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Jilin Songha Vinegar Ltd encourages initiative and creativity of its staff.


Our company culture is Trailblazing, Progress, Winning with Products and Customers Above All.


The strategy is to grow through technology.


We want to be a leader in new tech, new concepts and new ideas but follow a management path of our own.


Our advanced quality testing capabilities provide the technology basis for healthy and stable growth.


Our aim is to focus on food brewery, manufacturing and sales, and to grow into a diversified group of companies with scale.



Seal Management Rules of XYZ Co. Ltd.

1. 目的

建立印章管理制度,确保XXX有限公司能有效管理公司的各类印章。 1. Purpose These rules are to ensure that seals of XYZ Co. Ltd. are properly managed.

2. 范围

印章的管理涉及范畴:刻印、使用、废止、更换。 2. Scope

Management of seals covers their creation, use, cancellation and replacement.

3. 定义

公司印章主要指:公章、法人私章、合同章、财务章等各职能部门章。 3. Definiton Comapany seals include the corporate seal, legal representative’s seal, contract seal, finance seal, as well as seals of other functional departments.

4. 各类印章的具体管理条例 4.1 刻印


4.1.2因业务发展需要申请各职能部门专用章时,由需求部门填写《印章制发申请表》经部门经理核准后送交人事部门刻制。 4. Rules

4.1 Creation

4.1.1 The main seals (coporate, legal representative’s, contract and finance) shall be created under the responsibilty of the designated custodian, registered with the Finance Department, and subject to relevant rules on usage starting from the date of creation.

4.1.2 A functional department in need of a dedicated seal shall fill in the “Application Form for Creation of a Seal,” and upon approval of

the department manager, submit the form to the Personnel Department, which will then have the seal made.

4.2 使用

4.2.1 公章、合同章、法人私章、财务章均由财务总监保管。各部门有需盖 公章的文件、通知等,须先到财务部填写《印章使用申请表》,经财务总监核准后方可盖章。

4.2 Usage

4.2.1 The corporate, contract, legal representative and finance seals shall be kept in the custody of the Controller. For their use on documents or notices, the relevant department shall fill in and submit the “Application Form for Use of Seal”to the Controller for approval.

4.2.2 其他职能部门章:其他职能部门章,主要适用于各部门内部使用,已经刻制的部门章,需由部门负责人进行保管并严格该章的使用办法。(合计365字) Seals of other functional departments are mainly for use within the department. Such seals shall be kept in the custody of the department heads and be used in strict compliance with the rules. Internal