五年级A香港朗文版 下载本文

邦德教师帮你忙 轻松冲刺100分 五年级香港朗文版


1.Mr Green is a teacher. teaches Chinese. 2.Mary lives in Beijing. likes it very much. 3.Mimi is my cat likes fish very much.

4.Mr and Mrs white like China very much. say Chinese people is friendly. 5.Amy and I like playing outside. go to the sports centre every day. 6.This is my rabbit. love it very much.

7.Lily has two rabbits. She often takes to the park. 8.Tom is lovely. I like play with very much.

9.Jane is a good student. The teacher often praises(表扬) . 10.That is my ruler. Please give it to . 11.Where is my ID card? I can’t find . 12.You should help Tommy. You shouldn’t laugh at . 二、仿照例句,改写句子。 eg: This is my room. 1.That is your apple.

__________________________________________________________ 2.This is his cat.

__________________________________________________________ 3.Those are our books.

__________________________________________________________ 4.these are their coats.

__________________________________________________________ 5.That is her dog.

__________________________________________________________ 6.This is its fish.

__________________________________________________________ 三、用适当的代词补充短文。

Mr and Mrs Li went to Japan last week. After checking in they went to the departure gate. ‘Please show me (a) boarding passes,’ said the man at the gate. Mr Li gave the man (b) boarding pass put Mrs Li could not find (c) . ‘Where’s (d) boarding pass? You had it’ Mrs Li said to (e) husband ‘No, I didn’t. I only had (f) ,’ he



→This room is mine.

邦德教师帮你忙 轻松冲刺100分 五年级香港朗文版

said. The Lis looked through (g) bags. Just then a woman came. ‘I found this boarding pass,’ she said. ‘Is it (h) ?’ ‘Yes, it is,’ said Mrs Li. ‘Thank you very much.’ (a) (e) (b) (f)

(c) (g) (d) (h)

Unit 6 综合知识及练习

月 日 我花了 分钟完成

单词、短语: a harbour:港口 low buildings:矮房 a sedan chair:轿子 bicycle:自行车 重要句型:

There were many villages in old Hong Kong.

There are many tall buildings in Hong Kong now. Fifty years ago they got water from a tap. Yes, there were./ No, there weren’t. Yes, there was./ No, there wasn’t. Yes, I did./ No, I didn’t.

a village:村庄 a long bridge:长桥 a ferry (ferries):渡船

get water from a well:水井饮水

a housing estate:房地产、高楼 a hundred years ago:一百年以前 tram:电车 a tunnel:隧道

A hundred years ago people got water from a well. Were there any ferries in old Hong Kong? Was there an MTR? Did you watch TV?

语法:一般过去时(was, were, v-ed,不规则动词过去式) 一、用动词的正确形式填空。

1.My sister (be) a middle-school student five years ago. 2.I (see) Mary two days ago.

3.Shenzhen (be) a small city fifty years ago.

4.There (be) many bikes before, but now there (be) many cars. 5.There (be) a few cars one hundred years ago.



邦德教师帮你忙 轻松冲刺100分 五年级香港朗文版

6.They (have) a basketball match last weekend. 7.My father (buy) a new house last year. 8.Tom (swim) yesterday morning. 9.She (find) her book last week. 10.We (eat) a dinner last night.

11.There (be) many villages in old Hong Kong. 12.There (be) a railway in old Hong Kong. 13.People (listen) to the radio fifty years ago. 14.We (write) letters ten years ago.

15.A hundred years ago, people (ride) on bicycle. 二、句型转换。

1.There was a ferry in old Hong Kong.

→否定句__________________________________________________________ →一般疑问句________________________________________________ →肯定回答_________________________________________________________ →否定回答__________________________________________________________ 2.There were some ferries fifty years ago.

→否定句__________________________________________________________ →一般疑问句________________________________________________ →肯定回答_________________________________________________________ →否定回答__________________________________________________________ 3.People traveled by bus in old Hong Kong.

→否定句__________________________________________________________ →一般疑问句________________________________________________ →肯定回答_________________________________________________________ →否定回答__________________________________________________________ 4.Fifty years ago people got water from a well.

