脏的活!现在来看看这个吧。(指着一串项链) 考:你真聪明!有块骨头实际上是野兽的牙齿,贝壳是从海边捡来的。你还认得别的骨头吗? 学1:这根很像鱼骨头,对吗?





Using Language Reading and speaking

THE FEAST: 18,000 BC

Worried about the preparations for her feast, Lala quickly turned for home with her collection of nuts, melons and other fruit. It was the custom of family groups to separate and then gather again at different sites for reunions as they followed the animal herds across the grasslands. A wrinkle appeared on her forehead. If only it could be just like last year! At that time she had been so happy when Dahu chose her as the future mother of his children. He was the best toolmaker in the group and it was a great honour for her to be chosen. She remembered the blood pulsing through her veins. She had felt so proud as the group shouted loudly to applaud his choice. If only she had looked ahead and planned better this year! Then she wouldn't have been feeling so worried now.

Having heard wolves howling in the forest, Lala accelerated her walk up the path to the caves fearing that there might be wild beasts lying in wait for her. She had no man with his spear to protect her. She had almost reached her destination when a delicious smell arrested her progress and she stopped. So the men had brought home the meat for the feast! The smell of cooking meat filled the air surrounding her, and her senses became dizzy with hunger. She could see her mother and the older children preparing the deer and pig meat over the fire. Her aunts were making clothes with animal skins.

Abruptly she sat down, only to be scooped up by her laughing, shouting sister, Luna. Lala smiled with relief. It was good to have her family around her.

Just then a tall man came up behind her. He had a large, square face, with strongly pronounced eyebrows and

cheekbones. Over his shoulder he carried several fish and some pieces of wood under his arm. Lala smiled and handed some stone scrapers over to Dahu, who smiled and went outside the cave to begin his task.

First he looked carefully at the scrapers and then went to a corner of the cave and pulled out some more tools. They were in a pile with other sharp arrowheads and stone axe-heads. He chose one large stone and began to use it like a hammer striking the edge of the scraper that needed sharpening. Now and then Dahu would stop, look at it and try it against his hand before continuing his task. He stopped when he felt the scrapers were sharp enough to cut up the meat and scrape the fish. As he passed them to Lala, the first of the guests from the neighbouring caves began to arrive for dinner. Lala's spirits rose. Yes, it was going to be just as wonderful as last year! She smiled to herself gaily and went out of the cave to welcome her friends and neighbours.


拉拉担心她这次盛宴的准备工作,所以赶紧把坚果、甜瓜和其他水果收集起来就快步回家了。由于在草原上放牧,家族成员先分散开,然后在不同的地方相聚,这是他们的一个习俗。她的额头出现了一道皱纹。要是能像去年那样就好了!当大胡选拉拉作未来孩子的母亲时,她觉得很高兴。他是这个家族中最好的工匠,被他选中对拉拉来说是莫大的荣幸。.她记得那时热血澎湃。当族人为他的选择欢呼鼓掌的时候,拉拉觉得非常自豪。她今年要是早有预见,计划得更好些就好了!那么她就不会这么担心了。 听见狼群在森林里嚎叫,拉拉加快了回洞穴的步伐,担心会有野兽在等着她。她身边没有男人拿着矛来保护她。快到目的地的时候,一阵香气扑鼻,她不往前走了,停了下来。因此那个男人把肉带回了家用来设宴!肉的香味笼罩着她,使她因饥饿而头昏眼花。她看到母亲和大一些的孩子在烧烤鹿肉和猪肉,她姨妈在用兽皮做衣服。突然间她坐了下去,但又被她那又笑又叫的妹妹卢娜一把搂了起来,拉拉宽慰地笑了,跟家人在一起实在是太好啦! 就在这时候,她身后出来了一位高个子男人。他有一张宽大的方脸,眉毛很重,颧骨突出,肩上扛着几条大鱼,腋下夹着一些木头。拉拉对大胡微笑着,递给他一些石头做的刮子。大胡也笑着,走出洞外,开始工作。
