2019高考英语夯实基础课后复习题19 下载本文



2019 高考英语夯实基础课后复习题 17 Ⅰ .单词拼写 1. We are________(乐观的)that the mainland and Taiwan will unify in the near future. 2. He can hardly find a job in the canteen, because he has no________(先前的)experience of this kind of job. 3. The people in Iraq lived a hard life, because it was________(不断地)hit by war. 4. The________(周围的)scenery is very beautiful. 5. The project failed due to________ (缺乏)of money. 6. If you________(按)the button, the machine will start. 7. He________(带领)us through the narrow streets to the central mosque. 8. She caught his eyes for an________(瞬间). 9. His wonderful speech made a strong________(印象)on his audience. 10. The workers and the boss have reached a________(协议)over new working conditions. 答案:

1.optimistic 2.previous 3.constantly 4.surrounding 5. lack 6.press 7.guided 8.instant 9.impression 10. settlement Ⅱ .完成句子 1. Playing games on the Internet________ ________(占用)most of his time.(take) 2. ________ ________ ________(不管是晴天还是下雨天), he got up at six and took a walk in the park.(or) 3. When he got there, he ________ ________ ________(看见)the ship on the sea but soon

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it was________ ________ ________(看不见了). (sight) 4. Our classroom should be________ ________(打扫)after class every day.(sweep) 5. He________ ________(加快速度)the car in order not to be late.(speed) 答案:

1.took up 2.Sunny or rainy 3.caught sight of; out of sight 4.swept up 5.sped up Ⅲ.单项填空 1. (2019衡水模拟)I’d like to bring up my child in healthy ________. A. surroundings B. occasions C. situations D. conditions 答案: A 句意:

我想让我的孩子在健康的环境里长大。 surroundings环境 符合句意。

2. (2019宜春市五校联考)Miss Green often said God helps those who help themselves, intending to ________ on us the significance of being independent. A. base B. impress C. focus D. rely 答案: B 考查动词。 句意:

格林小姐经常说自助者天助之 , 她想让我们铭记自立的重要意义。

impress on sb. sth.使某人铭记某事 。

3. They are against the proposal, for it________too much

farmland. A. puts up B. takes up C. gives up


D. makes up 答案: B 考查动词短语。 句意:

他们反对该建议, 因为它占用太多的农田。 take up占据 。

4. Just a minute, Miss White, our glasses have been______. Oh, sorry, they look like the same, and I am so careless. A. switched B. stolen C. broken D. robbed 答案: A 由答语可以看出, 说话者要表达的意思为我们的玻璃杯对调了 。

所以选switch, 意思是交换 。

5. He has recently________chess to provide himself with some relaxation. A. taken on B. taken up C. held on D. held up 答案: B take up开始从事 。 句意:

为了放松一下, 他最近开始下象棋。

take on穿上; 呈现 ; hold on握住 ; hold up阻碍 。 6. You may depend________it won’t happen again. A. that B. on that C. on it that D. on it 答案:

C depend on 意思是依靠 , it 形式宾语指代后面的 that 从

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