→否定句__________________________________________________________ →一般疑问句________________________________________________ →肯定回答_________________________________________________________ →否定回答__________________________________________________________



邦德教师帮你忙 轻松冲刺100分 五年级香港朗文版

Unit 7 综合知识及练习

月 日 我花了 分钟完成


1.get married:结婚 2.light firecrackers:放烟花 3.visit a temple:拜佛 4.make rice cakes:做年糕,做米糕 5.work in a field:种田 6.a servant:仆人 7.carry water from the well:从水进提水 8.make clothes:做衣服 9.Chinese New Year:新年 10.play with bean bags:玩豆子包 11.make lanterns:做灯笼 12.in spring:在春天 13.cabbage:卷心菜 14.watermelon:西瓜 重要句型:

1.The children are making rice cakes. 2.How many children did your father have? 3.What did you do last night? 4.When did you get married? 5.I played with bean bags. I played with bean bags too. 6.I didn’t work in a field. I didn’t work in a field either.

语法:1.一般过去时; 2.too/ either; 3.特殊疑问句when…/ How many…/ What…/ How much… 一、用词的正确形式填空。

1. you (watch) TV last night? 2.We (not play) basketball yesterday.

3.I (make) lanterns with my friends at last Chinese New Year. 4.She (get) married when she (be) fifteen. 5. you (help) with housework last Sunday. 6.My mother (visit) the temple last Sunday. 二、用too或either填空。

1.Tom and Tim don’t play football. Lucy and Lily don’t play football . 2.Lily had a dog last year. I had a dog last year . 3.Lucy didn’t go to school. Lily didn’t go to school . 4.My mother likes music. Her mother likes music . 三、仿照例句,将以下各句改写为短句。



邦德教师帮你忙 轻松冲刺100分 五年级香港朗文版

eg: I didn’t watch TV last night. 1.I like listening to music. 2.I don’t like meat. 3.I have a new bike.

4.I played the piano last Sunday. 5.I didn’t see a film last week. 四、对以下各句划线部分提问。 1.My father had ten children. 2.I went to school when I was seven. 3.My mother watched TV last night. 4.They had six servants. 5.We planted vegetables in spring. 6.The man planted watermelons last spring. 7.We made rice cakes on festival days. 8.I got up at 8:00 yesterday.

→I didn’t either. → → → → → → → → → → → → →

Unit 8 综合知识及练习

月 日 我花了 分钟完成


1.loud thunder:响雷 2.bright lightning:闪电 3.a fierce storm:飓风 4.grey sky:灰色天空 5.soft snow:柔雪 6.thick fog:浓雾 7.sunny weather:晴朗的天气 8.spring in England:英国的春天 9.make sb. happy:使…高兴 10.make sb. unhappy:使…不高兴 11.warm sun:温暖的阳光 重要句型:

1.In summer there are fiere storms in Hong Kong. 2.In autumn it is sunny in Canada. 3.Blue sky makes me happy. 4.Black clouds make me unhappy. 5.The sun is hot. The sun is shining. The hot sun is shining brightly. 6.The fog is thick. The fog is moving. The thick fog is moving slowly. 语法:

1.There be与have/ has 2.make sb. adj.(宾格) 3.adj. and adv. 一、用am, is, are, have, has填空。

1. it hot today? Yes, it . 2.I an umbrella. 3.Tina very happy. 4.I lucky to live in Hong Kong. 5.There many cars in Shenzhen. 6.Tom a new bag. 7.Tom and Tim unhappy today. 8.There a pen and two books on the desk. 9.The clouds black. It going to rain. 10.Billy does not a raincoat. 二、用适当的代词填空。

1.I like snow. It makes happy. 2.Lily is cold. Please give a coat. 3.Tim is a good boy, we all like . 4.Bob is my cat. I love very much. 5.Mary and Lucy are good girls. The teacher often praises(表扬) . 6.My sister doesn’t like black clouds. They make unhappy. 7.Peter and I are hungry. Please give some bread to . 我相信我一定行